46565416 - health and body building food with fish and meat, supplement powders, vitamin tablets, pulses, nuts, vegetables, fruit and high protein and juice smoothie shakes.

Written By: Charles K. Bens, Ph.D.

Nutrient deficiencies can cause countless ailments and diseases.  However, eating the proper foods and supplementing certain nutrients can reverse poor health and reduce your risk of illness.

The cost of health care is skyrocketing.  A recent news report indicated that the premiums for “Obamacare” (The Affordable Health Care Act) health insurance will likely increase by 25% in 2017.1 The current president will likely respond to this announcement with claims that Obamacare should be abolished, or that pharmaceutical companies are taking too much profit.  There are many reasons why healthcare costs have risen so much, but it is unlikely that the real cause of this healthcare crisis will be part of this political discussion.

The real reason for these high costs is the state of health of Americans.  In the past 60 years, the percentage of the population suffering from a chronic disease has risen from 10% to over 60%.2 A British economist has estimated that 100% of the GNP of the United States will be consumed by the cost of health care by the year 2065.3  And the number one cause of this astronomical increase in the cost of health care, according to every knowledgeable health expert, is nutritional deficiencies.4

Where is the proof for such an outrageous statement?  In 2010, the National Cancer Institute did a study of more than 14,000 people, aged 2 to 80, and could not find one person with a truly healthy diet. In fact, a vast majority of these people were deficient in 11 out of 14 nutritional categories.5 How can this be true in the proverbial “land of plenty”?

The obvious answer is that most people are just not eating enough of the right foods, and our medical profession is doing a terrible job of preventing illness.  It’s just not what they do. The reasons?

  • Doctors do not get good nutritional education.
  • Schools provide inadequate nutritional education.
  • The USDA Food Pyramid is seriously flawed.
  • Doctors treat symptoms of disease, not the causes.
  • The diagnostic tools used are woefully inadequate.
  • People adopt poor eating habits very early in life.
  • Farmers are growing food that is nutritionally deficient.
  • Food companies over process most of their products.6

(Note: For a more detailed explanation please see Exhibit I.) 

What are the most dangerous nutritional deficiencies?

Many nutritional deficiencies should concern us all, but there are ten that deserve some immediate attention by most people:7

1.  Vitamin D3 6.  Magnesium
2.  Vitamin B 7.  Vitamin C
3.  Iodine 8.  Lutein
4.  Omega-3 fats 9.  Coenzyme Q10
5.  Enzymes 10. Vitamin E

Unfortunately, the medical profession does not usually test for deficiencies in any of these nutrients, so what are we to do? (For actual deficiencies see Exhibit II.)


The symptoms of nutritional deficiencies, and the best sources for nutrients:

People can watch for specific symptoms and undergo certain tests to determine if they are deficient in any of these key nutrients.  Sources for these nutrients may be found in the foods we should be eating as well as in nutritional supplements that have been scientifically proven to contain equivalent nutrients.8

(For a summary of the food sources for these nutrients please see Exhibit III below)

  • Vitamin D3 – This nutrient is deficient in 50% of the population generally, and is even higher in places where the sun does not shine very often.  Populations living in northern locations have much higher vitamin D3 Vitamin D3 is important for the development of teeth and bones, the protection of the heart, and the prevention of Type 2 diabetes.  Perhaps its most important role is in the prevention of cancer.  Vitamin D3 turns off genetic expressions for cancers in hundreds of genes, including those involved in breast cancer and prostate cancer.  Scientific studies have shown that high levels of vitamin D3 reduce the risk of breast cancer by 77% and prostate cancer by 83%.9

Desired level in blood tests:  50-90 ng/ml

Some common Vitamin D deficiency symptoms:

–  Insomnia –  Nosebleeds
–  Easy bruising –  Frequent fractures
–  Delayed wound healing –  Teeth or bone problems
–  Chronic diarrhea –  Rapid/irregular heartbeat

Some of the best sources of Vitamin D:

–  Sunshine on bare skin –  Egg yolks
–  Milk (preferably goat or sheep) –  Fish liver oils (e.g., cod)
–  Sardines, herring, salmon –  Halibut, tuna, mackerel

Daily requirement – Enough to raise blood levels above 50 ng/ml

  • Can range from 1,000 IU to 10,000 IU/day.
  • Best source is liquid or liquid gel capsule.
  • Vitamin B – There are several different B vitamins, and we need all of them.  They include vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, folate, and biotin.  Very few people  do not have a deficiency of one or more of the key B vitamins.  This is illustrated by the crucial role they play in the development of hormones, neurotransmitters, and other biochemicals.  Vitamins such as B6 and B12 play a key role in the methylation process, which involves breaking down amino acids to make biochemicals.  Without these two nutrients, people will experience many illnesses, including heart disease, cancer, mental challenges, and even sexual disorders.10

The desired levels of key B vitamins are as follows:

–  Vitamin B1 = 35 mg –  Vitamin B6 = 75 mg
–  Vitamin B2 = 35 mg –  Vitamin B12 = 25 mcg
–  Vitamin B3 = 85 mg –  Folate = 800 mcg
–  Vitamin B5 = 100 mg –  Biotin = 1000 mcg

Some common vitamin B deficiency symptoms:

–  Lack of energy –  Mental/emotional challenges
–  Sexual dysfunction –  Poor skin, nail, or hair development
–  Insomnia/no dreams –  Nerve disorders
–  Poor appetite –  Digestive problems

Some of the best sources for B vitamins

–  Fish –  Nuts –  Whole grains
–  Eggs –  Beans –  Dark leafy vegetables
–  Poultry –  Cabbage –  Non-cow dairy products
–  Brown rice –  Broccoli –  Sea vegetables (kelp)

Best nutritional supplement ideas for B vitamins

  • Use a B complex, because B vitamins need to be taken together.
  • A capsule made from food source nutrients is best. Avoid synthetic form.
  • Vitamin B12 is best in sublingual form or skin cream because it cannot survive the digestive process very well.
  • Iodine – Iodine is found in every tissue in the body, and it is thought that up to 40% of the worldwide population is deficient in iodine.  It is particularly important for the function of a healthy thyroid, and has been implicated in many diseases, including cancer.

Some common iodine deficiency symptoms

–  Dry mouth (low saliva) –  Chronic skin infections
–  Dry skin (lack of sweating) –  Fibroid development
–  Reduced mental alertness –  Excess mucous
–  Sensitivity to cold –  Stuffy sinuses

Best sources of iodine

–  Unprocessed sea salt –  Seaweed
–  Shrimp, crab, lobster –  Kelp, Spirulina
–  Eggs –  Raw milk

Best tests for iodine

  • A complete hormone panel for the thyroid can help to determine if good levels of iodine are present.
  • Best prescription medication for low thyroid is Armor.
  • Omega-3 fats – Omega-3 fats are vital to our health and are found in high concentrations in certain fish, as well as in various nuts and seeds.  Omega-3 deficiency is ranked as the sixth leading cause of disease, but is primarily associated with cardiovascular disease and brain illnesses, such as depression and Alzheimer’s.  Salmon is the most popular source of omega-3 fats, but sardines and krill oil offer even higher concentrations.

Omega-3 fats are anti-inflammatory, while omega-6 fats are inflammatory.  The ideal ratio of these two omega fats is 1 to 1, but the ratio in the typical Western diet is 1 to 20, because people are getting too many omega-6 fats from fried and/or processed foods.  The ideal daily allowance for these two forms of omega fats are:

Omega-3 = 600 mg/day

Omega-6 = 110 mg/day

Some common omega-3 deficiency symptoms

–  Dry skin/eczema –  Poor memory or attention span
–  High blood pressure –  High cholesterol
–  Depression or anxiety –  Nosebleeds or easy bruising
–  Arthritis (inflammation) –  Poor exercise or injury recovery
–  Dry eyes or grit in eyes –  Dry hair or dandruff

Some of the best sources of omega-3 fats:

–  Salmon –  Walnuts –  Soybeans
–  Tuna –  Flaxseed –  Hemp seeds
–  Herring –  Borage oil –  Black currant seeds
–  Sardines –  Pumpkin seed oil


Some nutritional supplement ideas:

  • Cold-pressed oils are the best.  Heat is bad for omega-3 oils.
  • Measure blood levels to determine actual deficiencies.
  • Find quality sources from reliable companies like Nordic Naturals, UDO’s and Source Naturals.
  • Enzymes – Enzymes are primarily reactive or catalysts, meaning that they cause things to happen biochemically in the body.  They can be useful in the digestion and assimilation of food, the neutralizing of germs, and the removal of things like arterial plaque or fibroids.  Many enzymes are found in raw fruits and vegetables, while cooking these foods destroys virtually all of the enzymes.  Some enzymes are derived from the fermentation of bacteria, such as nattokinase, made from soybeans, or serrapeptase, derived from silkworms.  These “specialty” enzymes are less known for their role in digestion and better known for their role in the reduction of arterial plaque or the dissolving of fibroids.

Our bodies make some digestive enzymes naturally in the pancreas, but this process declines over the years as a part of the aging process.  By some accounts, as much as 50% of natural enzyme production declines by the age of 50.  That is why some people decide to supplement with enzymes in order to assist in the digestion process.  This is especially needed for food that has been cooked.13

Some common signs of enzyme deficiency:

–  Excessive gas –  Colitis or irritable bowel syndrome
–  Bloating after meals –  Eczema or psoriasis
–  Poorly formed stools –  Stomach or bowel pain
–  Constipation –  Slow nail and hair growth
–  Chronic heartburn –  Fatigue after eating
–  Chronic diarrhea –  Formation of plaque or fibroids

Some of the best sources of enzymes:

–  All raw fruits and vegetables –  Fermented bacteria (nattokinase)
–  Pineapple (bromelain) –  Better chewing of food
–  Papaya (papain)    (amylase enzymes)
–  Silkworm (serrapeptase) –  Raw meat/fish (sushi)

Some nutritional supplement ideas:

  • Take a comprehensive enzyme formula just before meals, especially with cooked food.
  • To reduce plaque or fibroids, take serrapeptase, nattokinase, or protease between meals on an empty stomach.
  • Consult a nutritionist or a Holistic MD about the dosage and type of enzyme you may need.
  • Magnesium – Magnesium may be the most important nutrient of all, due to its crucial role in the prevention of diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and every known brain disorder.

There are more than 3,700 sites on human protein cells where magnesium is needed in order to promote detoxification, produce antioxidants, such as glutathione, and transport insulin and glucose into every cell to make energy. And, while magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body, more than 80% of us suffer from a magnesium deficiency.  When magnesium is not at sufficient levels, people can experience heart attacks, diabetes, depression, strokes, and much more.

The average adult needs about 500 mg of magnesium every day, but for those who exercise, this requirement could be five or ten times higher, depending on the intensity and the duration of the exercise.  Many athletes or weekend warriors are unaware of this need for higher levels of magnesium and experience dire consequences as a result.14

Some common magnesium deficiency symptoms:

–  Muscle cramps –  Insomnia
–  Muscle weakness –  Nervousness
–  Irregular heartbeat –  Constipation
–  Depression or anxiety –  High blood pressure
–  Weak bones –  High blood sugar

Some of the best sources of magnesium:

–  Whole grains (not wheat) –  Green vegetables
–  Brazil nuts/almonds –  Beet greens
–  Non-cow dairy products –  Blackstrap molasses
–  Seeds (fennel, poppy, cumin) –  Rice bran
–  Swiss chard –  Beans

Some nutritional supplement ideas:

  • Most people need a 2 to 1 ratio of calcium to magnesium.
  • Athletes may need a 1 to 1, or even 1 to 2, ratio or higher.
  • Magnesium taurate, magnesium threonate, and chelated magnesium are good forms.
  • Coffee and alcohol deplete magnesium levels.
  • Vitamin C – Vitamin C is the most broad-spectrum antioxidant from external sources.  That means that internally produced antioxidants, like glutathione, may be more widely utilized, but of those consumed as food, vitamin C is the leading nutrient capable of neutralizing toxins known as free radicals.  In that regard, vitamin C is crucial to our immune system and is capable of preventing colds in small doses and treating cancer in larger doses.  There is scientific evidence to support both benefits.

The recommended daily allowance for vitamin C is 60 mg, but this will only help in cases such as the prevention of scurvy.  It is really a minimum daily allowance, and most scientists agree that about 2,000 mg are needed daily to prevent chronic illness.  Larger amounts of 10,000 mg or more have been used orally to treat illness, while 50,000 mg or more intravenously have been used for cancer.15

Some common vitamin C deficiency symptoms:

–  Frequent colds or flu –  Buildup of arterial plaque
–  Frequent infections –  Delayed wound healing
–  Easy bruising –  Bleeding or tender gums
–  Arthritis or joint pain –  Lack of energy or chronic fatigue

Some of the best sources for vitamin C:

–  Berries of all kinds –  Cherries
–  Citrus fruits –  Kiwi
–  Tomatoes –  Broccoli
–  All vegetables –  All fruits

Some nutritional supplement ideas:

  • Consume vitamin C supplements in doses of 500 mg every 4 hours.
  • Ensure bioflavonoids are included in vitamin C supplements.
  • Use natural plant sources, if possible, not synthetic forms.
  • Cigarettes, coffee, and sugar deplete vitamin C levels.
  • Drinking fruit juice is not good, as it has too much sugar.
  • Lutein – Lutein does not usually appear on the list of important nutrients, but that is a big mistake.  Lutein, vitamin A, and zeaxanthin are crucial carotenoid nutrients for the health of our eyes.  Lutein is found in leafy green vegetables, as well as deep orange and yellow vegetables.   Although there are more than 600 different foods in the world known as carotenoids, only about 20 of them are deposited in large quantities in the eyes.

Lutein and zeaxanthin fight free radical damage in the eyes, slow the development of cataracts, and generally prevent macular degeneration.  Lutein is also valuable in the protection of our skin, the prevention of diabetes, and the prevention of cancers, including breast and colon cancer.16

Some common lutein and zeaxanthin deficiency symptoms:

–  Blurred vision –  Frequent polyps in the colon
–  Poor night vision –  Signs of skin aging or damage
–  Deteriorating eyesight –  Persistently high blood sugar levels
–  High inflammation levels –  Buildup of plaque in arteries

Some of the best sources for lutein and zeaxanthin:

–  Orange bell peppers –  Egg yolks
–  Kale and spinach –  Turnips and collard greens
–  Broccoli –  Romaine lettuce
–  Kiwi fruit –  Zucchini and squash

Some nutritional supplement ideas:

  • The recommended doses are lutein 10 mg/day and zeaxanthin 2 mg/day.
  • Some doctors recommend up to 20 mg/day of lutein (or even 40 mg).
  • Other nutrients in good eye formulas include vitamin A, vitamin C, zinc, and lycopene.
  • Try to take supplements with the food that contains the nutrients in order to improve absorption.
  • Coenzyme Q10 – This is another nutrient that is not usually on a list of very important nutrients, but it should be.  CoQ10 plays a crucial role in the production of energy in the mitochondria of our cells, as well as the protection of the nucleus, which contains our DNA.  While some people get good amounts of CoQ10 in dairy and meat, they also get saturated fat and cholesterol, which produces inflammation and causes the buildup of arterial plaque.

While some CoQ10 is produced in the body, it is usually not enough to meet our daily needs, especially if we reduce our consumption of dairy and red meat.  CoQ10 is most needed by organs with fast metabolism, such as the brain, the heart, the liver, the kidneys, and the lungs.  For this reason, CoQ10 has been proven to prevent diseases associated with these organs, as well as reversing these same diseases in many cases.  In one study, 50% of patients on dialysis were able to get off their kidney support machines by taking 180 mg/daily of CoQ10 for three months.  Similar results have been shown in studies on heart disease, liver disease, and even Parkinson’s disease.17

Some common CoQ10 deficiency symptoms:

–  Muscular weakness –  Chronic fatigue
–  Heart rhythm disturbances –  Poor kidney function
–  Accelerated skin aging –  Increased infections
–  High blood pressure –  Bleeding or receding gums

Some of the best sources of CoQ10:

–  Organ meats (liver, kidneys) –  Spinach
–  Grass-fed beef –  Broccoli
–  Sardines –  Cauliflower
–  Mackerel –  Poultry

*Note – These food sources typically contain from 1 to 3 mg of CoQ10 per serving, while the recommended dose is 100 mg/day.

Some nutritional supplement ideas:

  • Always buy CoQ10 in the form of ubiquinol, not ubiquinone.
  • A minimum of 3 mcg per mL plasma blood level is needed to achieve a clinical benefit for heart patients; (higher levels are desirable for more serious conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease).
  • Vitamin E – Vitamin E is an oil-based antioxidant that is valuable to every cell, but particularly to cells in the brain and the heart.  It is the membrane of the cell that is often damaged by free radicals, such as toxins.  Vitamin E not only neutralizes free radical damage; it also makes the cell membrane softer and better able to transport nutrients into the cell and waste out of the cell.  It also helps to recycle its antioxidant partner, vitamin C, which makes these two antioxidants a dynamic duo.18

Some common vitamin E deficiency symptoms:

–  Swollen legs or ankles –  Easy bruising
–  Exhaustion after light exercise –  Tendency to form blood clots
–  Lack of sex drive –  Loss of muscle tone
–  Cold hands or feet –  Slow wound healing

Some of the best sources of vitamin E:

–  Whole grains (not wheat) –  Green vegetables
–  Walnuts, pecans, almonds, hazelnuts –  Olive oil
–  Sunflower seeds –  Eggs
–  Omega oils –  Oatmeal


Summary comments

The need for nutritional supplements goes beyond the farming and the processing of food. There are also deficiencies creating in the cooking of food. Please see Exhibit IV to determine the deficiencies created by certain types of cooking as well as the freezing drying of food.

Some nutritional supplement ideas:

  • Supplements should always include four types of tocopherols: d-alpha, d-beta, d-delta, and d-gamma   ̶ not di-, which is the synthetic form.
  • When taking the supplement, try to take it with one or more of the foods that it comes from.
  • The average diet includes abut 21 IUs of vitamin E every day; people need at least 440 IUs to prevent and reverse chronic disease.

(For more detailed guidelines on the use of nutritional supplements please go to Exhibits V, which includes more detailed general guidelines, and Exhibit VI which includes a summary to the nutrients proven to help prevent and reverse various chronic diseases.)

This article is an overview of just ten of the most important nutrients that are commonly deficient in the average American diet. The science behind these stated deficiencies is excellent, as can be seen by the references provided. Naturopathic Doctors and Holistic Medical Doctors are usually very qualified to help diagnose and address these and other nutritional deficiencies.

As a starting point for good nutrition, people should refer to the Harvard Food Pyramid, which is based on the longest and most scientific evaluation of health ever conducted in America. To access more information on the use of nutritional supplements to prevent and reverse chronic disease, please go to www.LEF.org. where you will find hundreds of scientific references for more than 300 health conditions.

It is very clear that most people are not eating as well as they should.  The guidelines presented here describe how to get more of the key nutrients everyone needs to become healthier.  The following exhibits can help to explain how these deficiencies have occurred.


Exhibit I – Overview: How Nutritional Deficiencies Occur

According to a study completed in 2010, of 14,000 people aged 2 to 80, the number of participants with deficiencies in one or more key nutrients was 100%.  In fact, a majority of the study’s participants were deficient in 11 out of 14 major food categories that are vital to good health.  The Centers for Disease Control reported similar findings a few years ago when they reported that over 90% of the population had one or more nutritional deficiencies.  This current study simply indicates that the problem is just getting worse with each passing year, and the growth in chronic disease mirrors this nutritional deficiency pattern.

  • In 1960, only 10% of the population was chronically ill.
  • In 2015, over 60% of the population was chronically ill.

These chronic illnesses — for example, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, macular degeneration, depression, and irritable bowel syndrome — are all caused by poor nutrition or are contributed to significantly by poor nutrition.  Genetics is only responsible for 10-20% of these diseases, and even these genetic tendencies can be controlled, and even reversed, in many cases, with good nutrition.  Other contributing factors include smoking, alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, too much stress, and environmental toxins, but food is the most significant factor beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Reasons for Nutritional Deficiencies

Many things contribute to the nutritional deficiency crisis in America. Here are the factors mentioned most frequently in scientific studies:

  • The soil has been over farmed and depleted of nutrients.
  • Farmers do not usually replace the depleted nutrients because of cost, the lack of oversight by government, or lack of demand by the consumer.
  • Pesticides and herbicides deplete, or inactivate, many of the nutrients in fruits, vegetables, and grains.
  • Food is picked too early in order to better withstand shipping, and is artificially ripened in processing centers (e.g., tomatoes are gassed, oranges are dyed, etc.)
  • Food is transported long distances due to lower labor costs in Mexico, South America, and China. Nutrient levels can drop as much as 10% every day that food is transported.
  • Food is often stored for long periods, which depletes nutrients.
  • Food is often processed, such as grain, and can lose up to 80% of its nutrients as a result.
  • Preservatives, additives, and dyes all further deplete the nutritional value of food.
  • Food is often overcooked, radiated, or microwaved, which also depletes the level of nutrients.
  • People do not select healthy foods.
  • Foods are not chewed properly, which causes nutrient loss when large particles cannot be digested properly and when enzymes in saliva, created by chewing, are not fully released.
  • Stress depletes the level of nutrients in the body.
  • Surgery can increase the need for nutrients.
  • Injuries can increase the need for nutrients.
  • Pregnancy increases the need for nutrients.
  • Exercise increases the need for nutrients.
  • Medications deplete many key nutrients, which often causes more serious problems than the initial illness.
  • Tap water, with chlorine and fluoride in it, causes a serious depletion of nutrients.
  • The nutritional standards set by our government are too low.
  • Most doctors know very little about nutrition.

The overall impact of these nutritional depleting factors can be the loss of nearly 80% of the nutrients that nature intended to be in our food.  If we ate locally grown, organic food without overcooking it, and by eating it properly, we could actually get most of the nutrients we need from our food.  Obviously, most people are not doing this, or we would not be seeing the alarming statistics on nutritional deficiency and chronic disease that were previously reported.

Exhibit II – Specific Nutritional Deficiencies

Nutritional scientists have identified specific nutritional deficiencies when comparing the Recommended Daily Allowance of each nutrient to the Optimal Daily Allowance.  The ODA is necessary to prevent chronic disease.



#1 through #15 Patrick Holford – The New Optimum Nutrition Bible

#16 Dr. Daniel Harley

#17 Laura Power, PhD.

#18 Karen DeFelice books

#19 Dr. Steven Sinatra, MD.

#20 Dr. Julian Whitaker, MD.

Exhibit III – Food Sources to Reverse Nutritional Deficiencies

Nutritional deficiencies should first be met with food.  The following list includes excellent food sources for counteracting common nutrient deficiencies.  An excellent diet can satisfy 75% of the ODA.  The remaining nutrients must be obtained from quality supplement sources.


Exhibit IV – The Impact of Cooking on Nutritional Values

Most people have no idea how many nutrients are lost in the cooking process.  Nearly all of the enzymes are lost, which makes it very difficult for the food to be broken down and delivered to the cells properly.  Also, the cooking process depletes many vitamins and minerals.  Here are some of the key nutrients required by our cells and how much is lost in various cooking or preservation processes.



Exhibit V – Key Guidelines for Supplements

Key Supplement Guidelines

  • Most supplements should be taken with food throughout the day.
  • Vitamin C stays in the body for about four hours.  Therefore, take throughout the day. (500 mg every four hours)
  • Take vitamin E with fatty foods to assimilate better, because it is a fat-based vitamin.
  • Take some calcium at bedtime (with magnesium and vitamin D3) because the body attempts to balance acid and alkalinity while we sleep. This is called homeostasis, and if we don’t have enough minerals in our bodies, then they will be taken from us.  Calcium will be taken from our bones, and magnesium from our muscles and bones.
  • Supplements should be taken with caution and under the guidance of a qualified health practitioner.
  • All vitamin supplements are not created equal.  Cheap usually means weak and ineffective.
  • A cheap vitamin C costs half as much, but delivers only a quarter of the vitamin C than a more expensive brand.\

More Supplementation Ideas

  • Certain supplements are better than others because they have cofactors that influence assimilation.  Supplements need the same things in them that foods have.  A few good examples of this are:
  • Vitamin C should always include bioflavonoids.
  • Vitamin E should always include alpha, beta, delta, and gamma tocopherols in a gel form.
  • Calcium supplements should always contain magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin D, boron, vitamin K, and folic acid.

The Case for Antioxidants

  • Antioxidants are one of the key groups of nutrients needed at sufficient levels, because they neutralize free radicals in our bodies.
  • Eating seven to nine helpings of organic fruits and vegetables daily can provide up to 6,000 mg of antioxidants per day.
  • However, with stress, exposure to germs, use of prescription drugs, and exercising, the level of antioxidants needed can increase to 10,000 or 12,000 mg/day.

Exhibit VI – Supplements Scientifically Proven to Alleviate Key Illnesses 

  • Diabetes – Chromium picolinate, vanadium, gymnema sylvestre, alpha lipoic acid, magnesium, L-carnitine, CoQ10.
  • Heart Disease – Vitamin E, CoQ10, omega-3 fats, vitamin C, magnesium, selenium, L-carnitine, vitamin B, folic acid.
  • Brain Health – Vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, amino acids, calcium, magnesium, omega-3 and -6, zinc, selenium, and CoQ10.
  • Macular Degeneration – Zeaxanthin, beta-carotene, lutein, bilberry, and glutathione.
  • Stomach Problems – Digestive enzymes, zinc carnosine, licorice extract, cranberry, picrorhiza, and peppermint.
  • Intestinal Problems – Glutamine, N-Acetylglucosamine, aloe vera juice, amino acids, probiotics, digestive enzymes, vitamin B, fiber, and garlic.
  • Arthritis – Glucosamine sulfate, omega fats, multienzyme, DMG, vitamin C, sea cucumber, and SOD (superoxide dismutase).
  • Asthma – Vitamin C with bioflavonoids, quercitin, beta carotene, magnesium, bromelain, CoQ10, vitamin E, vitamin B.
  • Cancer – Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, turmeric, CoQ10, vitamin E, hydrazine sulfate, selenium, melatonin, beta-carotene, green tea, and Astragalus.

Note:  Even if you eat perfectly, digest perfectly, and assimilate perfectly, it would still be virtually impossible to get all of the nutrients you need every day.  Supplements are absolutely needed.



  • “Obama administration unveils health care premiums for 2016,” CBS News, October 24, 2016.
  • 2013 Global Burden of Disease, The Lancet, November 6, 2015.
  • Patient Heal Thyself, The Economist, March 19, 2011.
  • “Unhealthy eating and physical activity are leading cause of death in the U.S.,” Center for Science in the Public Interest, Found at scpinet.org.
  • National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, National Cancer Institute, Journal of Nutrition, August 11, 2010.
  • Adams, Mike, Seven Laws of Nutrition, Truth Publishing, 2016.  and. Adams, Mike, “Vitamin-Less Vegetables,” Life Extension Magazine, T. Mitchell, September 2009.  Adams, Mike, “Why the ROI and the RDA Fail Us,” D. Wygal, Ezine Articles, Dec. 3, 2007.
  • Gabrielle, Dave, “Average American Diet Deficient in Key Nutrients,” 29, 2011; online at www.naturalnews.com.  Davidoff, F., “Shame, A Major Reason Why Most Doctors Don’t Change Their  Views,” British Medical Journal, 2002; 324:623-624, March 16, 2002.
  • Simon, Nissa, “The Top 12 Vitamins & Supplements,” AARP Magazine, October 2010.  and  Mercola, Joseph, “11 Most Common Nutritional Deficiencies,” online at mercola.com. October 19, 2015.
  • Ingram, Cass, Nutrition Test for Better Health, Knowledge House, Buffalo Grove, IL, 2004.  and  Holford, Patrick, The New Optimum Nutrition Bible, Crossing Press, Berkeley, CA, 2004 and “Creighton Study Shows Vitamin D Reduces Cancer Risk,” Creighton University, June 8, 2007, online at creightonuniversity.edu.
  • Brownstein, David, Iodine: Why You Need It; Why You Can’t Live Without It,  Medical Alternative Press, West Bloomfield, IL, 2009.
  • Rudin, Donald, and Felix, Clara, Omega 3 Oils; A Practical Guide, Penguin Publishing Group, Garden City Park, NY, 1996.  and Mercola, Joseph, 11 Most Common Nutritional Deficiencies, October 19, 2015, online at mercola.com.
  • Howell, Edward, Enzyme Nutrition: The Food Enzyme Concept, Avery Press, 1985.  and Fuller, Die Qie, The Healing Power of Enzymes, Forbes Custom Publishing, New York, NY, 1998. and De Felice, Karen, Enzymes: Go With Your Gut, Thunder Snow Interactive, Minnesota, 2006.
  • Dean, Carolyn, The Magnesium Miracle, Ballantine Books, New York, NY, 2007. and “Will Magnesium Become The Next Vitamin D?” Life Extension Magazine, December 2016.
  • Pauling, Linus, Vitamin C and the Common Cold, Freeman Publishing, 1970. and  Hickey, Steve, and Andrew Saul, Vitamin C: The Real Story, Turner Publishing Company, New York, NY, 2015.
  • Anshel, Jeffrey, Smart Medicine for Your Eyes, Avery, Garden City Park, NY, 1999; 2011.
  • Sinatra, Stephen, The Sinatra Solution: Metabolic Cardiology, Basic Health Publications, Laguana Beach, CA, 2011.  and  “Combining CoQ10 and Selenium Reduces Cardiovascular Mortality,” Life Extension Magazine, October 2016. and “Should Parkinson’s Patients Take CoQ10?” Life Extension Magazine, February 2003.“Randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial of Coenzyme Q10 in chronic renal failure, discovery of a new role,” Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, 2000; 101281-288.
  • Tan, Barrie, Ronald Ross Watson, and Victor Preedy, Tocotrienals: Vitamin E Beyond Tocopherols, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2012. and  Sangal, A., et al., “Vitamin E Shows Promise to Treat Fatty Live Disease,” New England Journal of Medicine, 2010-05-02:08:51-59.



Charles Bens has a Ph.D. in nutrition and uses Functional Medicine as the foundation for his wellness consulting company Healthy at Work in Sarasota, Florida. He uses nutritional education, along with other natural wellness tools, to help employees make difficult lifestyle changes such as losing weight, smoking cessation or the prevention and reversal of chronic illnesses such as Type 2 diabetes. Employees seem to appreciate the impressive science behind these educational programs which include workshops, webinars, newsletters, articles and online coaching. In this article Dr. Bens presents the compelling science behind Functional Medicine, which clearly illustrates that this natural approach is safer, more effective and much less costly then the conventional approaches used by most employers and their healthcare providers.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of GreenMedInfo or its staff.