“Loving Through Challenging Times” Interview with Lorenzo Malowane of “The New Agora” on “The New Now.”
“Love is an experience of being related.”
Being the Love We Are
We all need to be loved, even when we are not being loving to ourselves or others. One of the most challenging aspects in practicing love is our ability to see how often we are not loving ourselves. When we neglect to grant ourselves this necessity, we cannot express it towards others. Our self-loathing compromises our genuine ability to share love with all. My experience with loving is accepting others for who they are and who they are not. Authentic relativity is observing the uniqueness each of us offer and understanding the blessing it brings to the world.
The Universality of Love
Most often in society, love is as an instinctual desire. It is often misinterpreted and misrepresented as sexual attraction. Once this itch is scratched, many move on to satiate the next one. This is the lowest level of relativity. If a connection is made between the individuals, an intellectual encounter occurs. Though, this experience is one steeped in duality where many reside here to relate primarily with their minds and bodies.
When we allow ourselves to open and be vulnerable, we enter the emotionality of relationships. For many this takes years of relation for it to begin, and even this may be an instinctual form of feeling. However, some do choose to connect on an emotional level and develop and nurture their heart center. This is where the magic begins. Given the heart is the gateway to the soul, when two people choose this experience, their intuitions guide them to the universality of love.
Acceptance and Understanding
The two most absent qualities in the last couple of years has been acceptance and understanding. In a society where communication, relativity and workability have broken down, it is plain to see how detrimental their absence has been in regard to our collective evolution. Acceptance is a cornerstone of love and understanding its foundation. In these times of isolation in the interest of health and well-being (someone explain that one to me!), it isn’t the distance we have with others, it is the separation from ourselves and more accurately our souls.
The Freedom Within
We are separated from ourselves. Most are not able to accept let alone understand this reality. Being in the experience of love calls us to be related and in love with ourselves so we may share it with others. Each of our journeys is unique. We will not find love for ourselves when we seek it in those around us. We can only experience it within. Given that most of us do not know who we are, this makes being in love impossible. We may believe we are, yet belief and being are very different things. Creating and becoming love empowers us to share in its experience.
“Love is being in the moment so much that nothing else matters.”

Video Interview with Lorenzo Malowane of “The New Agora” presented by “The New Now.”
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