Lyme Disease. Do you have it?

If you did, you probably would not know, unless you’re one of the chronic sufferers that had to visit over 30 doctors to get properly diagnosed. Lyme disease tests are highly inaccurate. They’re often inconclusive or false negative. That’s because this clever bacteria has found a way to dumb down the immune system and white blood cells, so it is not detectable until treatment is initiated. To diagnose Lyme properly you must see a “Lyme Literate MD (LLMD)”, however, more and more doctors are turning their backs on patients due to sheer fear of losing their practices! Why? Because insurance companies and the CDC will do whatever it takes to stop Chronic Lyme Disease from being diagnosed, treated, or widely recognized as an increasingly common issue.

Lyme is considered “only” transmittable by a tick infected with bacteria. However, the CDC itself admits it is under-reported, and believes there are between 300,000 to half a million new cases each year. That makes Lyme disease almost twice as common as breast cancer and six times more common than HIV/AIDS. Where are all of these new cases coming from?