A Guide to EMF Radiation Meters



by Matt Landman



EMF radiation meters are a valuable tool to help you detect the devices in your home giving off significant amounts of EMF radiation, allowing you to remove these devices or place them at a distance that limits the amount of radiation you then sustain on a daily basis.


However, with how important these meters are, there are also many different options in the market. Many of these EMF radiation meters also claim to measure radiation from 5G devices, but that is not true in most cases.


In this guide we have compiled all the information you need to choose an EMF radiation meter, such as what 5G is, how it differs from WiFi, what key features of EMF meters you should be looking for, and some of our recommendations.


What is 5G?


5G is just a name for the 5th generation mobile network, which is meant to deliver high multi-Gbps peak data speeds with more reliability, increased availability, massive network capacity, and a more uniform experience for its users.


One of the most important aspects of 5G in regard to radiation meters is that it utilizes broader bandwidth technologies, including mmWave and sub-6 GHz. This increase in spectrum means that 5G can operate in low bands (e.g., sub-6 GHz), mid bands, and high bands (e.g., 24 GHz and up).



5G vs. Wi-Fi: What’s the Difference?



Wi-Fi comes in two frequencies, 2.4GHz and 5GHz, and it is this second frequency that causes much confusion between 5G and Wi-Fi.


5GHz Wi-Fi is the frequency band at which information travels, whereas 5G, in terms of cellular needs, is the newest generation that offers faster speeds per person and a wider bandwidth that can span sub-6GHz and 24GHz and up. So, for Wi-Fi you only need to worry about measuring two frequencies, whereas for 5G there is a much wider span.



Key Features of EMF Radiation Meters



The following two features are key components to consider when choosing an EMF meter.


Radiation Measured


There are three major EMF radiation types: magnetic, electric, and radio frequency. A device that can measure all these types of radiation will provide greater detail about the EMF radiation in your house.


Meters that measure all three forms of these radiations can measure radiation from:


  • tablets
  • cell phones
  • cell/mobile tower rf radiation
  • Wi-Fi radiation from your router
  • radiation from power lines
  • Bluetooth radiation
  • smart meter radio frequency radiation
  • emf radiation inside vehicles
  • tv radiation
  • laptops and desktop computers
  • home appliances (e.g., washing machines, refrigerators)


At the minimum, if you want to measure Wi-Fi or 5G, the meter needs to be capable of reading radio frequency radiation. However, it is often beneficial for it to be able to read all three.


Frequencies Measured


While some meters may claim to measure 5G, they are typically only capable of measuring low and mid-band frequencies, not the 24GHz+ frequencies. In fact, most EMF meters only measure up to 6, 8, or 10 GHz.


If you want an EMF meter that measures devices using 5G, you will want to make sure you purchase one that can measure radio frequency, and the wider its bandwidth (especially with the upper limit) the more conclusive its readings will be.


Choosing an EMF Radiation Meter


As of this point, there is no EMF meter available that measures the high-band frequency that 5G includes. If a device says it measures 5G, it likely is only able to measure the low-band frequencies and some mid-band frequencies.


The best EMF radiation meters will reach at least 8GHz or higher, with the LATNEX AF-500 EMF Meter one option that measures RF radiation up to 10GHz. It does not cover the upper band of 5G, but this is one of the highest spanning EMF meters currently available that can also measure all three types of radiation.


How Much Will You Need to Spend?


The price range of EMF radiation meters can vary extensively, but in general, you’re looking to spend anywhere from $40 to $300+, which is why it is crucial to choose one that measures everything important. While this price range is significant, and it may be tempting to go with a budget option, it is important to remember that the budget options are not going to be as accurate as the more expensive options.


With a higher budget, you can purchase the best and most accurate RF radiation meter on the market. The EM Fields Acoustimeter AM11 measures a spectrum of 0.2-8.0 GHz, which starts to enter the mid-band frequencies. However, it is able to read RF radiation at such a high accuracy because that is the only radiation type it measures.


Our Opinion


When it comes to purchasing an EMF meter, we recommend looking for one that measures all radiation types, but at least RF radiation. Additionally, for RF radiation, the wider the frequency range that it measures, the greater overview you will get of the devices and technology surrounding you that give off radiation. If you want the best EMF meter, keep these qualities in mind, and remember that cheaper is not usually better, especially when it comes to the health and safety of you and your family.





Matt’s Bio:

Through grassroots activism, film, interviews, and international summits, Matt has gained recognition as a leader in 5G and geoengineering/chemtrail awareness activism. Matt presents unprecedented and view-changing information directly from official documentation and accepted research. 

Matt Landman created the social change documentary Frankenskies, bringing awareness to ongoing atmospheric aerosol injections, chemtrails, weather modification programs and geoengineering. Matt has hosted a series of conferences, events and protests concerning the questions surrounding chemtrails and relentlessly continues to speak out against the ongoing lies in our skies.

In 2018 he hosted the third Global Summit to Stop Geoengineering in Tucson Arizona, protesting the SCOPEX sky-dimming experiment, after which the experiment was placed on ongoing hiatus.

In addition, Matt continues to contest varied Telecom networks with efforts to help citizens locally fight the rollout of the dangerous and disputed 5G data network in their communities. 

He is also currently working on a sequel film titled Frankenskies 2 : Climate Chains, which exposes the false narrative behind climate change and how weather modification programs combined with smart technology and media control will result in humanity’s enslavement if gone unchecked.

Matt is now leading a movement to protect humanity from harmful electromagnetic frequencies with his new project, EMF-shielded SPERO Protection Clothing. Matt aims to offer protection from the dangers of 5G and EMF radiation, before the technology hits widespread adoption. He was inspired to create this clothing and accessory line when he saw the need for protection of pregnant women and newborn children. This, combined with his own EMF sensitivities, gave rise to the vision of creating a brand that encompassed protecting both infants and adults through protective gear.








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