The Dam is Starting to Break

By Tony Sayers


Well, what a roller coaster right now! If you had asked me a few weeks ago what the future of humanity is lets just say I would’ve had a less than positive outlook! Since then, however, I am starting to see the tables turning slowly and I am personally feeling way more upbeat and hopeful that the TRUE essence of humanity is going to shine through.

I have always said that it will be their arrogance that will ultimately be their downfall and I truly believe we are seeing that right now. Mistakes are being made across the board, the huge amount of censorship going on is actually making people wonder what it is they have to hide. Just this week, David Icke was deplatformed and others are going the same way.

A quick glimpse at Bill Gates Twitter or Instagram feed will, if nothing else, provide you with a good belly laugh! He, and others like him, are being annihilated in the comments sections as people are waking up to his horrendous plan to force vaccinate the entire population and it is great to see!

I’m personally getting more messages and emails than ever before from people asking me what the Hell is going on! There also continues to be protests around the World from people who can see through this virus scam.

It is my belief that they are trying to rush this through so quickly now that they are tripping up over themselves. Im seeing push backs on forced vaccinations in the UK. A very limited amount of people are buying into this tracking app and there are small wins all over the place.

This doesn’t mean we are out of the woods yet, it just means that there is reason to have a lot of hope. ‘Ye are many they are few’. We have ALWAYS had the power and I don’t know about you but I am full of excitement at where this could be going. Thats not to say that we will not go through some darkness, humanity has been controlled for eons and any ‘dark night of the soul’ is going to hurt a little.

How much we go through depends on us. There are without doubt certain energies and frequencies coming into the Planet now which are helping to wake people up from their amnesia, however, we can speed up the process by playing our part. Each and everyone of us taking an active role in lifting the veil even if it is by simply sharing information.

In this weeks podcast I talk to Adam Crabb of the Crazzfiles covering a wide aspect of issues related to our situation and the many solutions we have at our disposal. You can listen to the video here:


I also make a passionate appeal to the ‘sleepers’ which is a really good one to share with people:


Sharing is caring guys at a time where we need to reach as many minds as possible.

Stay optimistic, stay strong and know that you are living in an unbelievable time in human history. We are ALL here at this time for a reason and our time is NOW.

Love, care, courage.

Tony Sayers

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Author of the books ‘Are you living or just existing?’ “Ten Life Hacks To Escape The Matrix’ ‘Artificial Intelligence’ and ‘The New Age Is The New Cage’

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