“Awareness begins with the choice to be conscious.”
In the Shift:
As mentioned before in previous articles, we are in an extraordinary, universal energetic shift. There has never been one more essential or significant. Since before the Winter Solstice 2020, ascension, awareness, empowerment, inspiration, transformation and transcendence are available in remarkable abundance. All it requires is for us to be present to our instincts, intellect, emotions, intuition, soul and the universe. This is a choice we must make. Before, it may have appeared optional. Now, it is vital to fully experience our lives. We can acquiesce and engage in the seductive influence of social reality and its material splendor, or we can awaken from and break the spell we all have been under to acknowledge, embrace, express and manifest our experience.
Sleepless Slumber:
Our life is a dream. Nothing more, nothing less. In fact, many of us have never awoken. We stumble in the darkness of society reacting to circumstances and situations with the dire hope we break ahead. This is the fundamental dynamic of reality. Living from external motivations of lack, want and survival. Our peripheral lives are rooted in a linear perception, constantly seeking self-value in the people around us. When we fail to find our worth from others, we encounter instinctual, intellectual and emotional breakdowns, instantaneously severing our relativity with our heart, intuition, soul and the universe. We engage in social reality, perceiving it as the path of least resistance. Yet, it diminishes our potential to create, establish, express, manifest and sustain our personal truth.

Hook, Line and Sinker:
There are many devices of social entrapment. Religion separates us from our soul. Politics divide and disempower. Advertisements program us to consume. Entertainment lulls us into escapism and fantasy. Sporting events spark us into a competitive fever pitch of triumph and tragedy. All forms of media pander fear to condition our perception of the world. The medical industry promotes illness and dependance on chemicals and continual care. Laws are established by white collar criminals to protect their illegal activities, sentencing society to its own apathy, confusion, ignorance and oblivion. While authoritarian regimes reign with a ruthless, global military state, wherein the people are manipulated to police each other. All these social influences serve to imprison us in our mind and body.
Breaking the Chains:
Extracting ourselves from social reality can be an excruciating and terrifying experience. There are many ways to free ourselves from all that arises to steal our consciousness. Our focus, attention, awareness, energy and expression are vital to transforming our experience. Whatever ritual we choose, what is most important is our alignment, equilibrium and relativity with the universe. We must create, empower, inspire and sustain our unique purpose, while being aware of the billions of social influences we may encounter. We are the weakest link in the chain of artificial society. Meaning, only we can break the bonds of our engagement. Simply shifting our attention from the peripheral with our inner observation and intention breaks the chains of our social incarceration.

“An eon of enslavement has ended; an era of empowerment has begun.”
The Rise of Universality:
We are a soul having a human experience. Yet, we have been deceived into believing we are a human being having a spiritual encounter. The focus of our common existence has been distorted and manipulated, tethering us to our instincts and intellect. We are all multidimensional beings of energy expressing ourselves with our intuition, heart, mind and body. Balancing the domains of our being to align with our soul is our universality, our relativity with the universe. Though it has been available to us from birth, it is most accessible and present than ever before. Universality is an eternal and infinite force, the source of all creativity, empowerment, imagination, inspiration, transformation and transcendence. Humanity stands upon the threshold. All we need do is walk through the door.
Rite of Passage:
Initiation is the cornerstone of all organizations, be they charitable, collegiate, corporate, political, religious or spiritual. It is an introduction to an ideology, with the intention of enriching our lifestyle. However, this too has been strategically highjacked to impose indoctrination into singular methodologies of organized propaganda. Each of us must acknowledge and navigate our personal rite of passage to align with the universe and become its expression within social reality. There are over seven billion unique rituals of experience existing around the world. When we discover one we are inspired to walk, an extraordinary exchange of energy resonates through our intuition, heart, mind and body. This equilibrium in our being is an affirmation we are in alignment with our soul and the universe.

The Grand Progression:
All who have chosen their unique path are in an accelerated evolution of conscious being. Possibility and potentiality are always present. Instant creation, expression and manifestation is happening all around us. This, in and of itself, can spin us off our center. We are all entering a powerful, transformative era of experiential existence. From Winter Solstice 2021 to Spring Equinox 2022, the influence of social reality will intensify to prevent the Grand Progression of our energetic consciousness. All who are engaged and invested in social reality will seek to control, distort, manipulate and obstruct humanity from achieving its collective destiny. Yet, it is not the authoritarian forces who are holding us hostage. It is our own apathy, control, fear and insecurity.
Focus, Ground, Center and Balance:
Social environments activate our anxiety, chaos, escapism and pain. We are victims of our circumstances, conditioning and programming. Our acquiescence to social reality is our greatest self-oppression. Being swept away by its tumultuous tides is an epidemic of global proportion. We are constantly in an energetic hurricane, necessitating us to ground ourselves and step into its eye. Our freedom is found within. Our energy goes where our attention flows. Amidst the melee, we must identify and establish our being by focusing our conscious intent. Tuning the resonance of our energy empowers us to center ourselves as we navigate the perils of social reality. Our equilibrium is the alchemy of our being. Establishing our balance with the universe in the present empowers our own.

Creative Relativity:
What we think we know is immaterial. What we believe we understand is even more irrelevant. Our arrogance, entitlement, expectation and self-righteousness are what inhibits the evolution of our being. The more we cling to the known aspects of our existence, the more we sacrifice our opportunity to shift with universal energy. Relativity as familiarity confines us into a paradigm of antiquated obsolescence. Relativity with the flow of creativity aligns us with the universe. Who we are being in the present is our essential experience. Our balanced being is a lightning rod carrying the resonance of the Grand Progression. As we attune to this energy, we manifest its shift into social reality. Releasing all we have established as our identity empowers our universality.
The New Era:
Beyond the threshold of all we know, abides all we feel, intuit and experience. Instinct, intellect and reactive emotion has no bearing in the universe. Therefore, it is nearly impossible to align with it while existing in a three-dimensional construct with a two-dimensional understanding. We cannot experience universality through the lens of social reality. This causes a paradox which annihilates our fulfillment. We must be committed and willing to let go of everything around us, even ourselves, to embrace transcendence of being. We are all creators of our experience. We all have the personal power to align, focus, ground, center and balance our being. We need only open our vision, set our intention, create our purpose, flow with the Grand Progression and be an expression of the universe.

Universal Flow:
All of us have a unique purpose only we can express. It is our covenant with life. When we commit to our destiny, it synergizes our relativity with the universe. Given the status of society, it is evident we are not fulfilling our vow. Universality is present whenever we are in alignment within ourselves. This empowers us to express it into our social environment. It inspires us to accelerate and elevate our energy. Though we exist in a chaotic and destructive, virtual reality, universal energy is always present in every moment. Our stream of consciousness is sourced from our soul, through our intuition and into our heart, mind and body. It is a multidimensional experience empowering every element of our being. Universality is the energy of the new era. We are the instruments of its music.
“Being is the new era of enlightenment.”

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