From Engagement to Empowerment



“Existence is not experience.”


Founded on Fear


We are enslaved in a three-dimensional existence, programmed to project reality (illusion) instead of embody universality (being).  For the institutionalized mind, this statement evokes conspiracy theory, fantasy, lunacy, volatility and uncertainty.  What is present for those of us who cast disdain, judgement and ridicule at diversity is our fear and insecurity.  Instead of observing our opportunity to be an expression of our soul, we cling to our delusion within the illusion of “reality.”  Our egocentricity imposes our agenda for self-relevance, righteousness and vanity.  Fear is a force that influences us all.  Yet, it is our choice for consciousness we all trivialize.


Defending the Indefensible


Reality is the most powerful force in society.  It is even greater than “God.”  The absolute totality of our belief, engagement, investment and interaction certainly proves this bold statement.  It supersedes all social nuances, simply because it is human nature to exist within its mainframe; illustrated by our oblivion to the sheer scale of its assimilation, indoctrination and manipulation.  When we encounter diverse concepts, ideologies, observations and perceptions that challenge our reality, we fervently defend it with reckless abandon.  We are simply too terrified to admit we were deceived, mistaken, naïve and victimized.  Our egocentricity enables our enslavement.



The Con of Egocentricity


None of us want to be told what to do.  Yet, every day we depend on authoritarian entities and organizations for leadership.  It is an enigmatic and oxymoronic paradox to which we all subscribe.  In essence, a personal delusion we condition ourselves to emulate as a defense mechanism against ourselves.  Our self-centered oblivion enables our susceptibility to our ego, as does our emotional immaturity.  We allow our egocentricity to control us with our own arrogance, cognitive dissonance, doubt, fear, insecurity, oblivion and self-righteousness.  We are conned by our own egos, simply because we live in the triviality of our vanity.


The Vortex of Reality


Reality is a control matrix, designed and enforced to segregate us from our soul and the universe.  Our engagement in its virtual domain establishes our integration into its social operating system.  Our dependence upon its artificiality sustains our existential slavery.  When we invest ourselves into its matrix, we acquiesce our energy, thus our soul.  Reality is a black hole, ever distorting and devouring our life force.  It diminishes universality into a lower frequency, energy resonance, provoking negativity via an onslaught of virtual stimulation.  We enable our enslavement with our dependence, engagement, oblivion and reactivity.


“We are energetic vortices in the matrix of social reality.”




Within the Lines


We engage in personal and social conformity for ideology, intelligence, security, stability and wealth.  Without these standards of existence, the fragility of our artificiality inevitably spirals into chaos, destruction and even death.  Though we have a fundamental conception and knowledge of our enslavement, we forfeit our choice to be free.  Much like a computer, we are programmed with our every encounter in sociality.  The biological virtuality in which we are integrated is not a program, it is a virus, encoding the neural pathways of our mind.  We are enslaved into an existentially linear paradigm.  Our lives are simply simulations running within its lines.


Empowerment Assured


I have a great deal of compassion for people who are victimized by their conditioned oblivion; proliferated by extreme authoritarianism in social reality.  That is until I observe them pulling the wool over their own eyes, in an evasion of their truth, with the brazen arrogance of their egocentricity.  For years, I have written articles with the purpose of expressing clarity, distinction, insight and understanding.  However, I am aware, empathic and present enough to sense the biased, inhibited and selective comprehension of an indoctrinated populus.  In a dynamic as complex, distorted, manipulated and toxic, empowerment is essential.




Universal Origins


The Sun is the center of our galaxy.  The solar flare activity we have recently been observing in the temperature shifts of the Earth and the presence of the Aurora Borealis is not “climate change,” at least in the ways it has been scientifically reported.  Beyond the intellectual interpretations, hypothesized to impose and project reason onto universal mystery, the truth abides.  Our relativity with the universal energetic shift of the new era is empowered by the Sun.  Hence, it is the source of our transformational shift into transcendental being.  Our soul and the universe are one, synergized in an expression of universality.


Transcendental Shift


We have been in the era of transcendence since the Winter Solstice 2012.  It is essential we sever the infinite tethers we enact with our engagement in social reality, to fulfill our universal evolution.  We first need to acknowledge the slavery of our soul, enabled by our dependence on and obsession with artificiality.  When we are present to our soul, we can observe the cost of feigning our life with egocentricity.  In the face of universal opportunity, it is an evasion of our authenticity, integrity and universality.  The vital expressions of our evolution are empowering and embodying our transcendental shift.




From Engagement to Empowerment


For the last 12 years, I have practiced daily exercises to be aligned, centered, focused, grounded and related with my soul and the universe.  In transforming my behaviors, I experienced an extraordinary, transitional shift.  Its progression empowered my transcendence from artificiality.  Not with egocentricity, yet with universality.  Our universal evolution begins when we withdraw our engagement from social reality and embody the empowerment of our soul.  Each of us express a unique, energetic resonance.  Our soul sources our transcendence.  It shifts us from existence to experience, transforming our artificial engagement into universal empowerment.


“Empowerment is universality.”