Escape from Inner Isolation

Escape from Inner Isolation by Vernon Howard   Escape from Inner Isolation     “Don’t you sense, deep down inside, that just maybe, now come on, just maybe up to this point in your life you have missed something. Look around at your friends, look...
The Shadow is the Doorway to the Light

The Shadow is the Doorway to the Light   The Shadow is the Doorway to the Light     Paradoxically, the shadow is simultaneously the obstacle to our light as well as the doorway to it. It is a profoundly important step in our individuation process—something we’ve all...
Shape of Destiny

Shape of Destiny

    Shape of Destiny         A shape can both make and take many things. Illusions be damned or you might be, by your own hands.   Shapes bring perspective, potential and even outcomes into being, into reality.   As we shape our...