Here are the four articles from March just in case you missed them (in order from most recent to least recent), featuring more info on the all-pervasive COVID scamdemic which is now over 1 year in operation:
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Onwards and upwards in truth and freedom,
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WHO Pushes International Pandemic Treaty – Another Stepping Stone to World Government
- THE STORY: On March 30th 2021, the WHO released a letter, signed by its director-general Tedros Ghebreyesus plus 23 other world leaders, calling for the world to unite behind a new international pandemic treaty.
- THE IMPLICATIONS: Is this really about protection or something more sinister? Is this in fact another stepping stone towards the creation of a NWO-style World Government?
The WHO plus 23 other nations/blocs are pushing a new international pandemic treaty as a solution to future pandemics. Why?
The WHO is promoting a new international pandemic treaty
to be drawn up and signed by the world’s nations. In their announcement on March 30th 2021 entitled COVID-19 shows why united action is needed for more robust international health architecture, the WHO (World Health Organization) predictably appeals to vague general principles and noble-sounding values in an attempt to entice humanity to support its quest for globalism and more centralization of power. While it doesn’t use the buzzword sustainable this time, it does use another of its favorite buzzwords equitable. The WHO claims that everyone must have “universal and equitable access” to “safe, efficacious and affordable vaccines, medicines and diagnostics” for the current and future pandemics, however it has already gone wrong, since as the facts have shown, COVID is not a pandemic but rather an operation, an agenda, a PCR casedemic and a scamdemic. Those skeptical of authorities asking for more collaboration as a ruse to grab more power should note that the current EU structure came about first via treaties. So let’s take a closer look at the words used to push this new international pandemic treaty.
Right on Cue, 23 World Leaders Plus WHO Boss Read Their Scripts to Promote International Pandemic Treaty…continue reading
Study Analyzes Wireless Radiation-COVID Connection
- THE STORY: A new study from January 2021 analyzes the close similarities and effects that EMF radiation and COVID have on the human body.
- THE IMPLICATIONS: While the study doesn’t prove causation, it shows a preponderance of evidence that wireless radiation effects could easily be called ‘COVID.’ There is no need for a strange new virus.
A new study that analyzes RFR and EMF in light of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has found compelling evidence of a radiation-COVID connection.
The wireless radiation-COVID connection
cannot be ignored if one is truly committed to discovering the underlying medical causes of whatever this COVID thing is. I have dedicated most of my articles to exposing the scamdemic, the fake death count, the fake numbers, the fake PCR test, the fake vaccine, the non-existent virus and more. However, I am writing this to bring some focus back to what could be a major factor in causing the genuine and legitimate illness some people have experienced from what is called COVID. Early on in the pandemic I talked about the 5G-coronavirus connection. Now, I’d like to broaden the focus to EMF (Electromagnetic Fields or Frequencies) and RFR (Radio Frequency Radiation) in general, both of which are forms of non-ionizing radiation. A study this year from January 2021 entitled “Evidence for a Connection between COVID-19 and Exposure to Radiofrequency Radiation from Wireless Telecommunications Including Microwaves and Millimeter Waves”analyzes this theme and finds some compelling evidence to support the radiation-COVID connection…..
Uncovering the Wireless Radiation-COVID Connection….continue reading
COVID Denialism Now Enshrined in Case Law
- THE STORY: So-called COVID denialism was the deciding factor in a recent case where a judge denied a father custody rights due to this perspective that COVID was a hoax.
- THE IMPLICATIONS: This sets a case law precedent in Canada, and has grave implications for inherent rights and freedom for everyone. Are we entering a world where you can lose your rights solely due to way you think?
COVID denialism is now enshrined in case law in Canada. A judge denied a father custody rights due to this perspective that COVID was a hoax.
COVID denialism –
a broad term leveled at those who have seen through lies regarding the COVID scamdemic – has been enshrined in legal history and case law, at least in Canada. This is another horrendous yet sadly predictable step of the COVID agenda, which is none other than the agenda to steal your rights and freedom. MSM outlet CBC reported last week that a judge stripped a man (who remains anonymous at this stage) of his custody rights in his divorce case with his ex-wife due to his belief that COVID was a hoax, and his subsequent decision to defy social distancing and mask wearing rules. In other words, he was stripped of some of his rights due to his COVID denialism. The case was heard in late 2020 in the Ontario Superior Court, however Justice George W. King delivered the written decision at the end of January 2021, and the story was just picked up by The Free Thought Project.
Judge Considers Man’s Belief that COVID is a Hoax to be a Factor in Determining his Worthiness as a Father….continue reading
Bond Villain Schwab and his WEF are Pushing the Internet of Bodies
- THE STORY: The Great Reset is a rebranding of the New World Order. Among other things, Klaus Schwab and the WEF are promoting the idea of a 4th Industrial Revolution involving an Internet of Bodies which fuses the physical, digital and biological.
- THE IMPLICATIONS: COVID, climate change and other tricks are pretexts for Transhumanism, a way for the NWO controllers to get at your genetics.
Klaus Schwab and his WEF are pushing the Internet of Bodies as part of the NWO Great Reset, which involves a fusion of the physical and digital.
The Internet of Bodies (IoB)
hasn’t gotten as much attention as it needs to. It’s an outgrowth of the Internet of Things (IoT), a term that has been with us for several years now and which refers to the plan to embed every single thing on Earth with a sensor that allows it to be hooked up to the internet (using things like 5G and the Smart Grid) – and thus surveilled and monitored. The IoT implies that every node on the grid will receive and broadcast transmissions. The Internet of Bodies takes the whole thing a dangerous step further by envisioning a world where these sensors are biosensors that sit on or in the human body, with the potential to thus make every individual nothing more than a node on the grid too. Head of the WEF (World Economic Forum) Klaus Schwab, who has become famous among alternative media reporters for his incredible likeness to an archetypal James Bond villain, proclaimed that his Great Reset (just another name for the New World Order or NWO) and his 4th Industrial Revolution (just another name for Transhumanism) would “lead to a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity.”
The Internet of Bodies….continue reading