How do we do it?

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Although we do this on our own, and that’s very much part of the equation, for the best of lives we need to be good at doing so with one another


Creating a Better Communication System – How do we do it? Consider Yourself invited to Participate. Comment on this Blog AND/OR send in your contributions to be posted online for all to se and to continue the conversation.

Community, as a whole, values and requires the dissemination of honest information, and over the years has come to depend on it for their worldview. Unscrupulous interests have taken advantage of this to entrench themselves and impoverish the rest.

As a people, we are constantly looking around, to see what’s happening in the wider world so we can adjust our daily life choices accordingly and make the best ones for our families and our lives in general.

Too few with too much power, have abused this ‘sweet and normal’ human desire for understanding their surroundings and ‘getting along’ happily and in great abundance with their neighbours.

The Truth will set you free.  And the best way to change a bad system is to create a better one that renders the first obsolete and irrelevant.  A parallel system, if you will.  With parallel sources of information, of goods and service, of education, where a truly free market can flourish in the light of honesty and what’s best for us all as a human family.

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