Masks and Mayhem

Masks and Mayhem

Masks and Mayhem     “The philosopher is not a person who wears no mask, but one who knows how to play with a number of masks, skillfully shifting from wearing one to wearing another, as circumstances demand.” ~Raymond Geuss   The self is not a monolith...
Zen and Anarchy

Zen and Anarchy

Zen and Anarchy     “Zen is the practice of anarchy in the strictest and most super-orthodox sense.” ~Max Cafard   Let’s unpack the concept of “Zen and Anarchy” by exploring its proposed seven components: authentic rebellion, direct action...
Humorous Fallibilism

Humorous Fallibilism

Humorous Fallibilism     “I’m not trying to be wise, that would be foolish.” ~Mary Oliver   Humorous fallibilism, what a delightful little paradox to chew on. It tastes like one might imagine an Everlasting Gobstopper tasting. Fruity with a hint of...
The Existential Paradox

The Existential Paradox

The Existential Paradox   By Gary Z. McGee   “The art of living well and the art of dying well are one.” ~Epicurus   The existential paradox, in essence, is the tension between the human search for meaning and the apparent meaninglessness of the...
The Mask That Out-masks All Masks

The Mask That Out-masks All Masks

The Mask That Out-masks All Masks     “Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.” ~Oscar Wilde   If the Self is defined as ‘masks all the way down perceiving delusions all the way up,’ then...