I Will Not Give Up




We all knew more tyranny was on the way. We all knew more lockdowns were coming. We all knew that masking mandates and restrictions on travel and assembly would happen. Trudeau told us. Agenda 21 told us. The World Economic Forum told us. Joe Biden told us. And yet, it took me by surprise when our various governments imposed even more restrictive measures this week. It’s like knowing someone is going to die and still being shocked, hurt and sad when it happens.

This week we witnessed our governments upping the ante under the guise of “sky-rocketing” case numbers. They assume their magician’s sleight of hand will go unnoticed; that no one will notice that hospitalizations and deaths are a fraction of what they were in April. In my own health region, we are under lockdowns, business closures, restricted assembly and full force masking in spite of the fact that the number of purported deaths from COVID since the beginning of the year is three, and the number of people currently in hospital is one.


I see the fraud, the deception and the violations, and it hurts.

It hurts to see the majority of my community wearing masks.
It hurts to see the elderly so afraid that they won’t hug their grandchildren
It hurts to see children living in fear of killing their parents or grandparents
It hurts to see people afraid of each other
It hurts to see businesses closing, many of them never to re-open.
It hurts to see children afraid to play with their peers.
It hurts to see a piece of cloth rather than a smile.
It hurts to see citizens being turned into masking police and snitching on each other.
It hurts to see the deception by our governments and media.
It hurts to see that science and facts don’t matter.
It hurts to see our rights and freedoms so callously violated.
It hurts to see any differing perspectives censored and individuals shamed.
It hurts to see the loss of humanity.

The hurt causes me to get angry, move into judgement, and want to lash out against those I perceive as asleep, complicit, and actively violating my rights.

But I need to rise above my hurt, anger and judgement.
I need to be a light in this darkness.
I need to be an island of sanity in this insanity.
I need to do everything I can to hold our families, friendships and communities together.
I need to find a path that transcends the darkness, the fear and the despair.
I need to be an example of hope, peace and love.
I need to remind myself that those around me who are wearing masks and living in fear are doing so because they have been so massively deceived. They’ve been conned by this global fraud; by this COVID conspiracy.
The conspiracy can be defeated.
They are not as powerful as we think they are.
They do not control everything and everyone.
The conspirators do not control us.
There is a growing body of humanity who sees the fraud, the conspiracy.
We have pulled back the curtain and see the smoke and mirrors; we know the emperor has no clothes.
We have the courage to see the truth.

Conspiracies cannot survive in the light. Both the light of exposure, and the light of love, compassion and hope. The conspirators require the darkness of censorship and fear to do their dirty deeds.

We need to stand up to this conspiracy.
We need to hold hope that we can come through this adversity stronger and wiser.
We need to challenge the fraud.

I will not give up my right to assembly.
I will not give up my right to say no.
I will not buy into the fear and despair.
I will keep telling the truth, regardless of the consequences.

But this battle will not be won in a day or a week or a month.
The conquest of humanity has been decades in the making and it will not be overturned by the stroke of a pen, our protesting at freedom rallies, or by the election of a new leader.

It will be overturned by us growing in strength and wisdom each and every day.
We are up against a bully of massive proportions, but this bully is not all powerful.
There is a reason we’ve grown up with the story of David and Goliath.

Our goal each day is to strengthen our resolve, deepen our wisdom, grow our compassion and stand in our authority.
This is a time of transformation.
I’m up for the challenge and I know all of you are as well.
It will not be easy. But nothing important comes easily.

We are fighting for freedom, for our families, and for the future of humanity.
This war may take years or even decades.
I will not give up.

Ted Kuntz, President

Vaccine Choice Canada

November 25, 2020


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