An Artistic Journey –
Kyle’s Interview with the Late David Dees
Years ago Kyle did a show with the late David Dees, going through his thoughts on a number of subjects and how they relate to his art.
I dont share many beliefs with David, but he has shown how one individual with imagination and very simple tools like Photoshop can change the perception of reality and the trajectory of unwilling events… Everything matters, no matter how small it is, especially if the message is filled with goodwill and good intentions.
He was like many of us flawed man but an exceptionally brave man, who never took anything as a sure thing and was always gone where truth takes him.
Even if so-called they mess with my words and views, this page does not matter, the thought can be stopped…
This is one of the reasons why I am writing here, does really matter these days where you write, no it doesn’t…
Icelandic server or anything else…anything that you write must be backed by a physical copy of your work…all this on the internet can be erased today, tomorrow, or even yesterday so to speak.
I have, this ability if I lose all I will write 2000 more poems or stories, so if this page goes tomorrow down I am good…and I am not doing this for money…
Now is not the time to think about the money, if you do then you really don’t understand the current events…
I am not saying live in a shack with no electricity and no food, no income but the following:
All that happens here is based on money, this worship of material things, so if you want to change the current path, guiding ideas in our lives must be represented by something else…
Call this spirituality, back to roots, involution, call it what you want…I will just call it a normal state of human beings.
Humans do not to kill other humans, it is not in their nature…you need to push them to START hating each other.
Former Yugoslavia was a closet thing to a National Socialist country, nobody was homeless, and nobody was without a house(these were no small houses like in former Chehoslowakia you can even see them today, these were real houses), car, or vacation…you could walk as a 6 years old kid in the middle of Zagreb or Beograd at 3 a.m. and nothing would happen to you…crime was abysmal almost non existend.
Do you think the one-morning guy in Zagreb and Beograd just woke up and said to himself hey how about we start to kill each other, demolish our churches, and wreck all that has been built…no people dont do these things…
Yugoslavia was not a communist country it was a socialist, Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia or short: SFRJ.
Am I a Yugo nostalgic, no I am not you can’t turn back the time…
Was it the perfect country of course not, what is perfect in life…but it was far better, superior to what these 6 small countries have now. When I see how this state and that state in America will succeed I just smile and say good luck, you gonna needed.
Americans have many and I mean many delusions of they grandeur,American dream, this is America!, we are Americans!, The best country in the whole world, the land of Bravery and Free…sounds very good on paper but it is very far from the truth.
This is the sole reason for the current fall of American “values” and the fall of Western Europe…we are good, we are brave, and we are smart all others in the world are very stupid and cowardly…
The Melting Pot doesn’t work it never has…. One country, one people, one culture, and one language…is the winning recipe it always was.
If I need Italian, Greek, Black, Korean, Vietnamese, and Chinese quarters…do we really live together or we are just pretending that we like each other,because of money flow and accumulated wealth?
What happens when we remove the money out of the equation…
Many Americans don’t understand that Europe is not just a Western part, Europe is East and West together including a major part of Russia.
What is coming can be stopped, the more you do these horrible acts, the more I see how in panic mode you really are to stop what is inevitable…
And you project your fear and uncertain future on unsuspecting masses…
You always have done this, but everything has its beginning and the end…
You want humanity in a state of fear, doubt, and hopelessness…but this actually you, not them… another projection.
You are the ones who have all to lose, humanity can only gain and there is the difference.
Please visit Labor of Love Music for more information about Mike’s music: