Vision of Transcendence


By Iam Saums


“Narrative is a delusion of our perception.”


The Cult of Perception


Perception has mutated into narrative.  Truth cannot exist in the toxic environment of contemporary social reality.  When we are exposed to shocking world events, our astute and equitable observation is wagered for peripheral and personal propaganda.  The global spin factor is in full swing; distorting, inverting, manipulating and transmuting fact into fiction.  Combine this with the critical-mass, human hysteria of our emotional, intellectual and instinctual immaturity, and we have the current, socio-political shit storm.  In essence, our mass indoctrination into a hyper-reactive cult of perception.  A collective psychosis of interpretive duality, eagerly adopted and enacted by all who are victimized and traumatized by totalitarian-provoked egocentricity.

Perception Deception

Calamity occurring in the world is real because we have invested our energy and personal power into its simulated entrapment, sealing the fate of our personal enslavement.  Humanity is malevolent, since we fail to manage our emotions, thoughts and actions.  Millions of people are inebriated with postulation, projecting their unconscious adolescence upon authority. Perhaps what is most needed for all of us is to be accountable, authentic and truthful.  If we want to blame someone for what is happening in the world, we should begin with ourselves.  What difference does it make to be in a constant state of anger, fear, frustration, insecurity, trauma, turmoil and uncertainty?  The perception deception is our delusion we enable within the illusion we interpret as reality.


The Nature of Egocentricity

It should be apparent to us what has caused our current circumstances.  We want to be right, and we are consumed with proving all who disagree with us wrong.  Congratulations! You are right! Does it really make a difference? Does it shift anything in our selective reality?  Will we wake up tomorrow to our idyllic world?  Will we be happy, fulfilled and peaceful?  Chances are, we will not.  We want to be right about how and why everything is fucked up.  The superficial power of our self-righteousness enslaves us into a vicious cycle of egocentricity.  We conceal and evade our failure to make a difference by wielding our repressed inadequacies, insecurities and uncertainties upon the world. We refuse to be accountable for the everyday atrocities we commit against humanity.

The Webs We Weave

Given the magnitude of individual, environmental and social toxicity, perception has been deluded. It is distorted, inverted, manipulated and transmuted into the dense energies of conflict, despair, fear, insecurity, hate and vanity.  The false narratives we invent about ourselves and others intensifies our confusion, collusion and delusion, devastating our lives in a wake of destruction.  As much as we impose our arrogance to proliferate, propagandize and project our malice and malaise upon others, we can also empower ourselves to transform and transcend.  Yet, the web of deception we weave is the evasion of our authenticity, destiny, integrity and relativity.  We invoke the artificial power of our egocentricity when we weaponize our personal agenda, propaganda and pain.

“Vision sources the experience of transcendence.”


Divine Comedy

I have been publishing articles for over 15 years.  Translating universal empowerment, in unison with my soul, through my intuition and heart center and into my thoughts and instincts, necessitates all my being.  Observing, listening, experiencing and relating is essential in aspiring to embody universality.  Egocentricity has little to do with my literary endeavors.  The divine comedy is realizing that the words on the page are only a linguistic reflection of the revelations I encounter in my moments of experiential vision.  The energy between the lines supersedes its vernacular.  Perhaps I write within the vicious cycle of my own existential paradox; striving to articulate with words what can only be experienced in essence, expressed with silence and embodied in transcendence.

The Paradigm of a Simulation

Before our social programming distorts, manipulates and destroys our consciousness with the imposition of our voluntary institutionalization, we are expressions of the universe.  Yet, we adopt, adapt and acquiesce into a simulated virtuality.  Many of us pride ourselves on how brainwashed, deluded and enslaved we are in social reality.  Our deficiency with personal observation condemns us to a fixed perception of chronic fury and reactivity.  We emulate the beliefs, ideologies and viewpoints of indoctrinated “experts,” as we proclaim their dogma, opinion, propaganda and rhetoric as our truth.  Without awareness, equilibrium and understanding, we are a human program, a vortex of exploitation, existing in the paradigm of a simulation.


Perception of Existence

Perception is deception.  However challenging it is to distinguish ourselves from our fixed interpretations, it is as essential to free ourselves from our self-imposed sentence of social dependency.  In the oblivion of our egocentricity, we are not even present to what we think we are right about! When we observe this in ourselves, we realize our desire to be right is driven by the illusion we interpret as reality.  This is the quintessential triviality of humanity, enabling our preoccupation with popular irrelevance to conceal, deny and evade our personal deficiencies and insecurities.  We are estranged from ourselves because we are not in relativity with our soul.  Our perception of existence is based on selective lies we convince ourselves are true.

All We Are

Beyond our arrogance, entitlement, self-righteousness and vanity, our greatest exhibition of egocentricity is believing we know what is best for us.  Yet, how can we, when we are primarily alienated from our soul, intuition and heart?  It is our personal defense mechanism to insulate ourselves from our embellishment to perceptual threats, inhibiting our human experience.  We do not know what is best for us, only what is advantageous, comfortable, convenient, relative and safe.  Our existence is enslaved in the duality of intellect and instinct.  Maturity is a social rite of passage, severing our relativity with our heart, intuition and soul.  For many, universality is a futile triviality that fails to gratify our egocentricity.  Yet, as universal beings, it is all we are.


From Perception to Vision

How we perceive our existence is an interpretation of our thoughts and instincts.  Experiencing vision is the synchronicity of our soul, intuition, heart, mind and body.  Our current personal and social environment does not empower or endorse the equilibrium of our being; considering the accelerated and intensified toxicity present in contemporary society.  We eagerly dismiss the necessity for the experience of fulfillment, simply because it does not deliver the instant gratification our egocentricity demands.  Yet, observing, expressing and shifting our being empowers us to transform and transcend our perception, thus experiencing and embodying our vision.  Perception is to know, whereas vision is to understand.

Vision of Transcendence

Knowing is existing in the mind.  Understanding is experiencing the soul.  Many of us think we know everything, yet we understand nothing.  Egocentricity thrives in the institutionalized “knowledge” of business, education, media, politics, religion, science and technology.  These are the domains of our enslavement in virtuality.  We exist in a vicious cycle of toxicity, engaged in a simulation of egocentricity, in which we obliviously abide.  Universality is the transcendence of our being; sourced by our soul, guided by our intuition and empowered by our heart.  Freedom from egocentricity is discovered when we transform and transcend our delusion within the illusion of social reality.  Only then will we experience the vision of transcendence.

“Transcendence is the embodiment our soul.”


“Be with it all.”