Freedom’s Great Effort

By Lorenzo!


The more out of your ‘comfort zone’ you are aiming for, naturally, the harder and more difficult the challenge necessary to, perhaps, see the results you are intending.

Now imagine, you are attempting to create something for your life you cannot think about but only feel. Something so far out of the ordinary, there are not words to describe it.

Well, in this so-called modern age, almost none of us have ever ‘enjoyed’ the opportunities to learn what this means. Our imagination, our intuition, our guts and love are all words we think we understand, but in practice their meaning becomes something much more abstract.

Adding  to that the fact that these are all unique to the individual and are often left unexplored or under-explored… well, the efforts required to uncover these hidden skills and faculties  (all related in my opinion to being free) require the biggest efforts of one’s life, mainly because of this strange ‘civilization”s death grip on these facts of our being remaining underdeveloped as they run contrary to its slave programming.

Imagination,  intuition,  and love.

Hard but great work, probably not the right word, work I mean, but it reflects the truth of where we’ve been left stranded in our experimenting with and determining for ourselves, if we are being successful or not at developing these abstract skills in such a barren world that does everything it can to discourage their practice.

Personally, I am intending freedom and for that I require all three of the above-mentioned ‘skills’, to be working at ‘maximum effectiveness’, and for that, I have had to put in ‘heroic’ amounts of effort. And I’m not finished yet, not judging by the very long road I can see ahead of me.

Being honest with myself, I can admit to knowing, even after many decades of effort that I still have so, so far to go. That I must double my efforts and then double them again to even continue to earn my chance of a chance for freedom.

To continue on this path, seemingly steeply uphill, it’s taking a huge mountain of effort to ‘reach and open the gates of freedom’, and then to move happily through..well, probably more effort required.

On that journey I often fall, and when I falI I go down, often over ground I just passed. It can be frustrating to say the least.  There is an old saying in Japan, which roughly translates, ‘’I fall down as a fool seven times, but I get up eight.’’  This pretty much ‘sweetly’ explains the often ‘painful and bloody’ process of ‘moving on up’.

Little is worth having, without some sort of effort. Truth be told, well my truth anyways, it’s a fun and satisfying battle, one mainly fought with oneself.

Battling one’s innate and learned weaknesses and overcoming those ‘blocks’, to realize oneself, not through emotion but through the honest energy of happiness is the work of this life for me.  One of it’s happy results is developing one’s body, physical, mental and other, to be  strong and ready for any action, in this world or any other, so that I may overcome whatever obstacle or challenge  life places in front of me.  And as long as my eyes are on the glory of the horizon and my Path is firmly guided towards Freedom the rest is just effort.

With much love, Lorenzo!


And a big thanks to the late Mark Rothko, wherever your spirit may be, for his painting used in the main image here, appropriately titled.

‘A great day for Freedom’


I’ll leave you all with a short poem, expressing my renewed ruthless feeling, aimed solely at myself and my efforts.


Bury the dead

Wake the living

Love Instead

Is All I’m Giving




For me, nothing good ever came without a lot of work. The bigger the change/challenge the bigger my required effort. I have to say there were times, even many times, when I wanted and tried to choose the ‘easy route’. But as we know, ‘sweet can rot teeth’, and easy makes one ‘squishy’. Bodies aren’t built on lazy, and not much gets done if one doesn’t get ‘off their ass’ and try. My ass for me, anyways. A definite work in progress, My Freedom that is.

Please enjoy this Video, perhaps a bit rough, but I was feeling rough that ‘very early’ in my morning, unshaven, just awake but with a big desire to share.

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And, with our Freedom NOW Festival coming this Spring/2021-enhanced ways for us all to interact and Communicate. For More Info, A media kit, or new ideas-free free to email us anytime. With much Love, Lorenzo!



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