Is Math Destroying Our Perception Of Reality?
–Clint > Richard-son (
–Thursday, July 15th, 2021 of this artificial timeline…
(Author’s Note: This can be considered a slightly modified chapter for the distant release of my book called Gleaming The Matrix. With current events in synthetic biology and other insanities, I felt it to be needed right about now. Please enjoy.)
It is said that money, or more precisely the love of money, is the root of all evil. And yet, what is the sum of all pretended types of money if not the mere fictional representation of a manmade, fixed mathematical equation; a false, artificial valuation assigned by some pretended “problem” to be solved consisting in a non-existent form symbolized as some actual, Real substance? Value is a mathematical term. Sum is a mathematical term. Equation is a mathematical term. One, five, ten, twenty, fifty, and one-hundred, when describing money’s artificial valuation, are all mathematical terms. Simply stated, money is just math personified. This personification and artificial valuation is also known as the anthropomorphized god of mammon.
And so this begs the question: Can math ever be Truth?
If mammon is the metaphorical false god of monetary valuation, that is, wealth and riches, then it must be said that the underlying language art, logicality, and indeed science of mammon is merely mathematics. No math, no value. No value, no false-reality.
And so perhaps having and taking only one god makes a bit more sense when money is seen as just a problem of math, the term problem being as well a mathematical term. Worship Truth or worship the price tag of abandoning Truth, for Truth has no value to be worshiped. It is priceless. No amount of money can actually change or alter the Truth. And only the false perception of this artificially applied mathematical valuation can influence man to be the destroyer of Truth, to act against his own best interest, and to therefore become the satanic devil (agent of evil) he so fears. For with a false valuation in anything, necessarily, at the same time, comes an equal lack of respect in the self-evident, self-existent Truth of that thing. Therefore, the mere idea of mammon can ultimately destroy all things, but only through the minds and subsequent actions of the corrupted, delusional men it infects, for such a false god exists nowhere else but in the imagination of weak, mind-controlled (governed) men.
Even the so-called sciences have been corrupted by the worship of ownership value through patent rights, where science no longer studies Creation (Nature) but strives to reinvent Nature (Truth) in its own image. For the Truth cannot be patented. There is no value in Truth unless it can be kept secret from good men – this being the very foundation of all royal houses, their rulers, and clandestine secret societies. A false representation, a symbol, an artifice of valuation must be attached to the Truth for It to become the object of desire and greed. Only the image, not the Source, can be controlled by the power of mammon. And so men must be made to worship the image, the idol, the symbol of the Real if we are to be controlled by that false art form. Truth is no longer seen, only the artificial valuation thereof, making the Law of Nature untenable and without authority over the confused mind and spirit of the worshipers of mammon. For mammon is directly opposed to Nature (YHVH) and Its Law (LOGOS). These rulers and administrative governments (corporations) are not the bearers or protectors of Truth, for power only comes through the obfuscation and removal of Truth from any equation. Power, authority, relies solely, 100% upon on the organized, fictional artifice cast like a spell upon willfully ignorant men. Science is no longer done or published for the benefit of or from Truth, is no longer Natural, for mammon is become the god of corporate scientists. No profit, no science.
By all means, test yourself in this matter…
Do you see the priceless beauty in all things within Creation (Nature), or do you see only the false, monetary (mathematical) value assigned to it by evil men acting in incorporated institutions (artificial persons)? Perhaps you somehow see both at the same time, having two gods continuously pulling at your spirit in an endless value of self-control and empathy? The Bible is clear, do not worship anything of Truth (YHVH) or of Christ (LOGOS) with respect of persons (i.e. corporations). So should we put our trust in the Gold Fixing set at the Rothschild Bank in the City of London for the supposed daily market “value” of gold? Moreover, will even men of good conscious and moral rectitude ever be able to overcome this corruption of the mind and spirit, this root of all evil, in order to recognize gold for what it actually is – as a priceless part of Nature? If, when asked what gold is, your automatic, rote answer is some form of “money” or jewelry for show, then you may already be destroyed by your lack of inherent (True) knowledge, as predicted.
Do you measure land by its beauty and priceless Nature of self-Existence and self-Evidence, or do you measure it by its value in mathematically calculated acres, miles, hectares, feet, etc., as represented by the false, monetary valuation thereof?
Are trees a priceless treasure to be loved and protected, or are they a valuable commodity on the securities and exchange markets?
Are all men Naturally free, or are men merely some mathematical formulation of value as various forms of voluntary and involuntary slaves, subjects, employees… commodities to be used (employed) for mere sale and extortion? And just how do you decide which men are free and which have value? (Actually, that’s a trick question: you don’t. Your masters do!)
What is a spiritual awakening but the uncomfortable ability to recognize ones own corruption in the legal, mathematical construct of mammon? And what so-called “Christian” stemming from today’s corporate religions can say that mammon is in fact not their chosen god? Sadly, in this regard, Christ has no True followers, for the followers of Christ must worship Truth in all things.
Everything we see, feel, touch, taste, and smell has been cursed with some ultimately meaningless estimation of artificial, mathematical valuation. We pay for meaningless (valueless) sex, or inversely prostitute ourselves for that money. We eat bad food because it’s pretended value is less than good food. We are conned into adopting children of some racial ethnicity (family) not our own because they are somehow cheaper and less in demand in an almost black market of orphaned kids, a market causing its own need for child trafficking to support it. We purchase plastic bracelets that supposedly represent recycling, like a guilt tax on our own wasteful behavior, bearing them in false show of our non-existent activism, our hypocritical non-action. In the end, through these daily and lifelong calculations of worth and valuation, we prove our love of money more than Life (self-Existence) itself. Everything, every action, every duty, every promise, and every limit can be bought and sold like a financial instrument on the dark market of our wretched, reaped souls. All disease is contracted, and the sickness of poverty and wealth are certainly no exceptions.
Of course, this word love carries the more ancient meaning of belief in something, specifically in the “value” of anything. Another word for this type of consideration is affection:
MAMMON – noun – Riches; wealth; or the god of riches. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Matthew 6:24. (–Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of the English Language)
MAMMONIST – noun – A person devoted to the acquisition of wealth; one whose affections are placed supremely on riches; a worldling… (–Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of the English Language)
AFFECTION – noun – 1. The state of being affected. [Little Used.] 2. Passion; but more generally, 3. A bent of mind towards a particular object, holding a middle place between disposition, which is natural, and passion, which is excited by the presence of its exciting object. Affection is a permanent bent of the mind, formed by the presence of an object, or by some act of another person, andexisting without the presence of its object. 4. In a more particular sense, a settled good will, love or zealous attachment; as, the affection of a parent for his child... 5. Desire; inclination; propensity, good or evil; as, virtuous or vile affections. Romans 1:31. Galatians 5:24. 6. In a general sense, an attribute, quality or property, which is inseparable from its object; as, love, fear and hope are affections of the mind; figure, weight, etc., are affections of bodies. 7. Among physicians, a disease, or any particular morbid state of the body; as, a gouty affection; hysteric affection. 8. In painting, a lively representation of passion. (–Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of the English Language)
FIGURE – noun – fig’ur. [Latin figura, from figo, to fix or set. See Feign.] 1. The form of any thing as expressed by the outline or terminating extremities. Flowers have exquisite figures. A triangle is a figure of three sides. A square is a figure of four equal sides and equal angles. 2. Shape; form; person; as a lady of elegant figure. A good figure or person, in man or woman, gives credit at first sight to the choice of either. 3. Distinguished appearance; eminence; distinction; remarkable character. Ames made a figure in Congress; Hamilton, in the cabinet. 4. Appearance of any kind; as an ill figure; a mean figure. 5. Magnificence; splendor; as, to live in figure and indulgence. 6. A statue; an image; that which is formed in resemblance of something else; as the figure of a man in plaster. 7. Representation in painting; the lines and colors which represent an animal, particularly a person; as the principal figures of a picture; a subordinate figure. 8. In manufactures, a design or representation wrought on damask, velvet and other stuffs. 9. In logic, the order or disposition of the middle term in a syllogism with the parts of the question. 10. In arithmetic, a character denoting a number; as 2. 7. 9. 11. In astrology, the horoscope; the diagram of the aspects of the astrological houses. 12. In theology, type; representative… 13. In rhetoric, a mode of speaking or writing in which words are deflected from their ordinary signification, or a mode more beautiful and emphatical than the ordinary way of expressing the sense; the language of the imagination and passions; as,knowledge is the light of the mind; the soul mounts on the wings of faith; youth is the morning of life. In strictness, the change of a word is a trope, and any affection of a sentence a figure; but these terms are often confounded. 14. In grammar, any deviation from the rules of analogy or syntax... – verb transitive – fig’ur. 1. To form or mold into any determinate shape. Accept this goblet, rough with figured gold. 2. To show by a corporeal resemblance, as in picture or statuary. 3. To cover or adorn with figures or images; to mark with figures; to form figures in by art; as, to figure velvet or muslin. 4. To diversify; to variegate with adventitious forms of matter. 5. To represent by a typical or figurative resemblance. The matter of the sacraments figureth their end. 6. To imagine; to image in the mind.7. To prefigure; to foreshow. 8. To form figuratively; to use in a sense not literal; as figured expressions. [Little Used.] 9. To note by characters… – verb intransitive – To make a figure; to be distinguished. (–Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of the English Language)
FEIGN – verb transitive – fane. [Latin fingo. The Latin forms fictum, fictus, whence figura, figure, also fucus.] 1. To invent or imagine; to form an idea or conception of something not real. There are no such things done as thou sayest, but thou feignest them out of thine own heart. Nehemiah 6:8. 2. To make a show of; to pretend; to assume a false appearance; to counterfeit... She feigns a laugh… 3. To represent falsely; to pretend; to form and relate a fictitious tale. 4. To dissemble; to conceal. obsolete. (–Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of the English Language)
As I have attempted to explain within this blog, in my books, and on my Red Pill Sunday School series of lesson-based shows, the concept of what is Real (Truth) and what is artificial (manmade) is also exactly what the term God (as expressed in the “name” YHVH) was intended and is defined as, regardless of the false images of religions and the spiritless, commissioned artists of church and state. God is Truth. The Truth (God) will set you free. The temple of God (Truth) is in you. But the great destroyer, mammon (artificial mathematical valuation), kills the spirit and promotes greed and desire, want over need, and especially a disrespect of the Natural, priceless value (Nature/Self-Existence and Self-Evidence) of Life Itself. In other words, this false valuation of Nature and our own place within it causes men to believe they are false gods, with some dreamed up sovereignty that allows a total disregard and disrespect toward the private rights and sovereignty of everything else in Nature; toward the inherent right of self-Existence in all things, toward Life Itself. And this is why no man can worship both these gods at once, for one is the Truth of Nature and one is wholly opposed to and thus anti-Nature. One cannot worship Truth while caught in a web of lies.
“What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you,
which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?”
‘Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?”
“If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.”
“And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.”
–1Corintheans 3: 16-17, 2 Corintheans 6: 16, 19, KJB
Now go back and read these same verses, replacing the word God (YHVH) with the word Truth:
“What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost (Spirit) which is in you,
which ye have of Truth, and ye are not your own?”
‘Know ye not that ye are the temple of Truth, and that the Spirit of Truth dwelleth in you?”
“If any man defile the temple of Truth, him shall Truth destroy; for the temple of Truth is holy, which temple ye are.”
“And what agreement hath the temple of Truth with idols? for ye are the temple of the living Truth; as Truth hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their Truth, and they shall be my people.”
–1Corintheans 3: 16-17, 2 Corintheans 6: 16, 19, KJB
Now go back and read these same verses, replacing the word God (YHVH) with the word Nature:
“What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost (Spirit) which is in you,
which ye have of Nature, and ye are not your own?”
‘Know ye not that ye are the temple of Nature, and that the Spirit of Nature dwelleth in you?”
“If any man defile the temple of Nature, him shall Nature destroy; for the temple of Nature is holy, which temple ye are.”
“And what agreement hath the temple of Nature with idols? for ye are the temple of the living Nature; as Nature hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their Nature, and they shall be my people.”
–1Corintheans 3: 16-17, 2 Corintheans 6: 16, 19, KJB
What you cannot do is replace the word YHVH with the word mammon, or math, or sacred geometry.
There simply is no Truth (YHVH) in math. Math is not of Nature, but of the logic-based minds of men. The symbol, the valuation, is never the Reality. There is no truth in mammon. There is no truth in money. These are not of Nature. Therefore, there is no true valuation of Nature in money.
Translation: you must believe in money and its supposed value for it to exist. Thus, it is the LOVE (BELIEF) in money that is the root of all evil. With this understanding we can no longer pretend that loving money and using money are in any way different actions. Sorry…
The requirements for being Truth, that is, the requisite state of Being for anything considered to be of and under the Law and Laws of Nature (YHVH) include nothing of the art of mathematics. They cannot actually be purchased with money in Reality, only in the mind. Yet that artificial action of commerce and the flattering reciept of fictional, flattering title that is pretended to be Real is at the root of our trespass against YHVH and Its Law. These requirements, these inherent traits are, indeed, solely as follows:
- Self-Evidence – It must be a “Creation” of, in, and under Nature and Its Law, a Creation of YHVH (God). It must be Naturally occurring. In other words, the proof or “evidence” of its existence is not a requirement for its existence, but rather its very Natural (obvious/self-evident) inherent existence proves itself to exist. Thus, it is part of the Supreme Being (verb) that is Truth (YHVH). Nature (Truth) is self-evident in all Its parts.
- Self-Existence – Likewise, that which is REAL, exists only in TRUTH (without title, artificial property, or false valuation), in and because of itself (YHVH – I AM THAT I AM). This again requires no proofs stemming from man’s designs or language arts, for that which Exists does so despite what man names, references, or compares it to. A noun (name) is certainly not any proof of Existence, for a name (noun) is purely an invention and property of man’s imagination and language arts. Thus “Creation”, which is the ongoing, never-ending “Being” of Nature (all that is not manmade), and which is not to be confused with a single point in man’s limited imagination and artificial timeline of what “history” is, constitutes only that which is Truth, that which Exists or comes into Existence due to the forces and Law(s) of Nature.
What is adversary to Truth? Only one thing, actually, being that which is manmade.
When we look for an answer as to what an act of Nature (Truth) is, especially in the legal realm of artificial things, we find the same conceptualization of that which is self-evident and self-existent, the term Nature merely pointing to the Supreme self-existence of what is YHVH (God), a power that is not of man, is uncontrollable, unpredictable, and especially not mathematical. This power must be specifically defined by the legal system, especially in insurance policies, and so is referenced simply and Truthfully as an “act of God” (YHVH).
Act Of God – Event that directly and exclusively results from the occurrence of natural causes that could not have been prevented by the exercise of foresight or caution; an inevitable accident. Courts have recognized various events as acts of God – Tornatoes, earhquakes, death, extraordinarily high tides, violent winds, and floods. Many insurance policies for property damage exclude from their protection damage caused by acts of God. (–West’s Encyclopedia of American Law, Edition 2)
Act Of God – (noun) – A natural catastrophe which no one can prevent such as an earthquake, a tidal wave, a volcanic eruption, or a tornado. Acts of God are significant for two reasons: 1) for the havoc and damage they wreak, and 2) because often contracts state that “acts of God” are an excuse for delay or failure to fulfill a commitment or to complete a construction project. Many insurance policies exempt coverage for damage caused by acts of God, which is one time an insurance company gets religion. At times disputes arise as to whether a violent storm or other disaster was an act of God (and therefore exempt from a claim) or a foreseeable natural event. (–God knows the answer!, Gerald N. Hill and Kathleen T. Hill)
Act Of God – An accident or event that cannot be prevented by ordinary human foresight. The occurrence should normally be a natural one, like flood or earthquake. IT EXEMPTS A PARTY FROM STRICT LIABILITY IN COMMON LAW, an by definition, from negligence. (–Collins Dictionary of Law, 2006)
Act Of God – In contracts. This phrase denotes those accidents which arise from physical causes, and which cannot be prevented. 2. Where the law casts a duty on a party, the performance shall be excused, if it be rendered impossible by the act of God; but where the party, by his own contract, engages to do an act, it is deemed to be his own faulty and folly that he did not thereby provide against contingencies, and exempt himself from responsibilities in certain events and in such case, (that is, in the instance of an absolute general contract the performance is not excused by an inevitable accident, or other contingency, although not foreseen by, nor within the control of the party. (–A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States, By John Bouvier, 1856)
How then, may an act of man be an act of God instead of and immune from also being considered a legal action (done under man’s law in false persona)? The answer to this question is the definition of True Freedom, that is, Freedom under YHVH (Truth) and Its Law (i.e. LOGOS: the example of Christ). Unfortunately, what is not understood by most men is that the Law of God is neutral. In other words, it is considered as the negative law. This simply means that, while all of man’s legal law is called as “positive law,” or that which is added unnaturally to and in opposition of what already Exists self-Evidently (the Law of Nature), the Law of God (the Nature of Existence) stands in negativity, meaning that every man has the right to say no, to refuse the addition of anything not of YHVH, to refuse belief in and action upon what is not Truth, and therefore to remain pure and untainted in mind, body, and soul. The act of saying no is the highest act of law, for as the maxim goes, he that denies need show any proof. Only he that makes a positive (legal) claim must show proof, for whatever is claimed legally is always not self-evident or self-existent. What is legally claimed is never negative in its Nature. Man may only claim what is artificial, for man can in Reality, in Truth, own no part of YHVH, of which he himself is part of and the temple for. Freedom is not a positive claim. Freedom is the God-given (negative) right not to be governed (controlled) by corrupted men, by the artifice of man’s inventions. In other words, he that acts in and under YHVH (Absolute Truth) need never prove anything to any man or legal system, for the Highest Nature and Law is always behind his actions. Therefore his actions are self-evident. That which is positive is never that which is of YHVH. Only tat which is positive (artificial) requires proof. Math, as a manmade artifice, always requires proof, while what math represents in Reality never needs math to prove its self-Existence and self-Evidence.
To be clear, the only thing that proves math is math itself. Math is not self-evident. Math is not self-existent. Math is not part of the I AM.
And let us be clear, the only proof of the value of money is the willing faith that corrupted men put into it. Only when men stop trying to prove themselves through legal and other artificial means will men know God (Truth). But in general men have been tricked into believing in the false-truth of money, or in other words to love (believe in) money while considering “God” (Reality) to be false. Yet YHVH is defined as Truth, and money as a false god. How can this be?
Positive Law
Those laws that have been duly enacted by a properly instituted and popularly recognized branch of government. Postive laws may be promulgated, passed, adopted, or otherwise “posited” by an official or entity vested with authority by the government to prescribe the rules and regulations for a particular community. In the United States, postive laws come in a variety of forms at both the state and federal levels, including legislative enactments, judicial orders, executive decrees, and administrative regulations. In short, a positive law is any express written command of the government. The belief that the only legitimate sources of law are those written rules and regulations laid down by the government is known as Positivism. –West’s Encyclopedia of American Law, Edition 2.
Positive Law
Noun – Statutory man-made law, as compared to “natural law” which is purportedly based on universally accepted moral principles, “God’s Law,” and/or derived from Nature and reason. The term “positive law,” was first used by Thomas Hobbes in Leviathan (1651). (See: natural law) –Copyright 1981-2005 by Gerald N. Hill and Kathleen T. Hill.
As stated above, an act of God exempts a man (or legal party) from liability in the legal realm under common law. In other words, as man is the temple of God (spirit), what comes forth as a result of the actions of any man, when done under the moral compass and Law of God (Nature), cannot be mistaken or contractually understood to be a legal act. An act of God is not punishable under man’s legal law. Thus, a True and Free (self-governing) man must at all times refrain from all that is not of Truth. This, of course, includes money (mammon). For the legal law is the manmade law concerning only evil acts, that is, the administration and regulation of acts against God (Nature/Truth), those not done under the Law of Nature, or more accurately, those that are not self-Evident. Citizenship is merely the organized, often pre-forgiven, administrated adulteries of men that cannot govern their own minds because their spirit has become legally dead. And there are no court cases that, at the heart of the matter before the court, do not equate “crime” with the artificial, pretended monetary valuation of that crime. Remedy is always in the form of mammon, for money is the only actual product created and administered by government. All money is property of government. Government is the host and beneficiary of the parasitic intent of mammon. In other words, legal courtrooms administrate only evils, never good deeds. For the maxim of law is clear that good and moral behavior cannot be forced upon persons.
The entire legal system is a franchise of mammon. Never forget that governments are the inventors and owners of all money, no matter whom those governments allow to print or pretend to create through debt/credit paper that root of all evil. Every court case has a monetary valuation attached to it, as does every person. But remember, nothing that is an act of God, including free men under God, can be made to magically “appear” in court, for True men take no persona (legal mask) and pretend to be nothing but that of a part of God’s self-existent, self-evident Nature and Law. Only legally invented persons appear, for they don’t exist in the Real world. The government may only control its own artificial (positive) creation, that is, persons. Thus it can only control men who act in a government persona (mask/status). This is the law of agency.
No game may be played unless those playing the game agree to the rules and thus pretend to temporarily become the artificial avatar those rules apply to. The shoe or car in Monopoly. The pawn in chess. Thomas Anderson in The Matrix. The legal system is merely a game, and you choose whether to play or not and what character to use. But when it is forgotten by the players that the game isn’t Real, isn’t of God’s Nature and Law, and therefore the avatar forgets he or she is a self-evident, self-existent man in Reality, then… well, welcome to the United States corporation: a soulless dystopia of greed and neglect. All hail mammon!
Remember, in law, a man is an act of God with inherent (God-given) rights. A man always has the (negative) right to say no, but only if he has not contracted a legal dis-ease.
A person (legal status) is a contractual engagement between a man and the state to perform a sanctioned duty, and God/Truth/Reality is generally no excuse for nonfulfillment of contract within that anti-God (legal) system. Thus a man of God that corrupts himself with contractual (legal) law is no longer considered to be of Truth (God) nor protected by It. From the legal point of view, and act of God is exempt from the legal (strict) law. What is of God (Truth) is never bound to the state. What is an act of God is never controllable by the state. For the state holds no power over what is self-existent and self-evident, the very definition of YHVH. Only through illusion and trickery does the fiction infect the minds of men so that the state may then effect Nature through them, acting on their behalf, leaving no actual choice, only causality. Choice only exists in the negative, not the positive.
Most importantly, we must understand that Truth contains no artifice any more than artifice can be Truth. What is not Truth is not part of God (YHVH), for God is only Truth. Truth and Truth alone will set men free. Persons are legally created, positive law vessels of enslavement, putting men under a performance contract, bond, and surety. Bouvier’s definition above shows that the constitution only protects from infringement the inherent (negative) rights of men, and that legal persons are not protected thereof, for persons have no inherent (God-given) rights. TO BE CLEAR, PERSONS DO NOT EXIST IN NATURE, ARE NOT SELF-EXSISTANT, AND ARE NOT SELF-EVIDENT. Persons require proof of identity. Nothing of or invented by man is God-given. Nothing of man is Truth. For all that is Truth is of YHVH. YHVH IS TRUTH.
This repetition of concept is not accidental on my part, and is quite relevant to the subject line. It is not religion, but Law. One must understand this difference to be free, for True Freedom only exists in YHVH (self-existence/self-evidence). Existing as a non-self-evident person in law is not True Freedom. All artificial, legal forms of so-called “freedoms” are man-made under contract, defined legally as franchises. Franchises (incorporations) are not of God, existing only in legally bound contracts (spiritual death). If these terms are unfamiliar to you, please download my book, here:
What is defined here as an “act of God” is not nor cannot be “proven” by mathematics or some other artificial means, but by the self-evident, self-existent Truth that God’s Nature and Design is ultimately not knowable to man, that is, the force that is an act of Nature, meaning an act of God’s Creation (Self-Existence), is ultimately unpredictable by artificial means. When attempted to be cast over Nature like a sophisticated connect-the-dots fishing net, mathematics simply causes the artificial feeling of predictability and therefore temporary, false-control against that which is not controllable by man. It causes an addictive, short-lasting god complex; one in which the typical math junky chases with maddening leaps and bounds while never reaching that perfect high of absolute predictability. Math loves chaos. Chaos is the false god of math. For chaos at first often appears predictable before at any moment spiraling off into what then appears to be randomness, all while admitting to the Truth – that some “unknown” Law (YHVH/LOGOS) is controlling it the whole time. Man may certainly predict the outcome of his own invention, but even the artificial law of man admits without doubt that Nature (God) is at all times a higher power than man… and therefore ultimately uncontrollable and unpredictable.
Thanks to the hubris and arrogance of mathematicians engaged in scientism, an inversion of Reality has taken place. In other words, God (Truth) has been relegated by the arts and so-called sciences as artificial, while mathematics has been elevated to God-like proportion and depth. Math has become to many the only path to enlightenment, a false light designed to express Truth proportionate to its own extreme limitations and faults. Math, it is said, is perfect. But can perfection exist in that which comes from such an imperfect source, that of man’s imagination? By definition, Truth is perfection. Can what is not of the self-existent, self-evident Truth (God) be perfect? Can what is artificial be at the same time what is the Truth?
Weather forecasting is merely a thinly laid pretext to weather control. Yet control is wholly dependent on predictability. And we all know how that’s going: it may or may not rain today… a 50% chance of snow… etc.
The question one might ask is this: does this term of the legal art, as an acknowledgement of an “Act of God,” in some way prove that God (Truth) exists?
And that would be a trick question, a practical joke we play on ourselves. It’s also the proverbial Achilles’ heel of scientistic mathematicians everywhere. Man’s definitions and titles, no matter what language, in letters or in numbers, are never anything more than just that – symbols of the Real. They are lies told to encapsulate the Truth within an organized system of falsity. For man in no way can Create Truth, only the fictions and symbols that represent It. Art is never what is Real. Art is man’s artificial reflection of what is Truth. When art is changed, damaged, or destroyed, the Real remains untouched and unaffected, for the Real is self-Existent. Likewise, when a person is declared dead, this does not mean the man that person reflects in legal status is also dead. The death of a man is a cessation of a vessel that carries Life (Truth). The legal (artificial) death of a fiction of law (person) is merely the end (execution) of a legal performance contract (art). This act, being not of God, requires legal proof in the form of a certified a death certificate that proves the birth of that contractual status (persona) to be ended. There is nothing of self-evidence; nothing of life therein.
Within the very intent and meaning of YHVH (God) is again the word Existence, as that which Exists despite man’s designs against Nature and Its Law. YHVH does not merely exist, YHVH IS EXISTENCE. Thus any question demanding an answer to the non-sequiturof the self-existence of God is mute, for YHVH is defined as all that is Self-Existence. What man invents cannot be defined as that which is self-Created, self-evident, or self-existent. A Creation of God Exists with or without man’s lowly forms of legal or mathematical proof, for man is as well a self-Existent part of YHVH. Man, in other words, cannot escape the Truth that all men are Creations of God (Nature), despite any attempt to prove otherwise.
The intent and meaning of the term YHVH was never meant to be debated or proven right or wrong. One cannot very well argue that there are two forms of TRUE (self) Existence, that which is in and of Nature (YHVH) found upon the Earth, and that which is of and in the so-called “world” of artifice, hosted by men and the designs we harbor against Nature (God) and Its Law. A Natural act of man is of course also an act of God, unless that man does so against God and Its Immortal and Never-ending Creation and Law, also called as an evil. What is built of man is always temporary, for YHVH is only understood as that which is Eternal, having no end and no beginning. This does not require belief, only the understanding that eternity is as well Self-Evident.
Any and all arguments, debates, and cultish sects that devote themselves to the non-existence of YHVH, that is, to the non-existence of the Whole of Existence (God) itself, can be understood here only to be an unprovable contradiction; a contrarian, nihilistic nonsense restricted to the realm of fools and their insidiously meaningless errands.
Enter the cult of the artifice and artful sciences of mathematics…
I recently viewed this short documentarian presentation that I highly recommend to all, representing a sort of final end all be all answer to the notion of mathematical proofs. Within we find that the three basic necessities or axioms that are apparently required in mathematics to be considered as True and accurate, those of completeness, consistency, and decidability, are indeed unable to be proven or evidenced. In fact, quite the opposite is True. The oxymoronic question then is this: can mathematics prove YHVH (Truth), which is Self-Existent and self-Evident, and therefore without need of such proofs of men?
Please take the time to watch this presentation, for it may be the most important thing you watch in this lifetime:
How does one perfect a system that is by its very nature imperfect?
Now consider the frightening Truth about what is the absolute best that any artificial intelligence can possibly be. At best, any A.I. will necessarily be incomplete, inconsistent, and therefore unpredictable.
A.I. – Would you like to play a game?
Typical scientistic mathematician – Yes, please!
A.I. – How about “Global-Thermal Nuclear War”
Typical scientistic mathematician – Hell yes! After all, what could go wrong…?
The moral of the story is simple: math cannot uncover the secrets of the Universe (YHVH). Math will never tell the Truth. Therefore, any system based on mathematical language (art) will only produce artifice. More to the point, the only True equation we may take from this is the following:
Now before you get upset that I’m calling out your cult-like love of golden geometrical ratios, please understand that the point here is not that these artificial shapes and equations aren’t or can’t be useful. Please note here that it’s not at all ironic that we are taught to equate such a neato geometric shape with the ultimate standard of false valuation in mammon, that is gold, by the way. And it’s quite humorous to ponder that the market price of gold changes daily, therefore so too must the artificial value of the “golden ratio.” The point is that when men place the religious connotation of sacredness upon its own inventions and symbols, the Real is often lost to the symbol, the symbol taking upon itself an existence of its own; one not necessarily still attached to Reality. The worship of symbology, or in other words the holding as sacred of any language art (including mathematics), has today led to the worship of the symbol as a simulacrum. While once the symbol was a metaphorical replacement for something Real, being a simulation, it’s when the symbol becomes its own false truth that the simulation turns into its most corrupt representation of itself, the simulacrum. In the case of so-called sacred geometry, this logical fallacy plays out as follows:
Simulation – the symbol represents the real.
Simulacrum – the symbol is detached from the real and worshiped as its own image.
Thus we turn from the understanding that geometry is an artificial and always imperfect tool of the measurement of the self-existent, self-evident Truth of Nature, and begin to believe instead that the universe is a tool created with geometry, or that geometry is in fact a Law of Nature.
In all cases where man worships the symbol of his own making, the artifice instead of the Real (Truth), then the word sacred takes upon itself the inverse meaning of cursed. That is to say that when the artifice (lies) are worshiped as sacred truths, then all that may come from such belief (love) is cursed to be inharmonious with Life, with Nature and Its Law.
So what is the state of those that hold geometry as sacred?
In a word, idolatry.
To put it another way, God doesn’t do math.
SACRED – adjective – [Latin sacer, sacred holy, cursed, damnable. We here see the connection between sacredness and secrecy. The sense is removed or separated from that which is common, vulgar, polluted, or open, public; and accursed is separated from society or the privileges of citizens, rejected, banished.] 1. Holy; pertaining to God or to his worship; separated from common secular uses and consecrated to God and his service; as a sacred place; a sacred day; a sacred feast; sacred service; sacred orders. 2. Proceeding from God and containing religious precepts; as the sacred books of the Old and New Testament. 3. Narrating or writing facts respecting God and holy things; as a sacred historian. 4. Relating to religion or the worship of God; used for religious purposes, as sacred songs; sacred music; sacred history. 5. Consecrated; dedicated; devoted; with to. A temple sacred to the queen of love. 6. Entitled to reverence; venerable. Poet and saint to thee alone were given, the two most sacred names of earth and heav’n. 7. Inviolable, as if appropriated to a superior being; as sacred honor or promise. Secrets of marriage still are sacred held. Sacred majesty. In this title, sacred has no definite meaning, or it is blasphemy. Sacred place, in the civil law, is that where a deceased person is buried.
SACRED – (‘seikrid) – Adj. 1. Exclusively devoted to a deity or to some religions ceremony or use; holy; consecrated. 2. Worthy of or regarded with reverence, awe, or respect. 3. Protected by superstition or piety from irreligious actions. 4. Connected with or intended for religious use: sacred music. 5. Dedicated to; in honor of… –Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12 Edition 2014
Money and geometry are religions, or rather what are instead anti-religions.
Money is not evil. The love (belief) in money as Reality is evil. Therefore, money can only be used for evil.
Geometry is not evil. The love (belief) in geometry as Reality is evil. Therefore geometry can only be used for evil.
That sounds a bit crazy, I know. Here is where the art of neutrality comes into play, which disregards beliefs and prejudices. Let us consider then what is evil? Evil is very simply that which is opposed to Nature (YHVH) and Its Law. All inventions of men are necessarily opposed to (opposite from, not the same as) Nature, meaning they are not self-evident or self-existent. Anti-gravity is certainly an evil, though it may be used for good. Geometry may also be used for good, but its nature will always be that of a manmade construct, and therefore always must be examined and considered as such. Duel use. To put it another way, the FORM of money and the FORM of geometry have no SUBSTANCE. What is of man is always merely the FORM of some SUBSTANCE that already pre-existed self-evidently. That is, what man invents and thus “creates” can only be the FORM of God’s already self-Existent CREATION (SUBSTANCE). Man does not and cannot Create as YHVH does. Here again we find this to be a self-evident Truth. If you don’t believe it, then please point to anything of SUBSTANCE ever invented by man that was not first removed from the self-existing Earth? I’ll wait…
Simply stated, the perfection of self-Existence cannot be replaced by the imperfection of invention.
Like any challenge to every cult or religion, this knowledge based on empirical evidence may come as a shock to you. Indeed, man’s design of mathematics relies wholly on its supposed ability to be used as a PROOF. But let us consider the Truth about this conceptual, manmade tool we call as math.
Firstly, I’m sure some of you have already relegated me into the same pit of despair that every religion does when someone challenges the validity of its manmade belief system. And like any religion, you may excommunicate me and put a scarlet letter upon my imaginary lapel simply because I questioned your authority as the spokesman for that mystical, unknown mathematical designer of the Universe.
Obviously, like religion, mathematics is a circular logic. It is limited to its own set, much like any alphabet. And it is designed to be this way, let’s not forget. It serves a purpose and can be very useful. But it can only be verified or proven by its own formally, proprietarily inbred formulae. And most importantly, nothing in Nature happens as a result of mathematics, though certain events can certainly be measured mathematically. Again, if this is a difficult concept for you, then please prove in Nature, in Reality, the self-Existence of the number 1. It’s impossible. Your only proof must come from a mathematical formula, for the number 1 only exists inside mathematics. There is no actual “1” in Nature. This is because there is no SUBSTANCE in math, only FORM.
Remember, what is of Nature and Its Law is negative (inherent). Inversely, what is of man and its artifice is positive (an unnatural addition).
Math, being a construct of man, can and should only ever be considered to be positive. What is added to Nature by man is not a Creation of Nature. A symbol is never Source.
You may be surprised to learn that 90% of what the Bible teaches is simply this: to never confuse, worship, or give undue authority to what is artificial (manmade) as if it’s the same as that which is of self-Existence (YHVH). Keep all Creation pure, including most of all the sacred vessel of God — the mind, body, and soul (spirit) of man. The Bible is a book of Natural Law, to be followed religiously (held sacred at all costs). Therefore, it is 100% opposed to man’s matrix of artificial, positive, legal law. Why? Simple. What is of man in any form is never the substance of God (self-Existence). Take the obfuscations and mis-transliterations of false “Christian” religions out of the equation, and suddenly the Bible is as beautiful and self-evident as Nature and Its Law. But it must be read only with the intent of finding and worshiping what it seeks to protect and hold sacred, the self-evident Truth. Like all manmade things, the Bible itself, while holding sacred knowledge, has been turned into a prop, furniture, considered only by its form without the substance it represents. The Bible, as the crucifix and cross, have become simulacra — mere symbols that bear no meaning, intent, or connection to their sacred purposes. This is what religion does to Truly sacred things.
Math is nothing more and nothing less than a very complicated yet logical written language. Unravel the form and mystery of The Matrix simulation to its foundational base level and all you have are mathematical symbols, each containing some artificial valuation, forced together in a controlled algorithm to pretend a false reality. Is that not also the description of 1+1=2? Does not such an equation, a pre-tended artificial valuation, need the agreement of both parties to be considered as fact? If I took these manmade symbols to any primitive tribe in the world, would they have any clue what they meant? More importantly, do they need to know the meaning of these fictional terms 1, +, =, and 2 to know the self-evident Truth about the collection of berries they collected from Nature? Do they need a word or symbol for these concepts, to live and to eat? Do they need to be able to draw out artificial plans or representations in numerical form in order to build a clay hut? Do they need to be reeducated to believe that numbers are “perfect” when their whole self-Existence has been in the perfection of God (Truth)? Do numbers cause Truth, or is Truth self-Existent? Do numbers prove Truth, or is Truth self-Evident?
Obviously math is not perfect, for math is a creation of man, made by men ignoring the Law of God (Truth). Yet turn on any math-based science entertainment show on television and, through special effects and visual technology (art), we see pictures and impossible images of the mathematical structure of the universe – a massive space that no man has been or ever will go. These shows have titles like “Understanding The Universe”, which is another way of saying that God (YHVH), which of course includes the self-evident and self-existent Universe as Its meaning, can be understood through mathematical equations turned into moving pictures of art (form without substance) invented by men from the extremely limited perspective of Earth. They actually believe they know what It is. And they attempt to remove the beautiful mystery of the unknown by replacing it with mathematical simulation, causing the delusion of false-knowledge for that which is not meant to be know by men. This religion of mathematical scientism, as what appears to be a purposeful side-effect cast like a spell upon the common group-think hive-mind, indeed causes that wonderous and unknowable mystery of YHVH (or as they call it, the Universe) to be relegated to just another conquest of man, like discovering America. Reality is all but ignored, the mysterious beauty disparaged by delusional, artful, colored-in renderings, causing the spiritual wonder and helplessness of man under the awesome and unfathomable power of God (YHVH) to be equally diminished. We don’t look up anymore to see the stars because the trillions of sources of artificial light from our contemporary designs against Nature have left the dark skies awash in a blanket of artificial illumination.
But let us take the example given in this documentary presentation above as our primary wake-up moment. It must be said first and foremost that, only when one limits oneself to the manmade construct of mathematics can one win or lose the debate. But then, one cannot claim to live in Truth and also ignore all Truth but what mathematics pretend. So already we find a paradox. However, for the sake of the point of the story, let’s speak directly to the foundation of all problems that man creates when acting against the Truth and Law that is and emanates from YHVH (God).
The scenario used is that all bearded men must be shaved by the designated “barber” of that town, no exceptions, and that of course includes the man that is the barber. And so, as the story goes, therefore the barber is unable to shave himself, for that STRICT LAW would then be broken, as the man would then be shaving himself instead of having the designated “barber”, which was the title of the man in need of shaving, do it for him.
And so the mathematicians go to work and find this to be a paradox. There is no way for the “barber” to be shaved.
Now, disregarding the sheer stupidity of this allegory, in order to show that this so-called paradox is in fact a false dialectic created by the same rules that created the problem in the first place, we must actually remove mathematics from the equation and remember the foundation of the Law of Nature (God). To solve any problem in Reality, the sum of some mathematical equation cannot ever be the final answer. In that, we find the societal and faith-based logical fallacies that are at the root of the actual problem. This is not a math problem, it’s a spiritual problem. And needless to say, there is no mathematical solution to a spiritual problem. Remember that it’s equally a self-evident Truth that there is no spiritual solution to a mathematical problem. They are not of the same realm.
Yet here we find the perfect example of how spiritual thought and action eliminates any mathematical problem that might be conceived or designed by man. To understand this, we must first understand that mathematics are designed to offer a non-spiritual view of anything. Math is not representative of God, only of man’s exploitation thereof. There are no morals in math equation. Why? Because there is no Truth in math equation. There is only the model, the cold form without substance, without Life.
And so, I can simply refer to the Bible, which states that men should never respect manmade, legally issued, or popular flattering titles, and suddenly this whole story becomes mute. In other words, just as the Truth is that there is no spoon in The Matrixsimulation, there is no “Barber” in Reality. And it’s not that there is no spoon, there is nothing. It’s all artificial. Fake. Not Real. A simulation.
And so in order for this mathematical formulation to work, we must note that the Law of Truth must be ignored. That is, the fact that no man is actually, in Truth, a “barber”, must be ignored. The “barber” (flattering title/Noun) is a prop in the math script, and without that artificial construct of fiction, without that flattering title, no such mathematical problem would exist.
Math, like logic, only applies to manmade things. It should be apparent that what is self-evident (Truth) does not need external or manmade evidence to Exist. It does not need such proofs or evidence as can be provided by these constructs of men. Inversely, reason should not be confused with logic, nor should mathematics ever be used as the reason behind anything that isn’t manmade.
What we find is that there is no actual problem here in Reality, in Truth, and that only the artificial names, symbols, and titles that man assigns to himself cause any problems. If no man respected the artificial title of Barber, then no rule would be able to be formed. And he that has the skills linked to the flattering title of barber certainly need not use the title to use the skills. The skill, in other words, the action, does not need any title. No title can stop a man from acting, unless he believes in the power and authority and false law behind the title, and therefore that some authority higher than that title is the lawmaker, a false God. No title, no math problem.
The point of this is to show that no problem in Reality comes from a mathematical source, and so no mathematical solution can solve any problem in Reality. There is no spoon, just as there is no Barber. Yet faith in the title causes the need for manmade (non-spiritual) solutions to purely logic-based (manmade) problems, which ironically would not exist (as self-evident) in the first place without man’s foolish addiction to artifice. Manmade problems are never self-Existent. Manmade problems are a direct result of ignoring the Law and Laws of Nature (God).
To cut to the chase, the moral of this story is simply that negative spiritual problems cannot be fixed by positive artificial solutions, any more than secular problems are caused by True, Spiritual men of God. Lies cannot fix the Truth, for the Truth is already perfection and needs no fixing. Yet in all cases, the Truth can fix or eliminate the lies.
So how long will we keep lying to ourselves?
One thing is for sure, mathematics will not fix the damage men do to God’s Nature, and money will never buy love or spiritual pureness and happiness.
Be well…
–Clint > Richard-son (
–Thursday, July 15th, 2021 of this artificial timeline…
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