

“Who we are being is the life we are living.”

Lethal Earth:

We live in a gigantic bubble. The earth’s atmosphere is its boundary. Our world is rife with toxicity. Be it chemtrails laced with heavy metal concoctions, electromagnetic antennas posing as cell phone towers, chemically-riddled food and soda or fluoridated water, we are constantly being dosed. We live in hostile environments both contaminated and fatal. It is not just the impacts to our body. Social pollution distorts and manipulates our mind, heart and our relationship with our soul. Humanity’s way of life has become lethal to itself and nature.


Biological Fallout:

We are anesthetized, desensitized and mesmerized through our participation in a noxious society. Reality is engineered to stimulate a consistent diet of physical, mental and emotional “dis” ease. It disrupts and distorts our innate ability to establish and maintain a relation with our intuition, separating ourselves from our soul. Simply living a relatively healthy life is a constant battle. We are besieged with an onslaught of anxiety, confusion, delusion and fear. Our social dynamic is one of criticism, judgement and self-righteousness. Human nature has been altered into a desire to receive instead of a need to give.


Psychological Warfare:

Two-dimensional reality exists entirely in the mind. Our global culture is primarily lost to the labyrinth of our unconscious thoughts, unrealized dreams and untended fears. The mental life we accept and adopt imprisons us. We fight against ourselves in vicious cycles of self-cynicism, denial and indifference. We bring our internal battle to the external world, projecting our contempt and uncertainty upon others. Our mind is poisoned by our ego. We exhibit customs of a narcissistic society. We contest, debate and outwit ourselves and each other in a vain attempt to win a game we are destined to lose.


Emotional Exploitation:

We are trapped in a paradox of our own arrogance and vulnerability. Our thoughts gradually dominate our feelings. The wires of our mind and heart become crossed. We think to feel and feel to think. We construct fortresses around ourselves to defend the greatest qualities of our humanity. Imaginary threats fashion the false impressions of our intelligence and invincibility. We exercise malevolent, social strategies and behaviors to gain inauthentic power over others. Our relationships are consciously or obliviously compromised in a cunning attempt to discredit or manipulate others to conceal our fear of compassion.


Spiritual Conflict:

Our soul is the greatest victim of our human experience. We exile the essence of our being when we are seduced by the carnal desires of our body and the vicious cycles of our mind. The power of our heart becomes distorted and diminished in the trenches of an alienated society. Eventually, we begin to fight against the transcendent nature of our spirit. The familiarity of our thoughts and instincts turn us against our feelings and intuition. We take up arms against our soul in defense of our ego. The dark night of our soul ends when we embrace our divine nature in the grimmest of times and choose to become an expression of the universe.


“To become our light, we must transform our darkness.”


All That Is Unseen:

We are ruled by our oblivion. Our agendas, indifference and self-righteousness blinds us with what we want to see instead of enlightening us with what we need to see. We exist in a society that is contrary to life, sense and nature. The unknown of ourselves and our unheeded possibility is the opposing force constantly working against us. Our personal barriers are our own invention. It is all we don’t know that we don’t know about ourselves that inhibits our evolution. Therefore, we unconsciously live against ourselves, perpetuating the very madness from which we seek freedom.


Epiphany of Vision:

There are instances of insight occurring every day of our lives, more than we can possibly imagine. Epiphanies are multi-dimensional encounters that provide us with an opportunity to transcend the mundane and experience the extraordinary. For us to shift into a different reality of our life, we must first be willing to let go of the comfortable and familiar. Insights happen when we are open to possibility without the limitations of our ego, fear, routine and perspective. Our vision is our introduction to our purpose. When we intend our vision as our expression of being, we become present to the greatest potentialities of our existence.


On Purpose:

All of us are destined to make a difference. There are few things in life that empower and enlighten us more than fulfilling our personal calling. Our purpose is our spirit in action. Regardless of its definition, our universal life force expands and quickens within us. The extraordinary is imaginable and its realization natural. The influence of social reality diminishes as we release what is and embrace what is possible. Our commitment to transcend all that is inherent and known of ourselves is the key to our personal freedom. The optimal outcome of our experience is caused by our willingness to discover and embody all we can be.


The Diversity of Being:

Who we are is well beyond our imagination. By design, our instinct and intellect confine us to ordinary lifestyles of existence. The mind and body are only instruments to represent our spirit in the terrestrial world. We invest in an illusion of conformity for a fleeting sense of belonging, vanity and worth. We are eternal beings of energy, ever evolving and expanding as an emanation of creation. We are an infinite soul expressing our essence through our intuition. Our heart is the core of our human being. It transforms multi-dimensional energy into an all sustaining life force.



All we are is energy. The synergy between our soul, heart, mind and body transforms our energy to its greatest potential. The equilibrium of our being is at the source of our soul’s expression. We are not victims of our circumstances. We are creators of our experiences, destined to inspire and personify life. Each of us has an extraordinary opportunity to empower social reality with our universal presence. Our personal power is the sustenance of our life force. Who we are being in the present defines its quality. When we express our energy, we transcend our humanity and become our universality.


“Our lives are as infinite as our way of being.”

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