From Reality to Universality



“Our enslavement in sociality exists as reality.”



Exodus of Existence


Annually, I participate in a week-long event.  For most, it may be just a week out of the year.  For some, preparations for the next year begin when the current one ends.  In my experience, one observation I have discovered is how much deprogramming from reality we must fulfill to be present to each other, nature and our prayer.  Every day, we expose ourselves to endless social influence, imposition and impact, tethering us to a carnal, hostile and toxic social reality.  Most of us adapt to this cooperative violence, patting ourselves on the back as we survive.  While some of us distinguish ourselves from this vicious cycle in our quest to thrive.


Decrypting the Script


Whether it is an event, retreat, seminar or vacation, freeing ourselves from the daily routines of social reality empowers us to become present to how much bearing it has on our experience.  We may encounter withdrawals from our personal dependencies on alternative, mainstream and social media, our devices, our lifestyles and our habitual and hereditary patterns of behavior.  Beyond the comfort, convenience, familiarity and safety of our individual and social artificiality, we can observe, experience and transcend the commonalities of our fear, insecurity and oblivion.  Decrypting our conditioning from this paradigm is essential for our transcendence.



Inherent Oblivion


All of us enable, engender and embody our share of oblivion.  This is not to declare everyone is “oblivious.”  The vital distinction of being is consciousness.  Living devoid of awareness is oblivion.  This statement is not new age, metaphysics or spirituality.  It is an expression and understanding of universality.  The accumulation of an unconscious existence, our enslavement in linear time and our personal and social exploitation has engineered humanity into egocentric automatons.  When we refuse to acknowledge and accept that we are victims of cognitive fear manipulation, we can never hold ourselves accountable for our voluntary engagement in a cooperative, sociopathic existence.


The TranscenDance


Being present to and experiencing the extraordinary requires us to observe, transform and transcend our institutionalized programming, thus enslaving us into a fixed, perceptual filter of existing as ordinary.  There is nothing of value in being human, and everything of essence in human being.  Being human is to acquiesce our universality for the egocentricity of artificiality:  heredity, ideology, media, politics, religion, science, self-righteousness, vanity and wealth.  Human being is our opportunity to shift from egocentricity into universality with charity, community, empowerment, experience, relativity, transformation, transcendence and understanding.


“Our social enslavement is our failure to be an expression of our soul.”




Environmental Empowerment


Once we have withdrawn from the routines of social reality, we begin to become present to the resonance of universality.  This transition can be inspiring, intimidating and terrifying.  In my recent experience, I observed that being in community, having a focus of intent and performing physical labor shifted me into an essential awareness, balance and relativity to express, embody and resonate with my soul.  I also observed this within the community, occurring uniquely with each person.  Environmental empowerment collectively evolved as our week together progressed.  Each year, we all establish a synchronicity of relativity.  That is until our event ends.


Returning to Reality


As there are over seven billion unique truths, there are as many or more exclusive realities.  Most misinterpret reality as their truth, yet the two are significantly distinct.  Reality is a simulation, based on our personal and social engagement.  It is a perceptual defense narrative we invent to endure and survive the chaos, cruelty, inequality, injustice and violence of society.  Our truth is the expression of our soul’s resonance.  In essence, universality.  It manifests as our unique, energetic frequency when we transcend reality.  Truth can never be discovered or established in a social paradigm.  It thrives in our personal intimacy and relativity with our soul and the universe.



Source of Experience


Existence is our commonality of living in oblivion.  It is a vortex that consumes our universality.  Experience is our unique expression of being.  In social reality, experience exists primarily in a vacuum of artificiality.  In other words, it is an enigma many associate with belief, ideology, religion or spirituality.  When we are in flow with the resonance of our soul, our perception of and interaction with social reality collapses, simply because our experience transforms our existence.  During the week of our annual event, this paradox ceases to exist, as our collective focus and purpose transcends our individual fear and insecurity.  Universality sources our experience.


Bittersweet Medicine


The personal reality we invent tethers us to the social reality in which we engage. It is all an illusion.  Our relativity with this simulation is our individual delusion.  Whenever we happen to transcend this matrix, we eventually return to its enslavement.  Our dependency upon its artificiality is beyond addiction. In the vicious cycles of sociality, there is a personal payoff we receive, justifying our obedient and oblivious engagement.  We can preoccupy ourselves with the diversions of reality to evade our soul.  Yet, when our personal and social “busy-ness” settles, our common truth remains.  We are a universal, energetic being.  Our soul purpose is to observe, empower, express, relate, transform and transcend.



Transcendental Shift


When we experience transcendence from social reality, we discover and explore the energetic flow of universality.  It is our true expression of being.  Everything that existed as “real” vanishes within the vortex of the social matrix. When we shift into this experience, we release who we were and become present to who we are.  Our vision, energy, heart, intuition and relativity evolve exponentially beyond the boundaries of our creativity, imagination, sensibility and understanding.  We are sourced by our soul, empowered by the momentum of universality.  This is the energetic flow of our transcendental shift.  Once we cross this threshold, there is no return.


From Reality to Universality


Shifting from social reality to universality is the essential progression of the new era.  Where we focus our attention (awareness) and engagement (experience) is where our energy flows (expression).  Being human is to sacrifice our personal power (empowerment), inverting universality (soul) into density (egocentricity); to impose, influence and impact our environment (artificiality) for authority (supremacy).  Our engagement in social reality is our enslavement.  Our relativity with our soul is our empowerment.  We are now in the era of transcendence.  Human being is our opportunity to transform, transcend and shift with the energy of universality.


“Freedom from reality is becoming an expression of universality.”