Introducing Dr. R. Michael Fisher!


This week’s Apoc staff focus looks at Dr. R. Michael Fisher, author, educator, and pioneering scholar in the work of Fear and Fearology.



R. Michael Fisher, Ph.D. (focus: fearology)


Having followed several career tracks from art, natural history, ecology and environmental biology, to school teaching, rehabilitation counseling, to adult education and curriculum design and pedagogy, in late 1989 he co-founded In Search of Fearlessness Project as a means to bring about the transformation of an insidious growing culture of fear to a culture of fearlessness upon the earth. A holistic-integral philosopher at heart, Fisher has led collaborative transdisciplinary efforts to synthesize knowledge for a new “Fear Studies.”


He is author of over 15 books and is founder and senior editor of the International Journal of Fear Studies. He has taught courses and presented talks in media or at academic conferences, and has published hundreds of articles and videos on the topic. He lives in Western Canada and is recognized as the world’s foremost fearologist.
Here is one of Dr. Fisher’s latest publications on Fearology:


“For more information on Dr. Fisher’s research, please visit Apocatastasis’ Fearology Center site


 Link to Apocatastasis Press HERE.










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