November, 2021



17 Pharma Henchmen Who Voted to Experiment on Your Kids — and How to Shun Them

Nov. 2: Sen. Ron Johnson to Hold Expert Panel on COVID Vaccine Injuries, Federal Vaccine Mandates

CDC’s Committee Member Dr. Chen Should Be Removed Immediately Due to Conflict of Interest

Authors of Great Barrington Declaration Got It Right — Lockdowns Were a Disaster, Especially for Young People

It’s Harder to Justify COVID Vaccine for Children if Pandemic’s End Is Near + More

19 States Sue Biden Administration Over COVID Vaccine Rule + More

Are Vaccinated ‘Shedding’ COVID Vaccine Side Effects?

Naomi Wolf: Medical Freedom Is a Non-Partisan Issue​​​​​​


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Our mission is to end the childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and establish safeguards so this never happens again

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