The Time Has Come By
“Wake from reality.
Wake from your dream.
Wake from the fear,
that is tearing at the seams
of the world.”
Disturbance in the Force:
Society is inverted and perverted. From its inception, it has always been several degrees south of humane. Whether it is our collective display of animosity, cruelty, inequality or injustice, our social disorders have always endured. The most damning evidence of these imbalances is how we have allowed our entitlement and selfishness to become commonly acceptable standards. Possibility fades when we wager our humanity for the sole pursuit of survival. As difficult as it may be to acknowledge and claim our arrogance and desire is as essential we transform them into humility and generosity.
The Forest for the Trees:
We can no longer evade or escape the social reality built around us to benefit the few at the cost of the many. As tolerable as we have reluctantly chosen to make realism routine, we are now confronted with the severity of our personal evasion to settle for less than our unique destiny. Our indifference, resistance and procrastination have effectively inhibited our awakening, becoming and evolution. It begins by distinguishing ourselves and our experience from the reality occurring around us. Nothing is as it seems. Based on current events, the truth of this statement has never been more evident nor relevant.
Global Currency:
Money does not make the world go round. There is something far more evocative and influential. Fear moves the masses of civilization. Whatever the medium employed to execute the current agendas of business, entertainment, politics and religion, nothing is more precisely efficient than fear. Its most successful expression is terror, in all forms. Especially now. The undercurrents of anxiety, dread and panic are enormous energetic waves crashing upon an acquiescent and vulnerable society. We are all being shellshocked to the core of our being by an instinctual, intellectual, emotional and spiritual assault.
The Pulse of Dis-Ease:
Humanity is ill. The contemporary pandemic reflects the state of our health and welfare. Regardless of the aim, circumstance or status of what is happening, the condition of our immunity is the pulse of how we can navigate through most if not all health and environmental challenges confronting us. The accelerated and elevated nature of toxicity both within and without requires our focus, intention and practice to shift our experience. Our choice to exercise proactive awareness, prevention and wellbeing are essential ways to empower our healing and transformation.
Psychological Warfare:
Intellectual reality is a playground for control, competition and manipulation. All the world is a game for amusement, high stakes and low yields. Society is steeped in two-dimensionality; good and bad, dark and light, left and right, up and down and in and out. No matter how smart we believe we are, when we choose to mentally engage, we are trapped in a paradigm of duality. When we allow ourselves to become distracted by thought, we are easy prey for the corporate, political and religious masters of deception. We are the ones who enable their influence with the focus of our energy. Investing in the illusions of reality takes us away from our truth.
“Every moment is an opportunity to transform our experience.”
The Heart of the Matter:
We all have an electromagnetic sphere of energy emanating from our heart center into our environment. Whether we are conscious of it or not, it empowers our mind and nurtures our body. When we are present to this energetic field, the multiple dimensions of our being align with the universe and the earth in a powerful harmonic frequency. Our intuition relates with our soul and the universe. It is as a bolt of lightning, beaming from the source of life, through our chakra centers to the core of the earth. This energy inspires our creativity, sustains our existence and expresses our universality.
Source of the Soul:
Our microcosmic senses inhibit our ability to perceive and experience our macrocosmic being. We are more than the sum of our elements. In any moment we are all and nothing. Being nothing grants us the opportunity to be everything and vice versa. Our soul is the source of our transformation. Universal focus, intent and purpose empowers our experience. The eternal energy of our spirit exists exclusively in the present. We are given infinite opportunities every moment of every day to become an embodiment of our soul. It is our birthright to be an ambassador of the universe.
True Calling:
The power to express our soul is ever present. As our purpose is always offering its originality, our unique destiny thrives in moments of possibility. From time to time we have epiphanies to remind us of our universal legacy. Most often we abandon our personal genius for innate obligations to social reality. Our fear of the unknown prevents us from claiming and becoming our calling. Now more than ever expressing and manifesting our purpose is essential to our present and future. It is no longer an option. Becoming who we are meant to be is a necessity for the benefit of all.
The Quickening:
Reality is in an extreme flux of conception, destruction and manipulation. There is an acceleration of experience, time and space that confounds imagination, perception and understanding. The fundamental dynamics of society have been exploited ad infinitum. Every day, multiple domains of social existence are being written and rewritten at the desire of its authors. Humanity finds itself at the mercy of one of its greatest fears, an unknown fate. An uprising of awareness is building momentum as it empowers a generation of awakened warriors. The only way forward is together. The time we have all been waiting for has come.
The Time Is Here!
Time to let go of our fear.
Time to let go of the past.
Time to let go of our control.
Time to let go of our attachments.
Time to let go of our social submission.
Time to come out of the darkness of our anxiety
and into the light of our truth.
Time for all beings to move forward into the embrace of destiny.
Time to create our present. Time to empower our future.
Time to become all we choose to imagine.
Time to claim our power.
Time to find our voice.
The time is here.
The time is now!
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