When we fall to our illusions


Vomit old conclusions

And clean that dirty mess off the floor.

Stinks, sure it`s our old refuse

We refused to drop

Just how our hidden beliefs

Fears that will never stop.


Pull up your big-boy pants and your big-girls dress and Confess the truths of all the stinks we`ve allowed to ferment in our mind`s lost corridors. No complaints here if you`d rather put on your big-boy kilt and big-girl work-shirt…the ideas the same. Blame and Guilt and Shame are Lame and leave us feeling very well drained.


True power comes when we point the way and seek to shatter mirrors` horror reflections by accepting all the responsibility for a life well-live or it`s opposite. I am powerful and wonder-full as soon as I acknowledge all the ways I have live in that opposite direction of knot being wonderful and full of power. And so, in truth,  we become Free!!!


Join Us April 5th and 6th, and an extra special day April 7th – Details Here Below – Lorenzo and Cambell