Starting Our Nudist School Journey
Let us come to terms upon starting out. Yes, without the slightest stutter or whisper or blush, I advocate that families ought to ease themselves into clothes-free living; that this will form deep bonds between parent and child; that this will heal misconceptions, distortions, and hatreds of our body carefully fostered by the enemy ruling class; I mean to advocate for common bathing and sleeping and eating towards the same ends.
Link to Apocatastasis Press HERE.

John C.
“A proud product of public education, John Coleman received his undergraduate degree in history from Western Connecticut State University. Alas, that was to be the end of his flattering academic titles. Unwilling to once again become a debt slave to usurers, his graduate studies were scotched at the half-way point. John wasted over a decade of his professional life attempting to establish a high school for a community who took neither themselves nor their worldview seriously. Burned by these unseemly experiences, on Holy Saturday of 2013 Apocatastasis Institute was founded.“