Myths of Human Nature

by Nowick Gray



Ending the Masquerade

The powers that be do not use language to say what it is, so that it can be seen. Instead, they use it to hide what is—especially the use of coercive power itself—precisely in order to enable such power to coerce all the more effectively.—Frank Seeburger, The Irrelevance of Power

Three decades ago, in my homemade home at the edge of wilderness,  I was most concerned about the loss of Nature. Now, what looms next, with Nature half out the door, is the loss of our Humanity.  No surprise, really. It’s a logical culmination of our entire hacked history, where truth itself has become an endangered animal.

In today’s one-sided battle for control of the information chessboard, the mainstream media has seen an evolution in its focus and methods, from news to narrative. The deception reaches its apogee with the creation of an election victor out of their own projections—much the same as the computer simulation from Imperial College gave rise to a worldwide “pandemic” (in the bounded logic of the simulation).



The result is a no-man’s land where the truth of our own nature is contested by forces of dogmatic control, dead-set against free inquiry. The rebel spirit is duty-bound to challenge the narrative and ask more deeply: what is human nature, and what is the natural human?

Human nature is not what we’re told, a self-fulfilling history of despicable behavior. Programmed, “educated,” indoctrinated, propagandized, lied to, legally bamboozled, forced at gunpoint, invited with irresistible trial offers, swayed by cooked books and flawed studies, swept aside by moneyed interests acting through willing mercenary proxies… are we reduced to living out this dystopian fiction ever since chasing down the last bull eland on the savannah?

Only if we so choose, or fail to choose otherwise.

The Great Reset professes to tap into the old way of collective sharing, with its socialist promise, “You will own nothing, and be happy for it.”

History shows us how the loss of the commons to individual property gave way in a succession of steps to trade, money, power, more money, property, more money, more power, and so on: an escalator of inequality, exploitation, crimes against humanity and nature, genocide, ecocide.

Now, the global village is given as a model to bring us back to a state of balance. But with a new priesthood in control. And these are not our benevolent elders, but a cult of technocrats worshipping Artificial Intelligence. The ultimate aim in this twisted future is not to serve the people of the village, but to completely replace the natural human operating system.


Eyes Wide Open

“The only virus is in your mind.” –Amandha Vollmer, “Enough is enough”

Ideology, the enclosure of language, is akin to the historical enclosures of common land. Any residual coding of the natural vibration will call in the critics and creditors, armed with new scripture. Our language, designed by social gravity to circle within a bounded universe much akin to the brain inside its bony skull, feigns consent. If it dares to reach beyond, the tether breaks, or snaps back into the fold. Content then to recycle pieties, it brooks approval for its recognizable tapestry of lies.

Unspoken tales, woven in beauty, remember a fabric of deeper import, the skirt of the goddess which is spread across this desecrated wonder of our planet.

Once truth is glimpsed, how is the masquerade to go on?

Knowledge is the tempter, the power of duality: us and them, good and evil. Chained on the karmic wheel of birth and death, “the user is the used” (Chiron Last). “Progress” is the operative myth, repeated over and over, a figmentary feature of the simulation engine. A price is paid for this seduction, this promising gift, from the outset: “It is the structure of our minds that has been altered.”

Ashamed of our nakedness, which is to say our true nature, we go willingly into that clothing of hand-me-down mortality, entering into eternal competition, yet worshipping time, which is the fruit of the tree of death.


Slaves then to “our gifted divided mind… the source of our imprisonment remains hidden, and the operation of this system continues unabated” (Last).

Carlos Castaneda’s mentor, don Juan, in The Active Side of Infinity,” explains, “They gave us their mind, which becomes our mind.” Last continues, “Through the mind, which is their mind, they inject into the lives of human beings whatever is convenient for them.”

Sounds like a recipe for election charades, regime changes, fake pandemics, false flags of every description.

Conspiracies, you say?

“Man at war with man, forever and ever. That is the proof.”

To ask, “Who are we, really?” it becomes necessary to wonder now, “Who are they?”


Some call them Archons, jealous of our power and full embodiment. The DNA hack is disallowed in this game theory, in favor of the “neuronal hack.” Software, that is, not hardware. Thus we enter the looking-glass world of mass programming, producing commercial democracy by the media, of the media, and for the media.

Despite pervasive spin, in the current era it is ever more apparent to see at least the footprints and fingerprints “they” leave behind in their operations. They created and funded Al Qaeda and Isis, then called them terroriststo justify war. They ran Operation Gladiobombings in the 1970s to fuel the fears of the European populace, blame communists, change elections. In 2020 they told us the killer virus came from Chinese bat soup, never mind that overzealous research revealing that devious Dr. Fauci had personally steered illegal weapons lab funding to Wuhan to achieve its desired “gain of function.”

The simplest answer to “they” is another question: “Who benefits?”



The Wizard of CovOz


Take 1. Our Global Village


You are hereby incorporated into Our New Global Village (ONGV).

All rights accrue to the Ruling Council, headed by the Apex Wizard CovOz (AWCO)

By order of our proclamation, the anointed high priests and dark faux-priestesses have decreed the following taboos:

  • It is forbidden to speak of any other conveyance of governance, or nongovernance.
  • You will remain under our protection and control.
  • You will not leave your isolation cells until you have certified your allegiance to our social contract.
  • Your initiation ritual begins with the donning of the State Mask (SM) and prompt adoption of all other protocols established by ONGV councils and priests.
  • Your allegiance is secured with permanent entry into the Vaccine Integrated Program for Emergency Reprogramming (VIPER).
  • Any deviant thought, speech or action will be flagged as an error in your system, and you will be restricted and recoded until your compliance is secured.

Full-spectrum implementation commences on 20 January 2021, without recourse.

—Apex Wizard of CovOz


Take 2. In which Dorothy pulls the curtain…

“Oh, Dr. Fauci, what are you doing?”

“Shush, girl. I’m pulling the levels of Science and True Knowledge.”

“I see. Pray, who is your paymaster? On whose orders—”

“That would be Mr. Gates, I’m afraid.”

“Truly, that comes as no surprise. But tell me, is it not a conflict of interest that he is the chief profiteer of this operation, while the people must pay the price and suffer the consequences?”

“Young lady, do you doubt the wisdom of the invisible hand of the global economic order, for the greater welfare of all, and the salvation of the environment, now and forevermore? The ways of your lords may be inscrutable, but you must have faith, my child.”



Back to Nature: The Roots

An uncomfortable truth is always superior to a comfortable fantasy. –Caitlin Johnstone

With autocracy afoot, predators banking on a toxic elixir of chaos and collective hypnosis, we seek out root causes. Where do we really come from? The Gaia Sophia hypothesis (after scholar John Lash) puts us in the company of the cosmic feminine, taught in the mystery schools nurturing gnosis, the good kind of “old-time religion.” The kind held by natural peoples everywhere, who hold belief in the primacy of the life force, of natural divinity; whose heritage and privilege it is to dream our lives within the dream of the goddess, the light bringer—the true animation, not false simulation, of all that is.

Everything important we learn in school is suspect. Everything we’re taught of history is but a story within a story. Science, religion, ethics, politics, all lie corrupted at the foot of hubris: wanting more, thinking ourselves better than we are, better than each other, better than Her.

Story or no story… can there even be a way back to the place before story? Where we might enjoy a new understanding, a new vision, embodied in beauty, in the old ways, in Nature herself?

It cannot be otherwise, than that Nature herself holds the answer.



Nowick Gray writes from Salt Spring Island, BC. His books of genre-bending fiction and creative nonfiction explore the borders of nature and civilization, imagination and reality, choice and manifestation. Connect to read more. A regular contributor to The New Agora, Nowick also offers perspectives and resources on alternative culture and African drumming,and helps other writers as a freelance copyeditor at Sign up for the “Wild Writings” email newsletter for updates and free offers.

image credits:

(feature) grove: Nowick Gray
yawns: LA Times
bird wings:
death cult:

