

One-World Scientism and its “Trust the Science” Refrain

By Stephers

“It’s no surprise that modern civilization, intellectually based on a fool’s version of ‘science,’ has built science as a new religion, with all the restrictions that organized religions have enforced . . . Talking news heads are feeding the population fast-food COVID science—a manufactured product consisting of synthetic bullshit about cases, deaths, the virus, the vaccine. It’s cardboard. And no dissenters allowed.”   

Jon Rappoport, September 28, 2021

Dangerous speech verses free speech mobs of ignoramuses

Collectively (POM writers and commenters), we have analyzed and decoded this long-running, persistent, and egregious event called “COVID.” While a daunting task, there is some unique allure that draws us in, and very strangely, excites us. Before I get judged or berated, please allow me to define “excite” in the way I perceive it.

Let’s look at the Merriam-Webster definition of excite:


Definition of excite:

1 ato call to activity

b : to rouse to an emotional response

cto arouse (something, such as a strong emotional response) by appropriate stimuli


3 : to increase the activity of (something, such as a living organism) : STIMULATE

Would you agree that this definition of excite describes what you have exhibited since March 2020? In other words, have you been provoked or have you intensified your emotional response consistently over the past 18 months? I have. I readily admit to this. I also think we can agree that we have not been excited in a positive way.

Most human beings are naturally sensation-seeking, or excitement-seeking. Essentially, it may be an innate trait to desire novel experiences. Perhaps it is our brains that motivate us to want to cultivate new and unfamiliar circumstances, despite the fear and anxiety that typically accompanies them. My sense is this drive for excitement resides much deeper than our brains; it’s wired into the very consciousness that informs us — in order to provide opportunities for growth and evolution.

Why am I leading with this? Well, because the spell-binding and mind-blinding phenomenon we have observed since this operation began may be summed up in one word, excitement. Can you see what I am getting at? I am attempting to describe how the masses are actually excited by this induced trauma. I would go even further, and propose that the hypnotized populace is possibly being pulsed with external electromagnetic fields (through computer monitors, smart devices, and televisions) aimed to stimulate and accentuate excitation and sensory resonance.

Would you agree that most people in this country live fairly dull and repetitive lives? Most of us go from day to day, attending to our jobs (many living paycheck to paycheck, and rent payment to rent payment) and attending to our daily tasks on our own, with family, and/or friends. For the most part, it’s not all that stimulating in every moment. Fast forward to March 2020, when “lockdown” occurred . . . Even if the lockdown provoked fear in most people (leading them to a questionable response ostensibly to an imaginary pathogen), it still seemed new and different, and something to focus upon. It got the juices flowing, so to speak — an adrenaline rush.

My position is that the common thread woven throughout this operation can also be summed up in another word: science, or rather, two words: weaponized science. To get even more specific and to the nitty gritty of this exploratory essay . . . I purport that if we combine the two — excitement + science — we end up arriving at the cult-like phenomenon (like a religion) called Scientism.

If we return once again to Merriam-Webster, we get this definition of Scientism:


Definition of scientism:

1 : methods and attitudes typical of or attributed to the natural scientist

2 : an exaggerated trust in the efficacy of the methods of natural science applied to all areas of investigation (as in philosophy, the social sciences, and the humanities)

I would like to emphasize the phrase, exaggerated trust, in the definition above, which inherently implies a pattern of excitement, as well as over-reliance on scientific results. What this also reveals is that scientists do not present facts, but, rather, theories to be proven. As a science geek myself, I can tell you that this is what makes science so much fun. It is always changing, and is rarely everconstant. What may seem valid one day, may be nullified another day. What makes science so invigorating is the incessant inquiry — leading to un-foregone conclusions. By its very nature, science can never be settled.

I think the main distinction I would make between Scientism and other religions, is that Scientism seems to leave NO room for dissent; whereas in many religions, there is subtle and sometimes even significant dissent that is not only permitted, but possibly encouraged.

It’s no secret that interest (AKA excitement) and trust (sometimes “blind”) in standard religions has waned in recent years. Perhaps this has been accomplished by design? Would you agree that it seems this is a ripe time to attract many into a new quasi-religion? And what is the reductionist beast system offering to the common folk who need respite from the spiking of their cortisol levels, due to living in this manufactured stress bombardment? It’s become abundantly clear — “Keep Calm and Trust the Science.” Speaking of Keep Calmmemes — including travel mugs that say “Keep Calm and Trust the Virologist” — do you find it curious that they are often presented with the symbol of the crown? How is that for predictive programming and revelation of the method?

After all, who do you think has always had its hungry hands in the science cookie jar — the Royal Society, of course! As stated by the Royal Society, it is the oldest scientific academy in continuous existence.” Moreover, guess where its origins lie? The very first “learned society” was purportedly founded in November 1660 with the “invisible college” of natural philosophers and physicians (see my July 2020 post in which I referenced the Rosicrucian-based Invisible College and its impact on Scientism); and from 1663, it would be known as “The Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge.” Ironically, its motto is Nullius in verbatake nobody’s word for it.

Moving on . . . this July 2021 discussion on Scientism with biologist Rupert Sheldrake may evoke a sense of truth in one regard — that this world has seemingly gone off the deep end — into this quasi-religion of Scientism. However, I felt this interview was an epic fail, in that Sheldrake looked weak and sounded tepid. This is not how I remember him in years past, when he enthusiastically shared his out-of-the-box reasoning, seemingly to the dismay of the scientific community. In my opinion, what was severely lacking, unfortunately, was a deep, discerning inquiry into COVID. He claims that he willingly received the COVID injection. One has to wonder why Sheldrake (like many others of his intellectual caliber, who previously challenged scientific orthodoxy) neglected to offer reasonable skepticism about the alleged pandemic, and why he felt the need at the outset of the interview to shut down so-called “conspiracy theories.”

Nonetheless, I have chosen to link to this July 2021 interview, as we may be able to incorporate small offerings from Sheldrake, such as acknowledging corruption in science and recognizing the pitfalls of both mechanistic materialism and narrow dogma. But we must move forward on our own, in contextualizing a more discerning framework around COVID, thereby diving much deeper. I suggest that the You Tube Channel, “Infinity,” starts us on this path in their August 2021 presentation, “The Secret of Trusting the Science with Rupert Sheldrake.” It is less than 10 minutes long, and worth the time to watch (given what I have asserted, please do not allow the title to preclude you from examining it).

For those who are reluctant to watch videos, here are some choice quotes that I pulled:

  • Science is a never-ending search for new knowledge . . . Science is not a constant but rather an ever-evolving quest for better answers.” 
  • “. . . biased scientists that [sic] receive funding from corporate interest, might make misleading statements and conclusions . . .”
  • “In order to be a good scientist, one must always be skeptical of its findings and processes.”
  • “We need to stay open-minded and thirsty for more NEW KNOWLEDGE . . .”

What has happened to our friends and family? Have they been converted, or ritually coronated, and possibly physically and mentally (and even spiritually) altered indefinitely? How often have you heard the religious mantra (trust the science, or alternatively, follow the science) spoken by someone you know? If you haven’t been on the receiving end of this refrain (or serenaded — see the little ditty I wrote at the end), then count yourself lucky.

What I observe of most jabbed adults I know is that they believe themselves to be woke via this obsession with what they believe to be “science.” They have been captured and herded into this new messianic mindset, in which their deliverance has come via a syringe, and the holy word dictated to them by the CDC and FDA priests. Hence, this reality-distorting monopoly of fervent Scientism leaders and, in turn, their apostles, subjugates the populace into acceptance of policies and actions that not only brings them to genuflect, but rather, to beg for these false prophets to literally and metaphorically call the shots — even if it may result in harm. This is what has become of our society, whether we want to accept it or not.

To epitomize this infatuation with “science” (even when questionable, possibly invalid, or downright fallacious), we can look to the Kavli Foundation, and its Kavli Prize.

The Kavli Foundation was launched in 2000 by engineer and innovator, Fred Kavli. Based in Oxnard, California, the motto of the Kavli Foundation is “Advancing science for the benefit of humanity.” The global organization elaborates, “We are a catalyst for advancing scientific research, strengthening the relationship between science and society, and honoring scientific achievement.” Its main fields of inquiry include neuroscience, astrophysics, nanoscience, and theoretical physics.

Kavli is no stranger to big data and its relation to human behavior (see more below) and genetics. In 2015, the Foundation introduced the Kavli HUMAN Project (KHP), in an effort to aggregate and analyze longitudinal data (“massive discovery datasets”) reflective of the “bio-behavioral complex.” In the domain of nanoscience, in early 2021, the Kavli Institute for NanoScience Discovery (Kavli INSD) opened at the University of Oxford with a $10 million gift from Kavli. It currently operates five institutes in nanoscience.

It should come as no surprise to readers who have followed my efforts (in collaboration with Alison McDowell) in exposing the “graphene agenda,” that the Kavli Energy NanoScience Institute at UC Berkeley is intimately involved in researching graphene as applied to digital and quantum computing. To boot, in 2012, Mildred Dresselhaus — dubbed “The Queen of Carbon” — was awarded the Kavli Prize in Nanoscience for her exploratory work on carbon nanomaterials and nanoscale electron-phonon interaction. Dresselhaus pioneered Raman spectroscopy, which is utilized to characterize nanomaterials, including carbon nanotubes and graphene.

According to Kavli, the Kavli Prize recognizes excellence in research in three of its domains of inquiry: astrophysics, nanoscience, and neuroscience (known by Kavli as “fields of the future”). Each award winner receives a medal, scroll, and one million dollars. The Prize comprises a partnership between the Kavli Foundation, the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, and the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research. As per the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, “HM King Har­ald is the Honorary President of the Acad­emy. HM Queen Sonja, HRH Crown Prince Haakon, HRH Crown Princess Mette-Marit, and Fred Kavli are honorary members of the Academy.” Incidentally, Norwegian Crown Prince Haakonwas a member of the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders network from 2005 to 2010, and subsequently served as a member of the Young Global Leaders Foundation Board until 2017

Strikingly, though, where Kavli seems to shine is in the scientific realm of human behavior, and what one may even surmise leans into the nebulous territory of mind control. Just prior to the Corona kick-off, in August 2019, the Kavli Foundation committed $3 million to support ongoing neuroscience research at Salk as part of the joint UCSD-Salk Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind (KIBM). This gift was matched by an additional $3 million from Salk, which added $6 million to the KIBM Endowment, enabling their faculty in neuroscience to further understand the “origins, evolution and mechanisms of human cognition, from the brain’s physical and biochemical machinery to the experiences and behaviors called the mind.” The Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind was established through a $15.5 million endowment commitment from the Kavli Foundation, shared between Salk and UC San Diego. That’s a whole lot of dough being applied toward better understanding the brain’s circuitry underlying emotion and motivation.When we start to discuss emotion and motivation, we circle back to the notion of excitementand its counterpart, keeping calm. As I have posited from the get-go, this event seems to have much more to do with the mind — examining the mind and social behavior — than any suspected germ or public health concern. Thus, do you see why I might consider that if the Salk Institute (founded in 1963 by the polio vaccine inventor, Jonas Salk) is intimately involved with Kavli and pursuits into how brains can go haywire, then perhaps it warrants our attention?

To conclude — and to finally cut to the chase — when the COVID cult choir bellows their refrain, “Trust the Science,” what they really mean to sing is:

We worship the scientists

Who are funded by the corporations

That are run by the banks

Which are owned by the Royals

Are you down with the Crown?

Let’s all get down with the Crown.


Trust the science

Follow the science

Trust the science 

Follow the science 

Are you down with the Crown?

Let’s all get down with the Crown.

La la la la la la la  . .

It is clear that I do not have a future in songwriting. Add your own tune to my capricious little ditty, and feel free to add your own lyrics and share in the comments if you are inclined; and of course, continue to question, question, question and challenge consensus narratives!


For further exploration:

The Science Delusionby Rupert Sheldrake

Rupert Sheldrake (banned) TED talk and Debate

Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic field from monitors” U.S. Patent, application granted on January 14, 2003 to Hendricus G. Loos

The Mysterious Hendricus Loos and His Nervous System Manipulation DevicesTop Secret Writers, November 13, 2015

Episode 406 — “Trust the Science!The Corbett Report, August 10, 2021

Dean Henderson: The Nephilim Crown & The Secret History of PowerThe Higherside Chats, April 19, 2021

Breaking The Spell: The Scientific Evidence for Ending The COVID Delusion by Thomas S. Cowan, MD

PLannedilLusion News Alert – Joan Shenton Takes The JabRumble, October 7, 2021

”World renowned documentarian Joan Shenton who was also founder of the Immunity Resource Foundation as well as HIV/AIDS debunker and COVID19 activist, has made a shock [sic] admission. She took the jab last May in order to travel. Dr Kevin Corbett joins PLannedilLusion to unpack the significance and inmplications [sic] of her decision to Jab given her standing as a current board member of the RA/UC which has worked hard to uncover the COVID scam.”