Silence The Monkey Mind

Silence The Monkey Mind       Silence The Monkey Mind AllThingsForTheWin The monkey mind, always chattering. Ceaselessly it goes on, day and night. Invading our every moment; Every moment! Can we not have one second of peace? No, we have to steal...
An Opportunity to Find our Quiet Awareness?

An Opportunity to Find our Quiet Awareness?  An Opportunity to Find our Quiet Awareness? Questions of our Time 7 By Kingsley L. Dennis   An Opportunity to Find our Quiet Awareness?   An appropriate way to open this short essay is with a quote from a poem. In this case, an extract from...
Prisoners of the Voice

Prisoners of the Voice Prisoners of the Voice By Elva Thompson       “What, then, is the soul but a prisoner of your flesh? An undying yet constrained energy, bound and enslaved within a shuffling, steadily rotting suit of tissue and savage needs?”...