The Passing of ‘QuietBear’

The Passing of ‘QuietBear’

The Passing of QuietBear       It is with a world of grief in heart and soul that I must share that the demonic cancer which attacked my Bear, Michael Gibbons, finally won against his heroically courageous battle against it, on the morning of May 18,...
Give Hate a Chance

Give Hate a Chance

Give Hate a Chance     You don’t have to like anything       “We wear the mask that grins and lies, It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes.” – Paul Laurence Dunbar     I’ve been ruminating on hate a lot...
Jesus, Save Me From Your Followers!

Jesus, Save Me From Your Followers!

  Jesus, Save Me From Your Followers!       By Bernhard Guenther   The rise of a dogmatic neo-Christian conservative/trad movement resembles, in some ways, the fundamentalist medieval Christian Church that resulted in the burning of so-called...
The Shadow of the Human Psyche

The Shadow of the Human Psyche

The Shadow of the Human Psyche     A guest post by Colin E. Davis     These last six months have been a treat. Two books have come to my attention citing Political Ponerology. The first was Arthur Versluis’s American Gnosis: Political Religion and...
The Elite are Mutants

The Elite are Mutants

  The Elite are Mutants     Physicist and former military expert on Microwave Radiation, Barrie Trower has stated — “There are no safe levels of radiation.” After watching Barry Trower’s scary video (link below), it became clear to me that the elite and...
Repercussions of Rigidity

Repercussions of Rigidity

Repercussions of Rigidity       “Power always makes a cubic centimeter of chance available to a warrior. The warrior’s art is to be perennially fluid in order to pluck it.” — Carlos Castaneda   In a world constantly in flux, the fluid thrive and...
Vaxxed v. Unvaxxed

Vaxxed v. Unvaxxed

Scientific Progress   Vaxxed v. Unvaxxed         Weaponization of injectables   Vaccines have been weaponized. They may include:   1940s: neurotoxins like aluminum, mercury, MSG. 1960s: carcinogenic SV40 monkey virus,...