International Public Notice: The Source of All Rights


by Anna Von Reitz


Our Natural and Unalienable Rights declared and claimed and cured via The Declaration of Independence, not any Constitution, are a result of our nature as independent living beings blessed with free will and mobility.


Our ability to speak declares our right to speak, just as our ability to hear declares our right to hear. Our ability to reason and choose between options is the hallmark of our free will. Our ability to discern truth from falsehood conveys our moral faculties and the right to exercise them.


There is, therefore, the Kingdom of Nature and of Natural Rights, which pre-dates and stands over any Law of mankind.


Give your attention to this source of all rights, for it is the bedrock of our common existence and mankind’s natural social fabric.


It’s only when men tamper with this Natural Law to deny the Natural Rights of others, that arbitrary and capricious injustice follows, and the contracts and conventions of men attempt to overcome both the Nature of Mankind and the Natural Law that governs us.


Our American Government wisely admits and supports the Natural Laws that govern our world, our nature, and our existence. We accept the fact that our species is mortal and we do not seek to unnaturally extend the life of an individual by impersonating them.


We uphold the Natural and Unalienable rights of living people, regardless of age, sex, color, national origin, religion or any other factors that foreign governments have used to justify the denial of the Natural and Unalienable Rights of individuals.


Our Federal Subcontractors universally deny themselves the Natural and Unalienable Rights by subjecting themselves to Social Contracts that disrespect Nature. By virtue of their choices, they elect to act as persons and to be impersonated.


They agree to indentured servitude for a period of years, known as a tour of duty, or they agree to enslavement as government servants, but in no case do they possess themselves the Natural and Unalienable Rights they are hired to protect.


There is a misguided idea that the Constitutions, which are service contracts that we hold with these foreign persons, are the source of our rights; rather, the Federal Constitutions stipulate and guarantee that our public servants will respect our Natural and Unalienable rights and will be limited in the exercise of any powers delegated to them by the Federal Constitutions.


These Public Employees have sought to evade their contractual obligations to us by using two criminal ruses: first, by registering American babies as British Territorial U.S. Citizens, and second, by then subjecting these misidentified American babies to the Law of the Sea, thereby denying them the protection and guarantees of the Law of the Land in general and the benefits of the Federal Constitutions, specifically.


The Supremacy Clause of all three Federal Constitutions declares that the Constitutions are themselves the Supreme Law of the Land, so our erstwhile public servants have contrived to reduce us to the status of foreign persons and traffic us into the jurisdiction of the sea, in order to evade the Law of the Land and their own contractual obligations.


This is a form of human trafficking caused by unlawful conversion of nationality and political status and is strictly prohibited under both the Hague and Geneva Conventions.


The Perpetrators try to excuse their heinous mistreatment of their Employers via a variety of False Claims:


(1) They claim we are incompetent to administer our own Law, which we created and placed on the Public Record;


(2) They claim that our government is in interregnum because a part of our government has been dormant and inoperative for 160 years; however, that part was never crucial to the function of our government as a whole, and we are not obligated to reconstruct or use it to conduct business;


(3) They claim that because their abuse of their Employers predates their signatures on the Hague and Geneva Conventions, that it is okay for them to continue practices that they otherwise agree are criminal;


(4) They persist in committing acts of fraud and inland piracy in this country which are internationally and universally recognized as crimes, and have institutionalized their crimes against us to the best of their ability;


(5) They, the owner/operators of the offending commercial and municipal corporations, have been given Due Process and have still not corrected their operations to bring them into compliance with their Service Contracts, that is, the respective Federal Constitutions; they have pretended that our actions have only applied to one or another bankrupt corporate service providers supported by the same Principals – however, our action was brought against the Principals themselves and only secondarily against the corporations they have been using as an artifice to do their dirty work.


These and other self-interested misrepresentations made by our Federal Employees have been objected to in a timely fashion, and we continue to bring forward our claims against them and the Principals responsible for their misadministration.


We continue to claim our Natural and Unalienable Rights as well as all contractual guarantees and treaties owed to us.


Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.


Issued by:

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

October 15th 2024