The Article Collection
“I don’t write articles, they write me.”
All the Words Combine
I have been publishing articles on this and other websites for over ten years. It was brought to my attention years ago many of the articles I post are translated into different languages. This is the greatest compliment. I have even had opportunities to be interviewed by akin-spirited people intending to make a difference. I am empowered by the expanding community I discover and encounter with every article I write. Yet, there is something missing in my experience, and perhaps those of others. A transcendent relativity to equal the articles’ purpose.
Truth into Illusion
One observation I have made is the limited understanding, dialogue and application of the social awareness and listening into which I write. I will be the first to acknowledge the complexities and intricacies of the subject matter and vernacular I often choose, and the arrogance and pretentious tones my expression may convey. Perhaps I have lost the attention and interest of readers in the process. It is what it is, in a social reality rife with predominately negative images and information broadcast like advertisements for oblivious consumption. Perhaps what I write about may occur as offensive to many, as much as the mainstream media is to me.
Against the Grain
All who intend to express the truth they resonate with, into an artificial, callous and immoral society always face the greatest adversity, criticism, judgement and ridicule. Humanity is and perhaps has always been inverted and regressive in nature. The masses tend to lash out at those who stand for the truth and praise those who manipulate perception. At no time in my fifty years of life have I felt this to the gravest degree than over the last few years. When I offered an alternative or diverse perspective on what has been happening in contemporary society, I encountered social anger, blame, condemnation, shame and vitriol, losing acquaintances and friends along the way.
Defying Gravity
I am grateful to be a part of communities who accept and understand me for who I am and who I am not. When the gravity of society imposes its weight upon us, we usually dance and laugh our way through with conscious abandon. This is essential in a chaotic and challenging age. The window to awareness seems to be narrowing for many. Being an expression of the universe in an artificial world is a daunting endeavor. When the tides of humanity are ebbing toward madness and mayhem, our purpose is to flow with acceptance, balance, compassion, consciousness, equality, love and transformation.
“For the energy of the universe.”
Media Manipulation
Over the last decade, I have observed the declining state of journalism spiral into dis-, mis- and no information, social exploitation and partisan opinion. Authors, bloggers and columnists spar for expanded readership at the cost of their personal and professional authenticity, integrity and veracity. Even to the extent of arguing over nuance in a blind quest to be first, renown and right. The impacts to their audiences have been devastating. It is one thing to bend reality to benefit one’s career or company. Something entirely different to abuse the attention, reliance and trust readers have in an author or publication for the purposes of prestige and profit.

Selective Perception
I understand and accept the design of social reality, even when it has no acknowledgement or regard for the truth. I do not need to accredit, compel or solidify what I experience for it to exist for others. That is up to them to choose to discover for themselves, or not. I understand humanity is primarily conditioned and programmed into authoritarian-driven narratives, engineered to provide a social environment of artificial belonging. In which people have the platform to defend their insecurities behind the institutions of education, lifestyle, politics and religion. To the majority, it often seems easier to abide in fear than embrace love.
Ceiling of Consciousness
When I wrote on topics like consciousness, creativity, imagination, multidimensionality, transformation and universality, I used to wonder why there was a lack of response from the world wide web. Why proactive and positive expressions were excluded into non-existence in a society addicted to vicious cycles of negative and regressive repetition. Even why there was a social dependence on toxicity. Then it occurred to me, emulation has highjacked our opportunity for creation. We are artificial beings enslaved in a digital simulation, reacting to social stimuli projected into our existence.

All in Resonance
Every article I compose is inspired by what resonates with me in the moment. The writing process is intuitively guided. Even the editing and revision methods are empowered by insight. When they are published, they are as universally expressed as humanly possible. One of the only unfortunate elements in the progression of an article is attempting to convey in words all that is beyond instinctual and intellectual understanding. Yet, the opportunity to hone my ability for universal expression supersedes the inevitability that most of the universality is lost once they are completed. The energy between the lines is essential.
Universal Expression
What I choose to write about may not mean much to most if anything at all. If it did, there would be more of a watermark in the world when the tides of the articles recede. I have never had an intention for profit or recognition from what I publish. The website is free to all who choose to visit. I do not benefit, except for exposure from my articles being published on other websites or for interviews in which I participate. This is my commitment to the universe for sharing its creativity, empowerment, energy, insight and understanding with me. I am only an expression of its presence through my experience.
“Empowering and inspiring community through creativity.”