Norm, from Citizen’s Forum, interviews Lorenzo on his times as publisher of The New Agora, and his current work as G.M. of The New Agora Online. We focus on what it takes to help make your New Now.
”Personal responsibility, looked at from the inside out, helped me focus on what I have found, for myself, to be the only path that has worked to create life anew.
Change only worked when I changed myself first, grew up in all the ways required to become an adult, and used this new perspective to build what my heart was asking to experience.” -Lorenzo
Keep and eye out for Norm’s new project.
More Videos from them here.…
And way more information on our Past 10 years happily publishing The New Agora Magazine, with current updates, articles, news and related information all with an eye on self-empowerment towards creating your New Now. If you wish to be part of this new process, you may begin by liking and subscribing here, but above all, share your comments, questions, queries and suggestions on how you may wish to make your New Now.