The Path with heart (choose life)
I have realised after many years of following the Toltec way to knowledge, that the path with heart as Don Juan described must be different for every person.
What the heart desires in each individual, is quite disparate in its range. Therefore, all paths with heart will be determined by the quality of the being. The thing I believe is that light resides in the heart, and it is really a matter of how much you shine! If you hide your light under a bushel, so to speak; to paraphrase a fellow shaman and sorcerer, then you cannot hope to arrive at peace, happiness, and true Self….
So it is, that where the connection with the heart is strong then the path with heart is clear; and the light shone O’ so brilliantly…..
But when the connection to the heart is dulled, hidden and sullied then the decisions we are forced to make, are essentially uninformed.
The decisions we choose in this confused state, are without principle or direction, and will not deliver you a positive state of being. Simply it does not reflect a path with heart at all. There will be no well-being!
So a path with heart is a distinct singular path, it is a choosing within the individual with the brilliance of the light that they perceive – that which we love will determine our choosing, and Our desire is principally arrived at by that which we crave

Therefore, for me having concluded these ideas, I looked to the Buddhist attitude which states: that actions done for the benefit of the entirety of creation, for all the beings without exception – for all sentience
Then this action is truly, the path with heart… having such an attitude; exemplary!!
If we desire peace for ourselves then that which we need to give is peace to others, this is the cosmic law. Don Juan cited impeccability as being just this “ the path of least resistance” that in terms of Nagualism is described as the most efficient use of energy. But a path where one tessellates with the outside world perfectly, causes the least resistance, one travels furthest with least energy. Our impeccable nature at the root of our being is our best guide.
Our impeccability, honesty, truth, understanding, and courage, our integrity our honour and our intent, will determine the path with heart….