

April, 2021


I begin this article with a quote by Bill Frezza, who wrote a terrific article on January 4, 2020, before the covid movie went into worldwide circulation, sweeping up the minds of hundreds of millions of people in March 2020, called “Build your own intellectual oasis”:


“What a relief it is has been to come to that realization!  Our natural and laudable social instincts that lead us to be interested in and concerned about others have been hijacked and weaponized by forces we can’t control and don’t yet understand.  More of us need to break the spell so we can gather our wits.  Wouldn’t the world be a better place right now if more people minded their own business instead of running around like packs of howling lunatics triggered by whatever contrived threat or outrage our politico-media complex pumps into the atmosphere 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year?”


I might add that some of us know what the forces are.  We see the corruption that runs so deeply in worldwide society, driven by a few who know how to manipulate how people perceive things.  It is our perception that drives what we see as reality, but is that reality true?  When perception is continuously manipulated, who can see through it?  Who can determine what is real and what is Memorex?  Who even thinks to ask?


You may say, but why would those people do this to others? First of all, I question if they are people, human beings.  Secondly, the answer is simple.  They manipulate our perception of reality so that we will create their world for them: A world where we pay for them to be free so they can make the rest of us their prisoners and slaves.  Wow! What a deal.



Many years ago, I unplugged my TV.  I stopped listening to the radio, and tossed my cell phone. These were the most positive and beneficial moves for me.  I was no longer barraged with the politico-media fear frequency of propaganda that make you willing to give up your rights for a modicum of pretend safety, and commercials that make you feel you can’t belong to the herd if you don’t buy their products.  I didn’t want to be in the herd if it meant losing my sense of self, my integrity, and freedom.



I’d already fought too hard to get my mind back from the childhood traumas followed by demonic attacks. https://keyholejourney.wordpress.com/2016/07/21/the-thats-a-lie-program/. I had no intention of going back that way.  Once you open your eyes and see through the false reality, you can’t un-see it.


For many years, I have advocated unplugging from the system as we know it today.  Unplugging may be done in a number of ways, from quitting your job and moving to the country to live in a homestead fashion, to removing your money from big international banks to a local bank https://home.solari.com/, to merely changing your focus from the “news” that spews concocted stories of doom and gloom, to something that brings you pleasure, to shopping at local stores and farmers markets instead of spending your money at big box stores and grocery chains that promote toxic foods without batting an eyelash, to taking charge of your own health by realizing the dishonesty and fraudin the health care system. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/01/08/global-health-care-corruption.aspx


I wonder when more people will start thinking along those lines. How long will people remain mentally, emotionally, physically, and psychically “broken”?


It’s not my job to fix anything.  I can’t.  It’s too big for one person.


The only thing I can work on fixing is me.  As I am doing this, I thought, If lots of people fixed themselves, the world would change to one that resembles sanity.  That’s why I am writing this article to suggest you consider this idea – in earnest.


Think of it.  Imagine a world where the war machine technologies are used to enhance humans and all living things on this planet.


Imagine a world where people are no longer being monitored for the purpose of controlling how they think.  That monitoring technology could be put to much better use.  For example: Monitor the trouble spots on the planet and use technology to make repairs.


Control, control, control.  That’s the current mindset of the controllers.  When people go along to get along, freedom is completely lost.



What would happen if most of us decided to unplug? First, without constant feedback form the Propaganda Machine, we would begin to think differently.  Scary?  Not really. Just different than what was before.


Who can handle Different?  Today, not many.  We prefer the comfort of the “norm” but what is the “norm”?  Is it thinking for yourself or is it thinking the way others want you to think?



So I leave you to ponder this.  Can you be on your own, without the TV, without the iPad, without the cell phonefor a day, a week, a month – ultimately all the time?




Can you think for yourself, on your own?  Can you ask yourself questions when you see or hear something from media, like “Is this true?”  Can you take some time researching the answer to that question?


What would happen if you decided to try that, as an experiment?  Would you starve, die, lose who you are?


Rest assured if you remain status quo, life will go on as it is and you won’t enjoy any freedom.  You won’t experience the joy of feeling good about yourself.  You’ll remain a resident in Plato’s cave and you will teach your children the same, thus preventing an opportunity for them to experience freedom on this absolutely beautiful planet.:



Take a chance.  Unplug now and start fixing yourself.  Seek help if you need it.  The choice is yours.



About Sherry Swiney:

Sherry Swiney has a B.A. in Business Administration from San Francisco University, and two years of Civil Engineering from Heald Engineering College.  She is Lead Quantity Surveyor for The Venus Project.  Sherry researches quantum physics, as related to spiritual development and physical well-being, archaeology, organic gardening, alternative healing, paranormal and other unusual topics.  She is a co-author with Jerry Marzinsky of “An Amazing Journey into the Psychotic Mind – Breaking the Spell of the Ivory Tower.”  Her website is KeyholeJourney.com





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