By Vic Bishop

“Whatever it is that is your vision, you’re just going to have to be passionate enough to invest your attention and your energy into that future over and over again, till all of a sudden you start seeing feedback in your life.”
Dr. Joe Dispenza

One of the most beautiful aspects of today’s highly connected technological world is that we have access to an extraordinary amount of ideas and information, which can forever change your life for the better, if only you would apply them toward your personal evolution.

Couple this with the fact that science is finally beginning to merge with spirituality, and you have an unbelieveable opportunity to evolve into something that has never before been possible. If we want to become superhuman, we can.

At the center of all this lies the human capacity to make contact with ‘the field,’ which is a way of referring to the energy of the universe that pervades all things. The Chinese hint at something similar when they describe chiThe Jedi refer to this field as ‘the force.’

Make no mistake, this is real, and we have the science now that confirms it. We now know for sure that what we think of as matter is actually just energy, vibrating at whatever frequency needed to create an object, being, or thought. And our mind has the ability to organize this energy into material things, which is something we are just now beginning to grasp.


But how do you put it all together in a cohesive way of being that allows you to actually experience the most extraordinary possibilities in your life? How do you bring all this knowledge together to actually elevate your consciousness?

It all happens in your mind, as quantum physics proves. What you do inside of your mind creates the outcomes you see in the world. Whatever it is you are ‘being’ in your mind, is what you will be in our shared reality.

The key to getting this and to putting it to use in your life lies first and foremost in your beliefs about the nature of reality. That is, do you see reality as being a fixed stage where you are merely playing along with what is presented before you? Or do you see reality as an ongoing creation of the imagination of human beings, where our beliefs and thoughts shape the contents and form of the stage?

If you want to shift your consciousness and make contact with the field, you apply your attention, energy, thought and imagination to doing so. The tools of the mind are the workbench for creating anything, and without an understanding of how to properly use it, it is easy to squander or never fully take advantage of ability to create. To live in chronic mediocrity.

This presentation by consciousness researcher Dr. Joe Dispenza is an excellent primer on this idea, explaining how the power of the mind is used by people with terminal diagnoses who somehow are able to enter spontaneous remission of disease.

If you believe that this is possible, then it is possible. If you don’t believe that it is possible, then you only have to rewrite your beliefs, which is something any of us can do. What do you think? Is there an intelligence within you that is capable of affecting matter and reality?