

by Elva Thompson


Hare Worship in the Ancient World


   The Hare by Walter De La Mare

Eyes that glass fear, though fear on furtive foot – Track thee in slumber bound.

Ears that whist danger, though the wind sigh not – Nor echo list a sound;

Heart—Oh what hazard must thy wild life be – With sapient man for thy cold enemy!

 Fleet scatterbrains—thou hast thine hour of peace – In pastures April-green

Where the shrill skylark raptures never cease, – And the clear dew englobes the white moons beam.

All happiness God gave thee, albeit thy foe- Roves Eden as did Satan long ago.   



 The Sacred Feminine


Revered in the ancient earth religions, the hare has been forgotten by the modern world. She has been relegated to children’s faerie tales and cartoons, hunted with beagles and coursed by greyhounds. The hare is not only persecuted and hunted on earth, she is also persecuted in the night sky. ‘As above so below.’ The constellation Lepus lepus(the hare) rises from the feet of Orion the hunter and is pursued by the demonic dogs of Sirius.


Gone are the days when the Hare Goddess Unnut ruled over the temples of Dendera in Egypt. Gone are the days when the Algonquin Indians of North America turned their faces to the east and prayed to the Great Hare who began the world: Michabo Ovisaketchak.

Seldom these days do the male dancers to the sun wear wristlets made of hare skin, symbol of the feminine moon and the act of procreation…. for with the coming of the invaders and the destruction of aboriginal oral traditions, this great understanding of polarity has been forgotten.


Lost now is Queen Boudicca of the Iceni and her hares of peace and Freya of the North with her hare companions. No more does the Hare in the moon stir the pot of immortality in China and Africa, and it is long been forgotten that in India, the Hindu call the hare in the moon Sasanka. Phonetically, sa is an earth frequency in sound sa-sa is earth…earth and staccato nka is a fire principle. Fire in the womb of Earth


The Hare as a Sexual symbol.


The Hare is a sexual symbol. She is the most fecund of creatures and can have three litters of leveretts a year and, is one of the very few mammals that can be pregnant with one litter and conceive again. This is known as superfoetation, defined as ovulation, fertilisation and implantation of a second set of eggs during pregnancy.[Rollhauser, 1949]

This probably explains why the Egyptian hieroglyphic for the verb to be: is a hare. The hare symbolises the sexual act, and the moon governs menstruation and the production of eggs. In the book The Lady of the Hare by John Layard there is a quotation from C.G.Jung about the hare as an archetype.


C.G. Jung, in his Integration of the personality, London, 1940, has this to say about the hare.


The most efficacious archetype of all, however, and of the greatest import perhaps for the very reason that archetypes have their strongest effect when not watered down by vain repetition, was one that is not recognised as a symbol at all by official Christendom, namely the hare.  And since this archetype has not as far as I know, yet been taken note of by psychologists, I propose now to trace its history in such measure as is possible from available sources.



The Easter Bunny


Easter falls on the full moon after the spring equinox and in the ancient world the goddess Eostre presided over the four day period. It is from the name of the Hare goddess, Eostre/Eostra/Eostara that we get the words oestrogen and oestrus. Some say there’s a man in the moon, but the ancients knew that the legs of the man are the ears of the hare that forever stirs the pot of immortality[sex]. Spring is the celebration of the sexual act[spring, leap, jump]. The hare is the essence of fertility and at Easter, the ‘Easter Bunny’ comes bearing the egg of life.


The hare is the symbol of the sacred feminine, the dawn, the east, the air, the leaping[semen]hare. This mystical and magical creature has been reduced to the Easter Bunny, a chocolate egg, and a creature that is hunted and ripped apart for fun by the soulless.


The God Pan

Her consort is the horned god of the forest, the great god Pan… and it is interesting to note that in the myth of ancient days, Pan was born in a hare skin, symbolic of the innocent sexual act that is Nature. Pan is the Sacred Masculine, and the Hare the Sacred Feminine of the ancient world.



These two great polarities of nature have been belittled or forgotten by modern man in his materialistic madness.


Until next time. Align yourself with life.


Stay tuned…Join the fourth dimensional rebellion….


Stay Tuned…


Heartstar Is A Series Of Four Books… One In Each Direction.



Only You Can Complete The Circle.


Read ‘Book One: The Key Made of Air’ And Begin The Journey.


Read ‘Book Two: The Gates to Pandemonia’


Read ‘Book Three: Walking in Three Worlds’ NOW Available


About the Author



Written by ethompson

Elva Thompson was born in England in 1947 and moved to Rosebud Lakota reservation in 1987. She is the author of the Heartstar Series; Book One: The Key made of Air, Book Two: The Gates to Pandemonia, and Book Three: Walking In Three Worlds. Her other interests include organic gardening, ancient phonetic languages, sonic sound and their application in the healing arts. She is also a medical intuitive and teaches sonic re-patterning using sound, colour, and essential oils. Elva Thompson is on Amazon Author Central @ amazon.com/author/heartstar



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