People Are Rebelling Against Lockdowns, Masks Worldwide
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
People around the globe – from Australia to France to the US – are engaging in peaceful protests against draconian COVID-19 restrictions, including vaccination and mask mandates, vaccine passports and continued lockdowns.
- The Delta variant has a very low 0.2% case fatality rate (CFR) in the U.K., which drops to 0.03% in those under 50, yet is being used as impetus for COVID-19 restrictions
- The public, increasingly fed up with the contradictory guidelines and mandates, is speaking out against the draconian measures that are being reinstated
- In July 2021, more than 160,000 people, including 11,000 in Paris, protested in France against the “health pass,” the country’s version of a vaccine passport
- Demonstrations against Italy’s similar Green Pass have popped up in Rome, Naples and Turin, with people calling for freedom and chanting “down with the dictatorship”
- Thousands of protestors also turned up to rebel against extended lockdown orders in Australia and, in India, hundreds of people joined a Freedom Rally to protest COVID lockdowns and mandatory masks, vaccination and COVID testing
- In the U.S., more than 100 people protested outside the Iowa State Capitol against COVID-19 vaccine mandates, while advocacy groups in California filed a lawsuit against Gov. Gavin Newsom and health officials to challenge COVID restrictions in kindergarten through grade 12 schools
COVID-19 vaccines were supposed to set you free and bring life back to what it looked like in 2019 — no masks, no lockdowns and freedom for everyone, regardless of vaccination status.
Along those lines, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated their guidelines May 13, 2021, to state that vaccinated individuals no longer needed to wear a mask outdoors and in most spaces indoors1 but, July 27, 2021, they changed the guidance to once again recommend masks for vaccinated people while indoors in areas with “high” or “substantial” COVID-19 transmission.2
This time, the about-face about masks — even for the vaccinated — was blamed on the Delta variant of the virus.
At this point, however, with effective treatments like ivermectin available, the documented high survival rate of COVID-193 and knowledge that if you’ve had COVID-19, you’re already likely immune to further infection, the rationale for further restrictions is questionable — and even more so when you consider the Delta variant has a very low 0.27% case fatality rate (CFR) in the U.K., which drops to 0.03% in those under 50.4
Generally speaking, as a virus becomes more transmissible, it becomes less virulent, as a virus that is highly deadly will kill off its hosts before it can spread. In an op-ed published by The Blaze, Daniel Horowitz cited data showing the Delta variant has a 0.1% CFR, which is the same rate as the flu, and has shown a pattern similar to most other respiratory viruses:5
“This is exactly what every respiratory pandemic has done through history: morphed into more transmissible and less virulent form that forces the other mutations out since you get that one. Nothing about masks, lockdowns, or experimental shots did this.
To the extent this really is more transmissible, it’s going to be less deadly, as is the case with the common cold. To the extent that there are areas below the herd immunity threshold (for example, in Scotland and the northwestern parts of the U.K.) they will likely get the Delta variant (until something else supplants it), but fatalities will continue to go down.”
The public, increasingly fed up with the contradictory guidelines and mandates, is speaking out against the draconian measures that are being reinstated, often due to Delta — a powerful move, since mass, peaceful protests can lead to significant change.
Nationwide Protests in France, Italy Over Vaccine Passports
In July 2021, more than 160,000 people, including 11,000 in Paris, protested in France against the “health pass,” the country’s version of a vaccine passport. Police released tear gas and water cannons against some of the protestors.6 France’s parliament approved a law that requires a health pass to enter restaurants, trains, planes and certain other public venues.
The health pass will be mandatory for adults and, starting September 30, 2021, children 12 and older as well.7 In order to get a health pass, individuals must prove they are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, have recently tested negative or have recently recovered from the virus.8
Protestors raised concerns that “freedom is being trampled on”9 and called for liberty and “no to the pass of shame.”10 The law requiring the health pass also mandated vaccinations for all workers in the health care sector, who will be required to be vaccinated by September 15, 2021, or risk being suspended.11
In Italy, a similar pass called the “Green Pass”12 will be required as of August 6, 2021, to enter gyms, swimming pools, sports stadiums, museums, spas, casinos, cinemas and indoor restaurants. It’s already required to travel within the European Union or enter care homes or large wedding receptions in Italy.
Demonstrations against the Green Pass have popped up in Rome, Naples and Turin, with people calling for freedom and chanting “down with the dictatorship.”13 As with France’s health pass, the Green Pass serves as proof that an individual has been vaccinated, recently tested negative for COVID-19 or recovered from a previous infection.
People Rebel Against Australian, UK Lockdowns, Tracing
Thousands of protestors also turned up to rebel against extended lockdown orders in Australia.14 Stay-at-home orders were extended until at least August 28, 2021, in Sydney, which NPR said could prompt a second recession of the economy in two years.
With residents growing increasingly weary and protesting the lockdowns, police were being called in for enforcement and government officials called on individuals to report people who weren’t obeying social distancing rules.
Outside of Sydney, about half of Australia’s residents were in lockdown as of July 24, 2021, but protestors were increasingly taking to city centers to call for freedom and the truth. At one protest in Melbourne, a banner read, “This is not about a virus it’s about total government control of the people.”15 Multiple arrests were made at the Sydney protests, with police stating that crowds “broke through barriers and threw plastic bottles and plants.”16
In New South Wales, law enforcement stated that while they supported free speech and peaceful assembly, “the protest was a breach of public health orders.”17 Meanwhile in England, most COVID restrictions were recently lifted, but protests are increasing over the NHS COVID app, which notifies you if you’ve been in close contact (defined as within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more) with someone who tested positive for COVID.
During the week of July 14, 2021, 618,903 alerts were sent to people using the app, which means, if you’re unvaccinated, you’re supposed to self-isolate for 10 days since the last contact with the positive person. If you don’t self-isolate after being notified, you can be fined £1,000 ($1,390) or more.18 About 5,000 people also demonstrated against COVID measures in Athens, with banners stating, “Don’t touch our children.”19
Freedom Rally in India Protests COVID Restrictions
In India, hundreds of people joined a Freedom Rally to protest COVID lockdowns and mandatory masks, vaccination and COVID testing, with slogans reading:20
- “Mandatory vaccination is tyranny”
- “No more lockdowns. It has brought poverty and hunger”
- “Vaccinating cannot guarantee safety of one’s life”
- “WHO says masks are not for healthy people”
The peaceful protests were part of the Awaken India Movement (AIM), which aims to protect freedom of choice and basic human rights, which are rapidly eroding, and prevent mandatory vaccination, masks, social distancing and testing. It’s also working to stop lockdowns, GMO foods, 5G and tech censorship. According to AIM:21
“We are particularly concerned about health, financial and ecological crisis that humanity is facing, facilitated by misplaced and false narratives that are propagated as its cause. Our collective journey began by revealing the truth behind the ‘Covid-19: The Great Reset’ and communicating with the public about the new norms, global agendas and authoritarian tactics that are unfolding to this end.”
Vaccine, Mask Mandates Under Fire in US
In the U.S., more than 100 people protested outside the Iowa State Capitol against COVID-19 vaccine mandates, including those issued by some hospitals in the state. The rally was organized by Informed Choice Iowa, a nonprofit in support of medical freedom and informed consent.22
Speaking with the Des Moines Register, Brei Johnson with Informed Choice Iowa said, “You can take off a mask but you can’t undo a vaccine. That’s a slippery slope to what comes next.”23 Republican state Rep. Jeff Shipley also spoke at the rally, referring to vaccine mandates as “a crime against humanity.”24
Advocacy groups Let Them Breathe and Reopen California Schools took a different approach in California, where they filed a lawsuit against Gov. Gavin Newsom and other health officials to challenge COVID restrictions in kindergarten through grade 12 schools — specifically mask mandates, asymptomatic testing and quarantine guidance for close contacts.25 Jonathan Zachreson, founder of Reopen California Schools, stated:26
“It’s clear that CDPH [California Department of Public Health] has chosen to ignore the overwhelming evidence that show[s] children are at a very low risk from being infected with COVID-19, transmitting it to others, or becoming seriously ill from COVID-19.
A return to a normal school year is crucial to the mental and physical health recovery for all students across California who have endured months of isolation and a majority of who spent last school year entirely in distance learning.”
Sharon McKeeman, founder of Let Them Breathe, added that health officials’ claims that face masks don’t interfere with education “is faulty in that facial cues, social skills, and comfort are just a few of the essential components of education that masking excludes.”27
Learning to Live With COVID
As noted by Horowitz in The Blaze, “Natural infection is the only phenomena that will ultimately burn out all variants, and the entire focus should be on getting seniors and other vulnerable people early treatment the minute they feel symptoms and even a prophylactic regimen of ivermectin … when appropriate.”28
Instead of locking down society, which is taking an extreme toll on the economy and individual lives, why isn’t COVID-19 being treated the way other viruses like influenza are, with symptomatic people staying home to recover while the rest of society goes on?
As I talked about in an earlier article, data compiled by Pandemics ~ Data & Analytics (PANDA) found no relationship between lockdowns and COVID-19 deaths per million people. The disease followed a trajectory of linear decline regardless of whether or not lockdowns were imposed. Yet, this type of information has been censored from the beginning.
The lack of exposure to everyday dirt and germs that is missed when people stay home, socially distanced and sanitized also cannot be ignored. “Our immune system needs a job,” Dr. Meg Lemon, a Denver dermatologist, told The New York Times in a 2019 article on the science of the immune system. “We evolved over millions of years to have our immune systems under constant assault. Now they don’t have anything to do.”29
What is perhaps most disturbing is that this comment was made prior to the pandemic. Now, it’s exponentially worse, and your immune system is likely missing out on interactions with bacteria and other microorganisms that teach it, train it how to respond and keep it primed throughout your life.
If you don’t agree with COVID-19 restrictions in your area, now is the time to speak out in peaceful protest in order to compel positive changes in support of health and overall freedom.
- 1 U.S. CDC May 13, 2021 Wayback archive
- 2 CNN July 27, 2021
- 3 NBC 26 October 20, 2020
- 4, 28 The Blaze July 14, 2021
- 5 The Blaze June 23, 2021
- 6, 19 VOA News July 24, 2021
- 7, 8, 11 NPR July 26, 2021
- 9 France 24 July 25, 2021
- 10, 13, 15, 16, 17 Aljazeera July 24, 2021
- 12 Reuters July 22, 2021
- 14 CNN July 28, 2021
- 18 BBC News July 23, 2021
- 20 OpIndia July 2021
- 21 Awaken India Movement
- 22 Informed Choice Iowa, About Us
- 23, 24 AP News July 25, 2021
- 25, 26, 27 The Daily Wire July 23, 2021
- 29 The New York Times March 12, 2019
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