“Universality” The Soul of Spirituality
“We are not as spiritual as we “believe.”
The Invisible All:
We are conditioned with an institutionalized interpretation of the universe. To the indoctrinated, more than 99% of what exists in the universe does not. Social reality averts our focus to the less than 1%, preoccupying us with the material and trivial affairs of duality. Science has hypothesized itself into an academic coma concerning our relativity with the universe. As most scientific fields employ instinct and intellect for analysis, examination and conclusion, this approach fosters ignorance in our quest to experience universal mystery. All which does not fit into the proverbial box of knowledge is ultimately denounced and debated into irrelevance and nonexistence. Human nature is to debunk rather than be. Even the most “intelligent” people front arrogance in the face of enlightenment.
Against the Grain:
The universe is the essence of our existence. Given our society discredits and ridicules all unseen and unheard as fantasy and fiction, it is almost impossible for us to nurture an awareness of and relativity with the universe. Its fundamental nature is energy, the essential element of our daily experience. Everything begins with an energetic resonance. However, many of us instinctively expend all the vitality we receive without a conscious practice of regeneration and sustenance. Our longevity eventually wanes as we mature into adulthood. Every aspect of our physical and mental existence eventually becomes antiquated. For most, aging is a vicious cycle of energetic oblivion. Empowerment is the presence of universal energy in our experience. This manifests in who we are being.

The Frequency of Flow:
We all emit an energetic signature. Its frequency is a synthesis of our awareness, creativity and purpose. When we align our centers, our energy resonance elevates and synergizes with the universe. This relativity is always transforming, established by our equilibrium, environment and expression of being. It is a multidimensional experience involving frequent shifts in our focus, consciousness and intention. Often, we fail to preserve this balance to enrich our relativity with the universal stream. Social reality further complicates our ability to connect and relate with the flow against the gravity of three-dimensional existence. At any moment, we all have the potential to receive an abundance of energy. Our energetic oblivion and recklessness inhibit our universal enlightenment and empowerment.
All We Are:
We are souls. At birth, we experience a schism in our being further amplified by the social reality we endure. Our societal conditions are unfavorable in sustaining a fulfilling environment in which our souls can thrive. Eventually, we become distant relatives to our spirit, diminishing our intuitive potential by repressing our emotionality and taking residence in our mind and body. We are multidimensional beings personifying creativity, possibility and relativity beyond the periphery of our human experience. Our soul expresses its universality through our intuition into our energy centers. Our heart emanates a massive electromagnetic field which expands through us and into our environment. We are universal energy expressing our soul into a holographic reality.

“Being is the manifestation of our soul.”
Soul Purpose:
Our soul is one with the universe. This union sources our universality. The only exclusions that exist are ones we allow or enable with an imbalance of our instincts, thoughts, feelings and intuition. The body, mind and heart are all vital facets of our being. However, they are not who we are. They are mere tools birth provides us to experience life on earth. Our intuition is the pathway through which our soul empowers our existence. Our heart center receives, transforms and emanates universal energy. For us to receive, transpose and express it, we must cultivate equilibrium between the dimensions of our being. Our purpose is establishing and sustaining this essential balance to manifest universality into reality. By frequently transforming, we become an expression of the universe.
Existential Enigma:
By nature, our everyday existence conflicts with our soul’s purpose. Our experience in social reality is the ultimate irony, as it is the antithesis of universality. As human beings, we are incapable of preserving the essential balance to be an expression of the universe. All the energy we invest in our individual experience is primarily siphoned into a static, two-dimensional perception within a three-dimensional, virtual reality. Our daily practice to relate with and embody universality is vital to align with the energy and expression of our soul. We will never fully comprehend the multiplicity of our universal experience against the grain of terrestrial existence. This is the existential enigma of spirituality. However, our commitment to our soul and heart center with our prayer invokes universality.

The Path of Prayer:
Beyond the social stigma prayer may receive when associated with religion, it is not just a recitation of ritualistic words and phrases. It is the nature of our intention which conveys its power. The greatest manifestation of our being is our relativity with and expression of the universe. When we send our prayer, it is a call for relation with all. A universal stream of consciousness we align with to empower our awareness, focus, and energy. Yet, it is not just its expression, it is how we hold our prayer in our daily experiences. Occasionally, we become it, and in so being, it transforms us, our experience and our environment. Prayer empowers our being. It is the pathway which connects us with creation and kindles the relatedness between our soul and the universe.
The Medicine of Mystery:
Healing is the primary focus of any spiritual path. We cannot seek to hold a space for people to have their experience when we are overcome with our personal histories of drama, trauma and woundedness. When we attempt to quantify universality so our mind can understand, we diminish our energy and experience. Our spiritual encounters are multidimensional. Their vision and insight happen in the moments they are meant. When we force their manifestation, we will never receive their optimal benefit. The preservation of the mystery present in our experiences is the medicine. Holding a space for the universe to exist in our reality empowers us to transcend the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary. This is our purpose. It is who we are.

The Soul of Spirituality:
There is a space within us beyond time and place and all we believe we know. It is who we are before we are born. In essence, we are universal energy resonating beyond imagination. Our creative expression brings us closest to acknowledging, embracing and becoming universality. Merely living as a human being only segregates us from our soul’s expression. There is an energetic frequency present in every moment of our experience. Every breath brings an opportunity for us to balance our being and align with the flow of the universe. It empowers, inspires and transforms who we are as a sacred space of being. The soul of spirituality is enlightening our instincts, intellect, emotions and intuition to embody our essence and be an expression of the universe.
Solstice Shift:
Since before the Winter Solstice 2020, a remarkable energetic shift has been occurring in the universe. Being unified with its flow amidst the chaos, conflict and intensity of social reality is our collective purpose. It is an opportunity to establish our equilibrium, align with our soul and express universality. This shift is available to all who choose to resonate with the universe. We are being empowered beyond the boundaries of ordinary existence to embrace evolution, transformation and transcendence. As we progress toward this Winter Solstice, all the feelings, thoughts, behaviors and realities no longer beneficial to us and others are emerging to be released. Freedom is letting go of everything. This is the essential distinction between pursuing “artificial power” and “being” empowered. It is our destiny to transform social reality with universality.
“Universality is the energy of being.”

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