Original Thought in 2024

Original Thought in 2024

    Original Thought in 2024     by Candace Hill   I grew up very naïve as most of us do no fault of our own that was until my life was literally turned upside down at the age of nineteen.   I experienced what was understood as a...
It All Begins With Tenderness by Penumbra Press

It All Begins With Tenderness by Penumbra Press

It All Begins With Tenderness   Written by André Drouin     Published by Penumbra Press     For several years Father André Drouin had been tending to the spiritual needs of persons living with AIDS when he decided to write It All Begins With...
More Carbon Dioxide Is Good, Less is Bad

More Carbon Dioxide Is Good, Less is Bad

More Carbon Dioxide Is Good, Less is Bad       By Gregory Wrightstone       People should be celebrating, not demonizing, modern increases in  atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). We cannot overstate the importance of  the gas. Without it,...
Zen Mercies / Small Satoris by Penumbra Press

Zen Mercies / Small Satoris by Penumbra Press

  Zen Mercies / Small Satoris     Written by Marianne Bluger     Published by Penumbra Press   FROM THE AUTHOR’S Preface   These poems have been styled “zen mercies” and “small satoris” to honour the...