Interview 1543 – Iain Davis on COVID-19, LOKIN-20 and the Death of Statistical Sense


Today we’re joined by Iain Davis of for an update on how Britain is reacting to the coronavirus madness that is sweeping the globe. We talk about COVID-19, the Coronavirus Act and other legislative nightmares, the statistical chicanery that is perpetuating this crisis, and how people across the UK and around the world are reacting to the new normal.



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COVID 19 Is A Statistical Nonsense

LOKIN-20 The Lockdown Regime Causes Increasing Health Concerns

Coronavirus Lockdown And What You Are Not Being Told – Part 1 & Part 2

Coronavirus Act 2020

Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984

Youth Strike For Globalist Propaganda

The global response: Working together to help the world get better

Coronavirus: Could biometric ID cards offer the UK a lockdown exit strategy?

Coronavirus UK: health passports ‘possible in months’




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