Piercing the Veil of Reality
There a few points I’d like to mention with regard to major blindspots within the population at large regarding the globalist agenda and the v@cks [Covid mRNA Vaccines] and even the blindspots in people who are aware of the dangers of the v@cks.
First of all, most people go along with it all due to basic social-cultural conditioning living according to “official culture”. There is a massive naïveté regarding the nature and reality of corruption & evil in the world, especially psychopaths [hiding behind a mask of sanity] in positions of power that masses of people look up to, respect, and listen to.
Cognitive dissonance and Stockholm syndrome won’t allow them to see the man behind the curtain of who is really pulling the strings. Anyone pointing at it will just be ridiculed as a “conspiracy theorist” or as it is hip these days, and programmed by the MSM: “a right-wing Qanon cultist” among other ad hominem attacks and logical fallacies.
These people have zero original thought on their own, are authoritarian followers, and mechanically and unconsciously repeat what the status quo has programmed into them. They are not individuated on a soul level but are plugged into a hive mind.
On an esoteric/metaphysical level, these are “Organic Portals”, soulless humans, i.e. bodies without an individualized soul. They also become the perfect “Agent Smiths” to police their friends, family, and anyone they can infect with the wetiko mind virus. You can find them everywhere in all professions and walks of life, including celebrities. Important to note: they are not psychopaths nor are they “evil” but are being used by adverse forces due to lack of soul embodiment.
You can’t reach those people. Some may “wake up” after more suffering but not all.
The other issue I see is that some people who are aware of the dangers of the v@cks, still don’t comprehend the evil that is at works. Many people assume that these v@cks injuries are just accidents because they are still new and haven’t been really tested.
No, it is about depopulation and eugenics and killing off billions of humans over a period of time. They want people dead and “injured”. To the Luciferian psychopathic elite, most humans are just useless feeders, expendable commodities who take up too much space and resources. They also have convinced themselves that overpopulation is a necessary environmental problem to solve and see themselves as the Gods who can solve this problem for humanity.
They have been quite open about their agenda. I recommend listening to this presentation by Jay Dyer giving citations of the globalists in their own words for their depopulation agenda and “the end of organic man” to give rise to “synthetic man” with the ultimate end goal of merging man with matching via injection of nano-particles, i.e. Transhumanism.
On that note, Elon Musk – the beloved “cool guy” cheered on by nerds, environmentalists, and crypto/BTC fans – plays a big role in it all as well and it is no surprise that he recently expressed his support for the v@cks. He’s been groomed for this role and is the ultimate wolf in sheep clothing. His company Neuralink will play a big role in it all.
Over time, the v@cks [with repeated shots] will weaken and genetically modify the body/immune system [years and decades from now] making people systematically more vulnerable to any other viruses/diseases in the future and more programmable [behaviors and emotions] via nano-particle injections plugged into the “web”. 5G is nothing compared to 6G which is coming as Klaus Schwab [founder of the World Economic Forum] wrote about in his book on the “Great Reset”.
So all the v@cks injuries and deaths we see now (and as horrible as they are) are nothing compared to what is coming 5 – 10 years from now based on what their plan is and has been for a long time.
I’m not into fear-mongering nor into any doom & gloom projections but keeping a sober eye on what is happening and most importantly KNOW THY ENEMY, who they are [on a 3D and 4D Occult level], how they operate, i.e. understanding their “mindset” (which is vastly different from yours/mine) and what their plan/agenda is.
I know for many people all of this may come as a “shock”. But shocks are necessary for an Awakening as Gurdjieff pointed out. I’ve been aware of their agenda and seen the trajectory since 1997 when I first took the proverbial “red pill” and started researching and questioning EVERYTHING.
One of the biggest lessons I have learned in my life so far is that you can’t protect yourself from what you don’t understand or are not aware of. Ignorance is not a defense and just living in a [New Age] bubble of “love and light” trying to ignore/deny the Dark won’t protect you either.
And I’m saying this again, you can try to prepare yourself physically, get rich in the current crypto “gold rush” but none of it matters or will help you in the long run if you have not prepared your body, mind, and spirit, i,e. soul embodiment, integration, and individualization via engaging in the GREAT WORK, i.e. spiritualizing your Being.
To be clear, the work is to be done holistically and integral, so yes, physical preparation is important too to live/function in 3D reality but most people over-focus on the material level and can easily get tempted and side-tracked due to the dense matrix frequency and occult forces hijacking their minds.
Ultimately it is about both, Inner and Outer work on all levels: physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual. The more integrated, individualized, and connected to Essence you are, the “easier” it will be for you to withstand what is coming and it just started.
There are helping forces out there as well but they can only help you as much as you have helped yourself and answered the call with SIncerity. Only you know deep inside how sincere you are and how much you lie to yourself.
People ask me all the time, what should we do? Well, as my friend and fellow spiritual warrior David Whitehead said recently on Episode #55 of the Cosmic Matrix podcast: “Yes, exactly, what can YOU do?”. In other words, it is up to YOU, your conscience, your integrity, and your sincerity to find what you MUST do based on who YOU truly ARE and it all starts with taking a deep look into the mirror of your own soul.
You may encounter all kinds of things that are in the way: your shadow, traumas, wounds, programs, addictions, programmed beliefs, fears, and anything else suppressed in your unconscious…but the only way out is in and through.
The calling is there and unique to you in alignment with Divine Will but you can’t “hear” nor “see” it as long as you are caught up in your head and only externally focused. The kingdom can only be found within.
Godspeed 🔥⚔🔥
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