In But Not Of?


So, what does it mean to be in this world but not of it? I don’t know for sure… in and not of. That kind of pre-supposes that the world is bad and we don’t want to be ‘of’ it. Something to think about – this being a world we don’t love being of.

I wonder what life on earth could be if we were to exit destruction and enter creation. Could it soon be so beautiful we would rejoice to be of it?

There is a remembered childhood feeling and image in my mind of a great city descending, and its countenance is feminine. It comes out of the Bible although it may be in the Qur’an too; many stories are in both. The image is heaven descending to earth and it is incredibly beautiful.

The feminine returns, descends, purified, radiant, overflowing with beauty. I loved this as a little girl – it opened my heart, made me dream and yearn.

Imagine that the Divine is contained in our earthly physical form. It is. Imagine that the body itself is communicating more information than we realize. It is. Can we embrace being of the earthly world and apply ourselves to it?

Maybe we could say ‘in the world of form and of heaven in spirit’ – both being One. That would be comfortable and it would strengthen us to participate.

Take a breath and observe yourself: Is it true to you that you chose this moment; you are a participant in it and co-creator of it? We are to take responsibility in the world as it exists, while at the same time knowing this is an evolution story, full of experiences, and we are playing a role.

Right now there’s something that feels like a Great Battle going on. What it is, is consciousness expanding – heart-mind coming in, shining. It feels like a battle because some things come to an end – or get transformed.

A great web of deception has been used to control humanity, for a reason, and it’s now time for that which is hidden to come to light – transparency time is a very good thing – be grateful for it. We came here to assist in restoring life on earth as it is meant to be: an enjoyable experience in physical form.

No more war. No more of this rape and plunder. Change course. Turn and look without fear – this is our story to write. We, if we so desire, can bring justice and balance, with the intention of liberating and unifying the peoples and individuals of the earth. We can turn toward being a real human who can feel. And we can do it in faith – since we already know that the outcome of integrity in our personal lives is peace.

Always do the right thing – we can feel what that is when we take a broader view. Be real, be fair, acknowledge what exists and create a higher way where you are. Heaven descended – so the book says. Let’s make it real – day by day, choice by choice, love yourself and love one another.


2015-01-21 12.20.06Well, let’s see… what would you like to know about me? I’ve been here for six decades, came into the earth in a little town in South Dakota, enjoyed some really high moments giving birth to four sons, lived this experience and that experience and then more and more… it kind of seems like several lifetimes because these experiences stretched pretty deep and wide and high, which is wonderful! And I’m ready for more… good things… love stuff… light!!


Holding the Nobull Peace Prize – January 2015

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