Research Says Checking Your Phone While On A “Break” = Less “Recharging” of Brain



By B.N. Frank

Research Also Says Cell Phone Radiation Disrupts Blood-Brain Barrier and May Cause It To Leak

Since the Journal of Behavioral Addictions released this research there must be something to it.  From Nextgov:

Using your phone on break during mentally challenging tasks doesn’t allow your brain to recharge effectively and may result in poorer performance, according to new research.


“The act of reaching for your phone between tasks, or mid-task, is becoming more commonplace. It is important to know the costs associated with reaching for this device during every spare minute. We assume it’s no different from any other break—but the phone may carry increasing levels of distraction that make it difficult to return focused attention to work tasks,” says coauthor Terri Kurtzberg, an associate professor of management and global business at the Rutgers University Business School.


Seems like there are plenty of good reasons to take breaks from smartphones whether you’re formally “on a break” or not.

Activist Post reports regularly about issues and illnesses from “Smart” phones and other new technology.  For more information, visit our archives and the following websites:

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