Defenders of the Land



Dac, Splitting the Sky John Boncore Hill, worked relentlessly to get this video out to the media to show the world who we were and to prevent an imminent slaughter as the RCMP and Military mounted an all out assault against us in 1995 at Gustafsen Lake. It was one of the largest police operations in Canadian history.


They deployed 400 tactical assault team members, five helicopters, two surveillance planes and nine Bison armoured personnel carriers on loan from the Canadian Forces. They blocked the road, kept journalists well away from the site and dictated to their chosen mouthpiece what to report. They used landmines and detonated an explosive device that they placed on the road blowing up our truck while going to get water.


They shot and killed our dog upon exiting the truck. They shot Suniva after she had escaped being blown up in the truck, running through the bush to the lake, jumping in and swimming across while being shot at, making it back to camp and then turning around and going back into the mayhem when she realized Wolverine was out in the field being chased by armoured tanks after he had left camp on foot to see what the heck was going on with the explosion. She got shot in the arm.


They shot up to or over 77,000 rounds of bullets into and around our camp and they went in and cut down the trees after because it showed the shots weren’t warning shots being shot in the air.


In remembrance and thought of all those that are still here and of those that have gone on of The Defenders of the Land from the Gustafsen Lake Standoff.




Written by Kahehtiio Tehanakarine

This agreement also includes creation. Our first compact is with creation itself. When you accept the terms of peace, friendship, & mutual acceptance you are also accepting a two-row relationship with creation. The way of this land is Kayanere’kó:wa & the great good way to be is based on creation’s design, sha’oyé:ra, we travel in the same direction as creation, you become a People of sustainability also known as Onkwehón:we.