Ancient Mariners and Demiurgic Technologies

Ancient Mariners and Demiurgic Technologies

Ancient Mariners and Demiurgic Technologies     This is an expanded paraphrased transcript of my radio appearance on the Freeman show to discuss The Ark of the Covenant and Civilization.   Click on images for further information on a topic. Introduction...
Frequency of the Flow

Frequency of the Flow

Frequency of the Flow     by Iam Saums   “We exist in a paradigm of singularity.”   Singularity Stigmata   When we are born, we transition from a universal soul of infinite energy into a human being.  Beyond the magic and mystery of...
The Mask That Out-masks All Masks

The Mask That Out-masks All Masks

The Mask That Out-masks All Masks     “Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.” ~Oscar Wilde   If the Self is defined as ‘masks all the way down perceiving delusions all the way up,’ then...
Synchronicity: Meaning and Quantum Origins

Synchronicity: Meaning and Quantum Origins

Synchronicity: Meaning and Quantum Origins     (Video of transcript found below)   Let’s talk about synchronicities, why they happen, and what they mean. A synchronicity, or synch for short, is a strange coincidence that you’re meant to...
A History of Psychotronic Weaponry

A History of Psychotronic Weaponry

A History of Psychotronic Weaponry     by Peter A. Kirby, Activist Post     The remote, physical manipulation of humans is another scientific area that holds tremendous potential (good or bad) for life on this planet, but is recognized little and...