Introducing Dani Katz!
Dani Katz, M.A. (focus: media literacy, quantum language)
An author and languaging expert, Dani has written a number of books, including Word Up: Little Languaging Hacks for Big Change, The Language of Betterarchy, Pop Propaganda: An Illustrated Guide, and Yes, I Am, along with Spirit Hacking for Shaman Durek.
A trained investigative reporter (MA, USC) with a keen eye for bullshit, a yen for pattern recognition, and a bold-ass voice, Dani has spent more than two decades exposing injustice, unearthing deep Truths, and helping folks safeguard and cultivate their critical thinking. As a journalist (LA Weekly, Los Angeles Times, Vice, Plandemic 2: Indoctornation) turned cultural critic/podcaster (“Words Podcast,” and “Word Up With Dani Katz” podcasts) with an eye for root causes and win/win solutions, Dani doesn’t simply illuminate society’s shadows, and leave it at that; she goes the extra mile to offer solutions and action steps that empower folks to uplift and evolve their world for the better.
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