“Energy is the essence of the universe.”


Rude Awakening:
When I was eight years old, my mom took my brother and I to the bank. While we were there, my brother wandered into the safe. My Mom went to retrieve him, and I was briefly left alone on the ground. I found a paperclip and inquisitively inserted it into an electrical floor socket. An intense current surged through every facet of my being. From what I can remember, everything and everyone disappeared. I recall feeling connected with an energy more expansive and profound than I could imagine. It was a powerful experience that inspired me to become present to life beyond reality.


Rhyme and Resonance:
Forty years after my encounter, I still feel the pulse of the electrical current. In those brief, remarkable moments, all that I had believed, observed and perceived shattered. After decades of personal evolution, experience and reflection, I realized the social foundations of intelligence, reality and relativity are intended illusions to distract us from our destiny and truth. Our heart emanates a powerful field of electromagnetic energy that sources and sustains our imagination, intuition and universality. Its resonance is the soul of our creativity and the consciousness that empowers its fulfillment.



Tapestry of Universality:
Every living being is connected to the universe. Society manipulates us into believing separation is the fundamental paradigm of reality. Linear experience is the enslavement of humanity. It diminishes and destroys our potentiality. Everything exists in multifaceted mandalas of energy. The universe sources and inspires our creativity, expression and existence. We are all threads woven into a multidimensional tapestry. When we stream infinite consciousness, universality empowers our present. This is the essence of enlightenment and we are the medium for its manifestation.


Cruising the Currents:
All things have potential to exist within the ebbs and flows of energy. The most challenging experiences we encounter have an optimal occurrence and outcome. Nearly all human events occur in two- or three-dimensional reality. What happens, how we live and who we are being as they transpire are a result of our vision and intention. In any experience, we can choose to flow with the energetic currents of opportunity and empower our path to manifest our purpose. The nature of our interaction with them allows us to transcend and transform linear existence into multidimensionality.




Transitory Being:
For decades, I have been having extradimensional “experiences.” (ref: “A History of Mystery.”) I understand them to be spirit journeys which occur as soon as I fall asleep. I am aware in these diverse realms, and often I can recall them in detail. My recollections are all mental, emotional, intuitive and spiritual. I can see the room I am in, yet it is distinct from its physical counterpart. In this space, multiple dimensions exist together in an elaborate domain of being. Sometimes I have the focus of consciousness to observe my soul and express the will power to return to terrestrial reality. Though, most often I shift into other dimensions.


“Being is a universal experience.”


There is an electromagnetic sphere around the earth. It protects our planetary ecosystem and shields us from asteroids, meteors, radiation, solar flares and the vacuum of space. When we sleep, we tend to broad stroke our experiences as REM activity. Yet, there is more transpiring than dreams. Our soul travels beyond the boundaries of our comprehension, imagination and existence. We pass through the earth’s electromagnetic energy into infinite dimensions of being. The potency of this energy makes it nearly impossible to remember where we go and what we encounter.




Axis of Awareness:
Dreams are a fraction of what we experience when we shift consciousness. I can remember conversations and events in alternate dimensions with people in my daily life. Some seem trivial, while others significant. When I share these experiences with the people in them, many cannot relate. I feel and sense they were a part of the encounter, yet they simply do not recall. There is a purpose to these dimensional shifts and experiences. Much as our mind invents dreams to subconsciously send messages, our soul inspires these conscious experiences to encourage our universality.


Creative Destiny:
In all my extradimensional experiences, I encounter an intense electromagnetic energy that immobilizes me. When I awaken into physical reality, this energy eventually synergizes with all domains of my being. It is a conscious essence that empowers the expression of my creativity. Bringing this energy to everyday life is our common destiny. Its unique power allows us to express our universality into social reality. Our intuition channels quantum shifts in our consciousness. It sources our vision and intention to manifest the universe and transform our experience.




Empowerment of Enlightenment:
We are multidimensional beings of energy. The four primary facets of our existence are the body, mind, heart and soul. When they are in evolutionary balance, our intuition connects the seven energy centers of our being with the universe. This synthesis is the key to opening the gateway between linear reality and universality. It gives us the ability to resonate with infinitely powerful, energetic frequencies. Though the words I choose to articulate these extraordinary experiences pale in comparison to their true nature, their energy currents empower our enlightenment.


Being the Stream:
Our soul’s purpose is to become an embodiment of the universe. How we bring this energy into reality is essential. Much as the elements of electricity, we are either resistors or conductors. When we oppose universal energy with our fear, our resistance disrupts and distorts its potential. When we choose to flow with the frequencies, our intention expands and fulfills our experience. Our conductivity with this energy empowers enlightened consciousness. We become expressions of the universe. Every creative experience we have is an opportunity for us to connect with the source and become one with the universal stream.


“Creativity is the art of streaming the universe.”