The Transcendent Party
“If voting counted, we would never be granted the liberty.”
Civil War
The United States political map is checkered with red and blue. Rural regions are predominantly conservative, while urban areas are primarily liberal. Most of us are hereditarily and socially influenced from an early age to pledge our allegiance. Long before the American Civil War, authoritarian entities and organizations have strategized ideological, political, religious and social division amongst their constituencies. We eagerly participate in an electoral con, hook, line and sinker. Of course, we would not identify as a victim of partisanship, then we would be acknowledging the naivety of our self-inflicted exploitation. When we engage in two-party politics, we enable our enslavement in a combative duality, preserving eras of civil war.
Time Immoral
Every four years, the political model is the same. Alternative, mainstream and social media spin selective narratives of controversy and indoctrination for populus consumption to ensure our engagement. Journalism has been distorted and engineered into editorially- radicalized propaganda and rhetoric. Instead of investing our own personal research for equitable information, we devour fabricated opinion as fact, projecting our partisan programming upon the opposition. With all the bluster only egocentricity can convey, each side attempts to sway the other to their narrative. Our arrogance and insolence feign our stand for superficial causes. All the while, political parties endorse anger, fear, hatred, hostility, insecurity and toxicity.

Party Lines
Whether we are conservative or liberal does not matter. In a sports game, two teams don their colors with distinctive strategies. One team is on offense, the other on defense. They both jockey for position, making plays to achieve the advantage. One team wins and the other loses. It is the classic paradigm of duality. The same can be observed in politics. Yet, in the electoral arena, the stakes are higher as the contest is real (or so it may seem.) When we pick a side, we subscribe to a “singularity” of ideology. We debate and reject everything about the opponent. We even deny their very existence, condemning them to irrelevance, irrationality and oblivion. Where party lines begin, acceptance, listening and understanding ends.
The Powers that Be
Elite bloodlines rule the world. They control banks, corporations, the entertainment industry, financial institutions, media outlets, the medical industry, military forces, scientific communities and universities. They invest in lobbyists to influence politicians to protect their investments. They are sociopaths who oppress and suppress society to manipulate the global population. If we do not see this by now, we are simply not paying attention. When we discover alternative media, it often triggers our reactivity, compelling us to claim, “conspiracy theory!” This allows us to defend our cognitive dissonance, denial, fear and uncertainty when we encounter contrary information that conflicts with our beliefs. When we reject diverse ideologies, it does not mean they are not true.
“Voting is the acquiescence of our personal power.”

Conspiracy Theorist/Smearist
“Conspiracy theory” is a term authoritarian entities and organizations invented to discredit and demonize those who question and/or resist totalitarian agendas to exploit the global population for profit and power. In the last decade, social interest in alternative media has gone “viral.” Theories that were once dismissed as sacrilege are progressively being accepted for their truth. A recent distinction I observed from current events is the term, “conspiracy smeary.” This is when a proven “conspiracy theory” is distorted and propagandized to spread false narratives for ideological, political, religious and/or social influence, manipulation and weaponization. This has further condemned conspiracy theory into a mere deception of perception.
A Lost Cause
During the seminal establishment of the United States, the vision of democracy was sound. As with many ideologies, what has manifested from the necessity for freedom is the blasphemy of sovereignty. Politicians have rarely, if ever, served the people they were sworn to empower, protect and represent. With all the loyal dependency we can muster, we sacrifice our personal power for a savior to free us from the very oppression we enable with our engagement. Whether the slogan is “We are not going back!” or “Make America great again!” our reliance upon the rhetoric of politicians only leads to our enslavement. Democracy is a lost cause, simply because it does not exist, nor has it ever endured totalitarian egocentricity.

A Crime against Humanity
Social movements model their demonstrations with occupation. Imagine if we stood for and inhabited ourselves with the same passion! Protests are reactive events, caused by the extreme inequities of authoritarian organizations. Rallies are a social simulation to provoke negative responses. In essence, it is a social science experiment to preoccupy “radical” movements with their own reactivity. This is the strategy the political system employs. Stimulate an electoral environment into a fever pitch of negativity with ambiguity, conflict, debate, deception, fanaticism, fear, manipulation and prejudice. Then kindle the flames of contention until both sides defeat each other with their opposing indifference. Politics are a crime against humanity.
A Shift of Empowerment
In the previous article, I shared about the essential shift we all can experience in our transition from engagement to empowerment. The spirit of sovereignty is not with who and what we engage, yet in how we empower ourselves. There is a fine line between democracy and dictatorship, which history has proven with countless illustrations. Democracy inspires mutual acceptance, contribution, relativity and understanding. Whereas dictatorship imposes control, fear, hatred, indoctrination and intolerance. Our shift into empowerment begins when we align with, express and embody our soul. It is not an easy endeavor to manifest transcendence within the linear parameters of social reality. Freedom is found in our empowerment to transform.

Transformation and Transcendence
The ideology to which we subscribe often becomes our fixed way of being. Whether it is political, religious, social or otherwise, our belief, expression, identity, status and worth cannot be quantified by the declaration of our personal partisanship. Yet, we tend to emulate our social indoctrination as who we are. We opt to endorse candidates who will inevitably deceive and exploit us. This provides us the ideal excuse for the comfort and ease of our personal evasion. Every experience we encounter is an opportunity for us to shift from exalting others to empowering ourselves. Our transformation and transcendence are both sourced by the universe. Our essential choice is our soul.
The Transcendent Party
Recently, I was making observations with a friend about politics. Neither of us resonated with either party. I half-jokingly declared, “I belong to the Transcendent Party.” In my experience, pledging to any organization without personal discernment is not only social conformity, but also the definition of a “cult.” No matter how much faith, hope and trust we bestow upon ambitious, charismatic, confident and passionate candidates, it will never equal the empowerment we experience when we discover and embody these qualities within. Our universal shift begins when we select ourselves as the representative with whom we are inspired. Beyond the pandemonium of the political divide, transcendence is the freedom only our soul can provide.
“Everyone wins when we elect ourselves.”