Fresh Vegetables and Fruit Juices- – What’s Missing in Your Body – By:  Dr. N. W. Walker


“WHAT’S MISSING IN YOUR BODY? I know that if I do not drink a sufficient quantity of fresh, raw vegetable juices, then as likely as not, my full quota of nourishment – ENZYMES is missing from my body. How about you?




Dr. Walker was born January 28, 1867 and I have been told he died in December 1985. Dr. Walker began his journey into nutrition in his early 50s after he became very ill. At thesuggestion of Dr. H. William Baum, a chiropractor in NewYork City, Dr. Walker rejected the medical route, turned his back on the Sad American Diet of his day, and changed his diet to raw vegetarian. Not only did he recover from all of his physical problems, but he went on to live to the ripe old age of almost 120.

Dr. Walker was the “inventor” of carrot juice and became aprolific writer. His books have had a profound effect on mylife. This week I would like to share an excerpt from his book FRESH VEGETABLE AND FRUIT JUICES – WHAT’S MISSING IN YOUR BODY. As you read it, remember that he wrote these words over 60 years ago!

“WHAT’S MISSING IN YOUR BODY? I know that if I do not drink a sufficient quantity of fresh, raw vegetable juices, then as likely as not, my full quota of nourishment-ENZYMES is missing from my body. How about you?

You and you alone are responsible for the result of how younourish your body. The LIFE in your food is what counts.Your body is composed of billions of microscopic cells.Your very existence depends on them. They need nourishment, live, active nourishment. It depends on you, and on you alone, whether the food you eat results in nutrition or malnutrition!

ENZYMES – The basic key to the efficacy of nourishing your body is the life which is present in your food and of those intangible elements known as enzymes.

In other words, the element which enables the body to be nourished and live, that element which is hidden within the seeds of plants and in the sprouting and growth of plants is a life principle known as enzymes.

Enzymes have been described as complex substances which enable us to digest food and to absorb it into our blood.It has also been claimed that enzymes digest cancers.

In order to perform such classified operations, enzymes would require a body of some kind, a physical or material organism. This they do not have, any more than electricity with its multitude of phases, such as voltage, amperage, wattage, etc., does not have substance, but it activates substances of which it is not an integral part. Thus enzymes are not ‘substances.’ Enzymes are an intangible magnetic Cosmic Energy of Life Principle (not a substance),which is intimately involved in the action and activity of every atom in the human body, in vegetation, and in every form of life.

Once we get this clearly into our consciousness, we will know definitely why our food should be intelligently and properly selected, and why it should be raw, uncooked and unprocessed.

We cannot have life and death at the same time, either in connection with our body, or with vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. Where there is life, there are enzymes. Enzymes are sensitive to temperatures above 118 degrees Fahrenheit [We teach 107 degrees]. Above 120 degrees enzymes become sluggish, just as the human body becomes languid and relaxed in a hot bath. At 130 degrees, the life of enzymesis extinct. They are dead.

Within seeds, enzymes are in a dormant state, and under proper conditions will remain in a state of suspended animation for hundreds and thousands of years.

Life as LIFE cannot be explained, so we describe enzymes as a Cosmic Energy Principle or vibration which promotes a chemical action or change in atoms and molecules, causing a reaction, without changing, destroying or using up the enzymes themselves in the process.

In other words, enzymes are catalysts and as such they promote action or change without altering or changing their own status.

With this brief explanation, you are better able to appreciate the value, reason, logic and intelligence of choosing the food with which you intend to nourish your body, not only food in the raw state, but also food used and prepared so that it will nourish the cells and tissues of your body in the most speedy and efficient manner possible.

The great Law of Life is replenishment. If we do not eat, we die. Just as surely, if we do not eat the kind of food which will nourish the body constructively, we not only die prematurely but we suffer along the way.

Our body needs to be supplied daily with the same elements with which it is composed. Due thought, attention and consideration to the other two parts of our being, namely our mind and spirit, provides our total life with complete health.

We can eat the finest and most constructive food in creation, but this will not prevent the disintegration of the body if resentments, fear, worry, frustration and negative states of mind are permitted to obsess us.

Health is the indisputable foundation for the satisfaction of life. Everything of domestic joy or occupational success must be built on body wholesomeness and vitality…”

“Nutrition must be vital or ORGANIC. Salts and mineral matter must be vitally organic in order that they may be assimilated by the human body for the rebuilding and regeneration of the body cells and tissues.

The rays of the sun send billions of atoms into plant life, activating the enzymes and by this force they change inorganic elements into organic or life-containing elements for food. . . .

Our body is made up of many atomic elements. The principle ones are oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, sodium, magnesium, iron, iodine, chlorine, fluorine, silicon, and manganese.

Except for accidents, all the repair and regeneration of our body must come from within. The body is out of balance when the blood stream, cells, tissues, organs, glands and the rest of the body do not contain these elements in proper proportion or are deficient. The result is a condition thatis just plain poisonous. It is called toxemia.

In order to regain and maintain the proper balance of health, most of the food we eat must contain live, vital organic elements. These elements are found in fresh raw vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.

Oxygen is one of the most essential elements. As soon as food is cooked, its oxygen is lost. The enzymes are destroyed at 130 degrees, and most of the vital force needed for nourishment is dissipated.

The fact that for generations millions upon millions of people have lived and are living who have rarely if ever eaten anything but cooked foods does not prove that their being alive is the result of eating cooked foods. As a matter of fact, they are in a state of decadent existence which is confirmed by the toxic condition of their bodies.Else, . . . . why such a high rate of heart trouble, diabetes, cancer, emphysema, premature senility and premature deaths?

Our Creator developed the human body with an inherent colossal amount of tolerance. When we eat anything that is ‘not good’ for us or that is incompatible with our nutritional requirements and balance, we suffer. We are warned and punished by pain or by cramps, leading eventually to disease and perhaps to any one or more of the infinite number of ailments which afflict humanity.

Such punishment may not manifest immediately, nor be immediately apparent, but because of the body’s miraculous tolerance we will be kept waiting for days, perhaps months or maybe years, before the long-range retribution called for by Nature for the infraction of her laws catches up with us.

Once we discover the natural means to regain and to maintain our health at a high rate of vibration, we experience the bliss which results from putting that discovery into daily practice. It seems both strange and pitiful that so many people will not consider the matter but will deliberately continue into inevitable toxemia decadence. Mental and intestinal fortitude coupled with a little study could help them avoid premature and often painful disintegration.

WHY NOT EAT THE VEGETABLES? Without the knowledge of the principles involved in the use of fresh, raw vegetable and fruit juices, one would naturally ask: ‘Why not eat the WHOLE vegetable and fruit instead of extracting the juice and discarding the fibers?’

The answer is simple: solid food requires many hours of digestive activity before its nourishment is finally available to the cells and tissues of the body. While the fibers in solid food have virtually no nourishing value, they do act as an intestinal broom during the peristaltic activity of the intestines, hence the need to eat raw foods in addition to drinking juices. However, the removal of the fibers in the extraction of the juices enables juices to be very quickly digested and assimilated, sometimes in a matter of minutes, with a minimum of effort and exertion on the part of the digestive system. . . .

Whole vegetables and fruits are composed of a considerable quantity of fibers. Within the interstices of these fibers are enclosed the atoms and molecules which are the essential nutritional elements we need. It is these atoms and molecules and their respective enzymes in the fresh raw juices, which aid the speedy nourishment of cells and tissues, glands, organs and every part of our body. . . .

The juices extracted from fresh raw vegetables and fruits are the means by which we can furnish all the cells and tissues of the body with the elements and nutritional enzymes they need in the manner they can be most readily digested and assimilated. . . .”

If you have not read FRESH VEGETABLE AND FRUIT JUICES by Dr.N. W. Walker let me encourage you to do so. – and to think that he had this knowledge over sixty years ago!

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