How I Am Free! By Lorenzo!


Welcome Everyone! Please Forgive the Video Quality.

My inspiration demanded I make this Video ‘on the fly’.

New Equipment Coming Soon.

How I am Free. Lorenzo. G.M. Content Producer. New Now. New Agora.

In exploring personal freedom I have come to the inescapable conclusion that honesty, no matter how crazy, difficult or unpopular it may seem at first, is absolutely required to be of authentic help. No more holding back. The time for filtering communications for acceptance or approval, or what some might call ‘reasonableness’ has passed like a ‘tsunami of emotion’. I am ready to stand ‘naked’ and share from my heart and to allow inspirations to go where they may and see what comes.

Please like and subscribe, and above all, comment so we may continue this exploration together.

The full intent of these videos is to inspire more for and from our viewers.

Resources Mentioned: Creative Victory- Reflections on the Process of Power.…

Fuck, Yes! ‘A Guide to the Happy Acceptance of Everything’…

Ain’t Nobody’s Business if you Do. ‘The Absurdity of Consensual Crimes in a Free Society’.…

I have read these three books, Creative Victory at least Thirty Times, and hundreds of more besides. Proof, in my opinion, that your answers about ‘how to be free’ are out there for the ‘picking’.

The only thing we are left with, if we use any excuse whatsoever to not be free, is that a ‘hollow feeling of unaccomplished dreams’. Sounds Horrible to Me! We can do better, be better. This is the challenge of becoming our New Now.



Ready when You are. Lorenzo. G.M. Creative Producer.
Participate if you Dare.
Our Lovely Theme Song ‘Ain’t Going Back’ Sung and Arranged by Damon Shea


And, what are you waiting for, come over, ‘Like and Subscribe’ already, it helps us to help you. May as well leave a comment while there, after all, who else really, honestly, cares what you have to share. Well we do!

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