The Battle for Your heart.

By Lorenzo!



What could be more important than finding the truth of love for your life?  Most have, or have had many worries, desires, expectations, feelings, foolish ideas of what will lead to happiness or liberty often including the pursuit of pleasures in that chase. But what it all comes down to, or perhaps what it all soars up towards, I can say without any doubt, is love.

After you clear away the surface level of want and need, of what we’re all ‘after’  in life,  love will, more than likely, be the answer. Love of family, freedom, health, love of fun, food, abundance, good weather and happy times ‘ring’ common for most of us. Without love, I feel, no one we would enjoy living.

Maybe we could even go to the source and ask Love directly ‘What do you have to say?’, if you asked your heart ‘How would you like to be alive? What would it answer?

If you can honestly find the answers to these questions, I would say you’re ‘golden’, and the path forward would be obvious in that if you can hear your heart’s voice,  you can then see what do to or not do, for yourself, and for your life: putting into action a loving life. Obvious stuff?  Maybe. But, obvious doesn’t mean ‘easy’ and obvious doesn’t always mean without some sort of sacrifice or difficulty or pain; obvious maybe but few still go that route just the same.

Here then, could be seen the strategy to get the answers to any questions, we may have, in relation to ‘What should I do now? We all get ‘lost’ from time to time. Going within and relocating, grounding in that heart centre seems the way to go to me. I would suggest starting with your heart and what it’s saying to you. And, if that’s not clear or conscious to you yet, well, then there you have your next steps towards a good life. Make your heart’s voice clear to you. Maybe even speak it out loud.

Easier said than done’, I hear, and yes, it is, much, much, much easier said than done. I’ve been battling to align myself with my heart’s voice my entire life. Yesterday, today and what feels like a thousand years of struggle, maintaining myself on a path of love and joy. Certainly it’s been paved with challenges, often bathed in the tears and blood of mistakes, but, also serenaded with the sweet melody of success that natural song whose beat we all hear within ourselves.

Call it what you will, but for me, there is always a loving feeling of ‘something’ watching over me, guiding my guts, steering my feelings, encouraging the best of my inspirations with a constant eye on love. Not the – sappy ‘all is good’ stand in the light with ‘angels’ singing in the background, and you’ll be alright – kind, but the honest one that will kick your ass when required and allow you to fall into the ‘gutter of mistakes’, so you many realize it’s not really where you wish to live.

Myself, I’ve had all of the above experiences and more. I can say that those same experiences all point the way, to my personal door to ‘freedom’, on this my delightful road of destiny. It has been a battle alright, one I’m not ashamed to say I’ve failed many times, but I have also succeeded and so in the end, it’s the only one worth participating in. The ‘only game’ worth playing. So battle, but as a warrior, assured in yourself, in your choices, from the very bottom, to the very top:  all chosen with a loving eye on freedom.

With Much of that very same hard-fought love, Lorenzo.



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Aethereal-The Battle for Heaven and Earth-Not All for Me But Found it overall Very Helpful

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