My Chat with Simon Haiduk  By Lorenzo



Creating through the challenges. Fired by the fuel of whatever seems impossible, yet tantalizingly close, on a day where much can feel beyond your control. Art, music, poetry, dance, gardening, shinrin yoku (Japanese Forest Bathing), a walk on the beach, a pie for a friend, literally there is no end to the ‘art’ you can experience through imagination’s special door.


What appears hidden, can be made real, through efforts once out of reach, but from heart’s lofty inspirations may now be experienced through our very own hands. Perhaps it’s your ears, for the music, or your mouth for the pies, but we can all realize that which we’ve always wished for, but assumed we’d never get to create.


It only takes an effort, it only takes a moment, it only takes one ‘getting over themselves’, to find the magic that can exist for all of us, for any who dare pick up the brush, the pen, the baking pan, what have you and decide, ‘why no’, why not try and see what’s there.


We can be influenced by dreams, by power plants, but a painting, a good book, a wonderful poem, what have you; once we see something is possible,  thus inspired we can then feel like making it possible for ourselves, it’s now become probable, soon to be actual.


From a ‘thick place’ of young adulthood, where I assumed creativity was beyond me. Envy for the artists, musicians, dancers and even pastry chefs of the time, has lead me to the Now, where I have found I can do any and all of these, in my way, better than anyone else, as far as what I can do is concerned. I can’t sing, but I can write lyrics, I can’t paint a mountain stream, but my abstracts tell stories, I can’t do ballet, but my dancing inspires unending peals of happy laughter from my wife, which is worth more than gold to me…and when I try, I can make a fantastic pie, cookies and raspberry chocolate cakes too. In other words, my dreams can come true and I am the artist of my life.


We can all be special for ourselves in our own lives. In fact, for happiness I would say that’s a non-negotiable requirement for our heart’s happy journey. Creativity is the door to a wonderful life, at least it’s been so for me.


With much love and encouragement, Lorenzo.


Please enjoy this lovely chat I had with Simon Haiduk:


Here are links for more wonderful explorations of Simon’s Creations.


Music Section:

Metta Grove Multimedia Meditation:


And some recent music of Simon’s with his band Yaima:





‘Return to Source Temple’ by S.Haiduk

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